Chapter 300

The face that was originally full of smiles instantly pulled his hips down when he heard these words. Zhang Yuan wandered helplessly: “Can you give me another month? You know, in addition to the sentence, my daughter’s case also needs to be compensated by the victim’s family. The business has not been well done these years, so the compensation After paying the down payment, I have no savings…”

Zhang Yuan didn’t lie. In addition to the money, he was dragging a huge amount of money for the project, and now he is also nervous. Apart from selling the company, he really couldn’t make up the remaining balance for Chameleon in a short time.

The chameleon’s voice suddenly fell cold: “Zhang Yuan, if I remember correctly, I have given you half a month. The money is not in my hands. I really don’t want to tolerate you…but For the sake of your sincerity, I will give you three days at the end. If you don’t send the money to me on time after three days, I promise to send you the whole family member.”

Without waiting for Zhang Yuan’s answer, the chameleon hung up the phone.

Listening to the beep on the other end of the phone, Zhang Yuan was anxious, and he kept asking himself, how can he collect five million in three days?

He sat down on the side of the road and repeatedly called the phone number in the address book, but because Zhang Qiang was a murderer, very few people trusted him anymore and could lend him money.

This scene was clearly seen by Zhou Ze on the second floor.

He chuckled, sat down on the bed, and called Zheng Yanran: “I remember that your uncle works in a bank. Could you please help me to let him know, and pay more attention to Zhang Yuan’s account in recent days. Please notify me immediately of the transfer news.”

“Okay.” Zheng Yanran didn’t ask much. As long as she knows that Zhou Ze is still paying attention to this case, she will feel more comfortable in her heart: “By the way, I heard from my aunt, you haven’t been home for a few days. Where are you now? ?”

“I’m safe and ruthless, don’t worry. As for my family, you just say I’m on a business trip.”

Zheng Yanran chuckled: “Zhou Ze, at this point, the two of us thought about going together. My answer to your parents is that you are on a business trip.”

“Then I would like to thank you. When the case is over, I will invite you to dinner.”

Zhang Yuan, who begged his father to tell his grandmother and couldn’t borrow money, really had no choice but to sell part of the company’s property. After piecing together, he finally made up five million, and also sent the chameleon to the chameleon on time.

Zhang Yuan did not use his own account to remit money, but in these three days, there were very few remittances of 5 million yuan in Linzhou and Zhuzhou. Zhou Ze determined the account used by Zhang Yuan through the exclusion method and called out the monitoring record to verify that it was Zhang Yuan’s distant cousin went to the bank and used this account to send money.

Zhang Yuan is sure here, and the same is true for Chameleon. In the remote monitoring, even if the screen is a little fuzzy, Zhou Ze can recognize that it was the second lady who went to the bank to confirm the remittance and transferred it to another overseas account.

Zhou Ze did not surface directly, but told Wang Yuanshan of all the circumstances and asked Wang Yuanshan to secretly arrange manpower to surround where the second lady and the chameleon were.

This case is almost done. Chameleon and the second lady, Qiao Zhuang, are ready to leave. But the chameleon always felt that something was wrong. He repeatedly calculated in his heart, did Zhou Ze really give up the case?

Taking a breath, he looked at the second lady with a heavy face: “What did the people staring at Zhou Ze say?”

After a pause, the second lady hid the checked guns under the clothes behind her and replied: “Ten minutes ago, I just talked to the person watching Zhou Ze. Zhou Ze is still staying in the hotel. She should have really given up on this. case.”

“I always feel that something is wrong.” The lights in the room were already dim, and the chameleon squinted his eyes, making his eyes more profound: “According to what I know about Zhou Ze, he is not so easy to give up. I always worry that he is playing a game of chess. A game of chess that got us the bait.”

The second lady smiled and patted the chameleon on the shoulder to comfort: “Even if he has the heart, but he is also powerless. Our actions are seamless, and he can’t find it.”

“Why don’t you leave today, let’s change place and continue to deal with it for a while before leaving.” Chameleon never does things that cannot be guaranteed, and he can’t risk leaving at this time.

The second lady was a little helpless: “Jerry, I know you are very suspicious, but the boss has been rushing for a long time. He has a lot of things waiting for us to do, we can’t delay it! You also know the boss’s temper, if you let him We’ve been waiting for a long time, and we haven’t had a good life!”

The second young lady is too lazy to argue with the chameleon. Although the chameleon can grab the ability, they belong to the same level, and there is no one who must listen to whom.

··········· Ask for flowers··········

After everything was ready, Miss No. 2 urged: “Follow the previously planned route. I will drive towards the south, and you will drive towards the north. After getting rid of the burden, we will join the Pearl City.”

Even if the chameleon was reluctant, he couldn’t help it now: “I see.”

The second lady knew the chameleon’s concerns, but the order was the order, no matter whether the chameleon obeyed or not, she would definitely obey. After all the explanations were given, the second lady planned to go out.

But the moment she stepped out of the door, she realized something was wrong.

She quickly returned to the room and closed the door, staring at the chameleon in a daze, and said nervously, “There is an ambush outside.”

……. 0 …

The chameleon’s back stiffened, he immediately walked around the table to the other side, picked up the night vision binoculars and looked out the window. Sure enough, there were many policemen in ambush in the grass around the house!

They remained calm, did not think about why the police were here, but began to figure out an escape plan.

Putting down the night vision binoculars, the chameleon walked aside, took out the sniper rifle in the box, and installed it while saying: “I will cover you, just run away.”

The second young lady frowned tightly and looked at him worriedly: “What about you?”

“I will meet you, but it’s not in the Pearl City.” Chameleon quickly installed the sniper rifle and tested it with one eye. After confirming that there is no problem, he said: “Since this place has been discovered, the Pearl City is not safe.”

“Sure enough, I guessed right. Zhou Ze wouldn’t give up this case so easily. Whether it was leaving the police station or living a slumped life, it was all for the illusion of deceiving us. We were all deceived by him.”

It is false to say that it is not frustrated. The chameleon who was originally full of confidence and looked down on Zhou Ze is very upset at this moment. I shouldn’t underestimate the enemy so much!

The chameleon set up a sniper position, and once again told the second lady: “When the gunshots sounded, you must run away right away, you know?”

Seeing that the second young lady who was used to the parting of life and death was not so fragile in her heart, she got on the motorcycle and put on her helmet and nodded: “Hope to be safe.”

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