Chapter 313

After a pause, Zhai Xiaoqu glanced at Zhou Ze’s position: “Thank you for the compliment.”

“According to age, your son should have gone to college? Which school is he in?”

Her eyes trembled slightly, and Zhai Xiaoqu lowered her eyes, and her voice became quieter: “He is studying abroad in United States.”

Zhou Ze was very surprised. According to the information, Zhai Xiaoqu has been working in the factory for the past 20 years. Even if he is in the position of director, plus various benefits, his annual salary will not exceed 80,000. Where did his son get the money to study abroad? Scholarship?

He returned to the sofa and sat down, quietly Mimi took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zheng Yanran, asking her to help investigate the situation of Zhai Xiaoqu’s son.

After the message was sent, he put away his mobile phone and continued to ask Zhai Xiaoqu: “Did he behave strangely before your husband’s accident?”

“I do not know what you mean.”

Pursing his lips, Zhou Ze waved his hands to analyze: “For example, have you called you and said weird things, similar to confessing to the funeral. Or maybe he transferred the property to your card in advance?”

“No.” Zhai Xiaoqu replied without even thinking about it: “Before the accident, all his behavior was normal. It’s almost the same as usual.”

They didn’t get any useful clues from Zhai Xiaoqu, except for his son.

Later, several people returned to the hotel. Just after eating, Zheng Yanran received a message.

After looking at the information before and after, Zhou Ze sneered, Zhai Xiaoqu really concealed a lot of things.

He called several people to his side and shared the results of the investigation together: “Zhai Xiaoqu’s son has been attending an aristocratic school since kindergarten, and he went to United States after graduating from elementary school. He has stayed abroad for these years.”

“I entered and left aristocratic schools and went abroad more than ten years ago. How strong are these financial conditions? Just relying on the salary of Zhang Bin and Zhai Xiaoqu? Dreaming.”

Zhou Xiaoyu finalized the conclusion with a serious face: “So Zhang Bin must be greedy for a lot of money.”

“It’s hard to tell.” Zhou Ze didn’t elaborate on the reason, because there was another detail that he couldn’t figure out.

If Zhang Bin embezzled a huge sum of money, then the cause of his death must be related to the uneven distribution of the spoils. If Zhang Bin’s embezzled money were given to his family, then why would Zhai Xiaoqu’s head have 500 guilt worth?

Zhou Ze seemed to have caught something, but when his mind was confused, he didn’t catch anything.

After taking a breath, Zhou Ze murmured, “It seems we have to start from the beginning…”

Early the next morning, they returned to Bingshi and began to visit civilians. Their goal is very clear, only for people up to 40 years old. Ask them if they remember that there was an official named Zhang Bin in Bingshi. If so, ask about their impressions.

They spent a day running around the streets and alleys of Bingshi, asking about two hundred people’s impressions of Zhang Bin. The results stunned everyone.

All citizens who remember Zhang Bin had a very good impression of Zhang Bin. No one gave a bad review, let alone a bad thing about him.

If Zhang Bin really embezzled himself and his businessmen for the benefit of him, it would be impossible to be impervious, and even less likely to be 100% praiseworthy.

Unless…. Zhang Bin has no corruption at all.

If you think about it in this way, everything seems to work out. It is very likely that Zhai Xiaoqu received Xu Kai’s money and killed Zhang Bin together. After Zhang Bin’s death, Xu Kai used his close relationship to suppress the case and sent Zhai Xiaoqu away from Bingshi.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ze slowly closed his eyes and took a long breath. It seems that this is the truth, and the rest is to find evidence.

After telling the other people in the second team, they couldn’t understand this statement and began to argue with each other. During the argument, Zhou Ze’s cell phone rang and Zheng Yanran sent another information.

The information is divided into three parts, one is about Zhai Xiaoqu’s son Zhang Chao, the other is about the urban construction project in Bingshi 20 years ago, and the other is about the connection between Zhai Xiaoqu and Xu Kai.

After Zhou Ze posted a copy of the information, he started to check it on his own.

Click on the first document, which records Zhang Chao’s monthly consumption records since he went to United States. Zhang Chao’s consumption is very high, ranging from sports cars to slippers and toothbrushes, all of which are international brands. On average, monthly consumption is in six figures.

“Goodbye.” Geng Qing sighed: “His consumption this month is worth my ten years’ salary.”

“Who said no.” Zhang Yan echoed: “This is a typical rich second generation.”

Zhou Ze didn’t say anything. He clicked on the second document, which recorded the urban construction project 20 years ago. A land located on the fourth ring road of Bingshi City was originally used to renovate the landscape area due to geological reasons. But after Zhang Bin’s death, he was transformed into a residential area by Xu Kai.

Zhou Ze squinted his eyes. He is not sure about Xu Kai’s purpose of transforming the garden into a residential area. But the coincidence of the time point made him wonder whether there was a contradiction between the two on this project.

Immediately, he opened the third document. The content of this document made him stare.

According to the information, Xu Kai had been a teacher at Bingshi University before entering the government affairs department. And Zhai Xiaoqu is his student!

Not only that, Xu Kai has also bought air tickets to United States many times in the past ten years. From the timeline, it was after Zhang Chao went abroad.

This was a clue that Zhou Ze didn’t expect, and it also gave Zhou Ze a bold idea, but he felt that this idea was too exaggerated to be sure.

At this time, Zheng Yanran called, Zhou Ze quickly picked up the call and opened the amplification: “¨” Yanran, you have helped us a lot, if it weren’t for you to investigate the information, maybe we have to go around. The bend of the sky. ”

Zheng Yanran chuckled: “You are not in Linzhou, and have been quite leisurely lately, so I will investigate it casually. How about, is there any help (Zhao De Zhao) for your investigation?”

Zhou Xiaoyu sighed: “It’s so helpful.”

Zheng Yanran was a little bit shy, paused for a moment, and then she said again: “By the way, there is one more thing, I forgot to add it in the information. I was too lazy to type, so I called.”

“you say.”

“Twenty years ago, Xu Kai had a personal bodyguard named Yang Zhen. After Zhang Bin died, he resigned and went to the sea to do business.” Zheng Yanran said: “Bingshi Zhenhua Group was founded by him. The company’s main business is real estate development.”

At this moment, Zhou Ze finally connected all the clues in his mind. All that remains to be done is to see Yang Zhen tomorrow.

“Yan Ran, thank you for being free.”

Zheng Yanran paused. She seemed to be shy, and her voice was softer: “You are welcome, we are colleagues. Helping you is also in order not to lose face to our Linzhou Police Force.”

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