Chapter 340

The old wolf patted Zhou Ze on the shoulder: “I know, you will be very unaccustomed to seeing this kind of thing just now. You will not be cruel to do our job. Sooner or later you will get used to it and will ignore all this.”

Zhou Ze took a deep breath and nodded. But in his heart, he hates, he is angry. Seeing the tragic condition of these beggars, he wished to smash the old wolf into pieces now!

But he also retains a trace of reason. It’s not the time now, it’s not at all right now!

The old wolf led him to the deepest part of the basement. There was another door here. Open this door, and there were all kinds of women inside. From the young to the older, from the beautiful to the average, there are all kinds of looks as long as you can think of~.

Zhou Ze made a rough calculation in his mind. In this small room, there are probably more than 30 women.

More than thirty…

It’s all abducted.

The old wolf also pointed at the group of women proudly and asked Zhou Ze: “How about it, isn’t it spectacular?”

Zhou Ze clenched his fists secretly and smiled: “Brother Wolf, you are really capable. Where did you find so many women? When I first came to the village to buy a wife, didn’t you say that you didn’t have it? ?”

The old wolf sighed: “Since the female reporter left, I have been unable to let go of my heart. I always feel that our village is being watched by the police and I have to guard against it. But now it’s fine, you have my trust. I can also show you the true strength of our village.”


For the first time, Zhou Ze felt that the word “strength” was a derogatory term, and I don’t know how the old wolf said it.

This time Zhou Ze can be considered to have a clear grasp of the structure of the village and the location of the Tibetans, but there is one more thing that Zhou Ze needs to understand: “But Brother Wolf, if the police really look at our village and bring people to annihilate it. What should our village do?”

Zhou Ze continued to ask with a worried look: “There are only these people in our village. The police have real guns and live ammunition. If they confront each other, I’m afraid they are not their opponents.”

“They have real guns and live ammunition, and we are the same.” The old wolf led Zhou Ze out of the basement and returned to the house on the ground.

There was a bed by the entrance of the basement, and the old wolf stepped forward and opened the bed. A big box was exposed.

The old wolf gave Zhou Ze a color: “Go and open it.”

Pursing his lips, Zhou Ze stepped forward and opened the box. He pretended to be taken aback, and back again and again, pointing to the box dumbfounded and asked: “Wolf… Brother Wolf, are these all true?”

This box is full of guns and ammunition, as well as explosives. Judging by the size of the box, it should be able to handle a weapon.

He suddenly remembered the gun smuggling case he had cracked before, and there was an unknown huge transaction on his account.

At that time, the criminals kept silent, and they could not find out. Now it seems that they should have gone to Eagle Village.

No wonder the Bingshi police have been using the Eagle Village for nothing. With these weapons, coupled with the geographical location of the Eagle Village, it is even more difficult to destroy it.

The old wolf picked it up casually, and after loading the bullet, he shot out the window. The gunshot rang in Zhou Ze’s ears, and he fell to the ground with his feet soft: “Brother Wolf, are you playing so hard?”

Seeing Zhou Ze’s terrified farts, the old wolf would not doubt his true identity. He said that the gun was put down, and he stepped forward to pull up Zhou Ze: “What are you afraid of, my gun will never be fired at his own person.”

Zhou Ze took a deep breath: “Brother Wolf, I am really scared. I may not be suitable for your right arm.”

“It’s okay. Old cats and dogs didn’t dare to before. Look at them now, killing a person without blinking their eyes.”

Zhou Ze bit his lip slightly, and he nodded after entanglement: “Brother Wolf, I understand, I will try to overcome my inner fear. As long as my mother and Xiao Xing can live a good life, I am willing to do anything.”

“Oh?” The old wolf raised his brows and looked at him in surprise: “You started thinking about Xiao Xing so soon?”

Zhou Ze shyly looked away and didn’t answer.

The old wolf said again: “What a good boy, I value you.”

Zhou Ze, who was trusted by the old wolf, made it easier to move around in the village. There were more “friends” around him, and the conversation topics gradually became how to deal with these women beggars, and when can they leave the village and go outside. Make money and so on.

For two days, Zhou Ze received a lot of goods and got a thorough understanding of the situation in Eagle Village.

At night, using the faint moonlight outside the window, he drew a map of Eagle Village on toilet paper and the general conditions of the village.

··········· Ask for flowers··········

Early the next morning, the old cat hurriedly came to Zhou Ze and told him to go to the old wolf’s house as soon as possible. An important event was announced.

As soon as Zhou Ze entered the old wolf’s house, the solemn atmosphere came.

The old wolf sits in the middle, surrounded by villagers from Eagle Village. When everyone arrived, the old wolf said in a low voice: “The old dog has lost contact with us. This matter is very wrong. I suspect that the old dog was being watched by the police or caught.”

Zhou Ze stood aside, slowly lowering his eyes. Knowing this result, he was not surprised at all. He was equipped with a chip, and every word they said was clearly heard by the Bingshi police, which naturally included the old dog going out of the village to look for his mother.

……. …. 0

They must set up traps in advance and wait for the old dog to leave the village to catch him.

The old wolf lit a cigarette and exhaled deeply: “I believe that the old dog will not expose us. But then again, if the old dog is really arrested by the police, it means that our village is very dangerous now. Since the police are watching If you don’t bite off a piece of our meat, it won’t stop.”

Immediately someone raised their voice and said, “Brother Wolf, I’m afraid what those slivers of paper are doing. We are crowded and have a good geographical location. Wouldn’t it be okay to just go out of the village and bring in those slivers of paper?”

“I always feel that this time is different.” The old wolf frowned tightly: “Since the female reporter ran away, my heart has not been able to let go. Now something really happened… now the times are different, and the police’s methods are different. It’s different. Now that they have clues and the old dog in their hands, they are bound to eradicate all of us. In this battle, we can’t win by time.”

“Brother Wolf, what should we do?”

The old wolf pondered for a long time before he made a difficult decision: “Let’s leave Eagle Village together.”

“Leave.” The old cat suddenly stood up: “Brother Wolf, where do we go after leaving Eagle Village? What’s more, there are so many people in the village. Our leaving with a big fanfare will definitely arouse the police’s suspicion. Even we can’t guarantee ourselves. How to protect them?”

“Leave those who have not participated in the crime behind and leave others. This is the only option.”

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