Chapter 348

“Zhou Xiaoyu makes sense, but the most important thing at the moment is to find the remaining three people.” Zhou Ze rubbed his chin: “There are five people on the missing list. Two of them have already passed away… People who are in the same situation can’t escape.”

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang in the office, and Geng Qing hurried to answer it. Then his face suddenly changed: “Brother Zhou, after receiving a report, a dead body was found in the Southern District Reservoir!”

Zhou Ze kept on his back and quickly said, “Go and see.”

The corpse found in the Southern District Reservoir was the same as the previous two, with a big mouth pierced in front of the chest by a sharp weapon, and the heart was abruptly removed. The inspection results also showed that the deceased in the Southern District Reservoir was also one of the missing persons.

The third deceased was named Ma Tian, ​​a native of Binzhou, who was 35 years old and engaged in a job as a broadband operator for the telecommunications bureau.

Zhou Ze is sure that the two remaining on the missing list must have been killed by the same method and abandoned in a place with water. Without hesitation, he immediately applied to his superiors to investigate the major reservoirs and rivers in Linzhou.

After a day of investigation, the remaining two dead were also found in the upper reaches of Linhe.

The fourth deceased was Zhang Liang, 40 years old, a native of Linzhou, working as a professional milkman.

The fifth deceased was named Zhou Shen, aged 23, a native of Linzhou, and a professional community service volunteer.

The hearts of the five deceased were all removed. The autopsy showed that they died at different times. Among them, Zhang Liang died the longest. His body was completely decomposed in the river water.

In addition to the same wound, an autopsy also found that the five deceased contained sleeping pills. Zhou Ze analyzed that the five deceased should have been misled by the murderer and comatose after taking sleeping pills under different circumstances. During the coma, their chests were broken and their hearts were taken away.

The impact of this case was very bad. Wang Yuanshan mobilized all police officers in the police force and held a meeting: “The superiors attach great importance to this case and ask us to solve the case within a week. I know that the time is very short, but the superiors gave us the death order. Can’t disobey.”

“Zhou Ze, you will take over the investigation of this case. I hope you don’t let me down.”

Zhou Ze nodded with a serious face: “Team Wang can rest assured that I will investigate the case clearly within a week.”

Back at the office, Zhou Ze also had a small meeting. He pinned the pictures of the five dead people on the blackboard and marked the names, ages, jobs, and places where the bodies were found.

Zhou Ze knocked on the blackboard and said: “After investigation, the five deceased did not know each other before they were alive. Their age, work, and social relations have nothing in common. That is to say, they didn’t know anyone before the case happened.”

“According to the confessions of the five families of the deceased, they not only didn’t know each other, but they didn’t even have a mutual friend. This shows that the murderer was not a vendetta or love killing, but a random selection.”

“We don’t know the purpose of the murderer for the time being, but I believe that this case must not be as simple as the surface, and there must be a connection behind it.”

Geng Qing frowned and guessed: “Brother Zhou, could the family members lie? You should remember that we dealt with an exchange murder case before. When the family members made a transcript, they said they didn’t know each other.”

“I also thought about what you said, so when I sent Zhao Guangliang and Zhang Yan to visit, I specifically asked their neighbors. Their neighbors and friends all indicated that the relationship between the five deceased and their wives is very good. Among them, Zhou Shen and Zhang Liang still exist as good people among neighbors and friends.”

“This is a bit difficult.” Qian Tao looked bored: “The murderer’s modus operandi was too tricky. There was no surveillance camera where he threw the body, and fingerprints could not be found on the deceased. If it was a random killing, that week’s Time can’t be investigated at all.”

“I believe that no crime will be perfect. If it is a donkey, it will definitely show its feet.” Zhou Ze said: “Next, we will start to investigate where the five deceased went before they died. Investigate within the scope of their work.”


As soon as Zhou Ze was about to go out, he received a call from An Hui: “Mom, what’s the matter?”

“Zhou Ze, do you have time tonight? Your grandma is here today. He hasn’t seen you for a long time and wants to have a meal with you.”

“Tonight?” Zhou Ze hesitated: “Mom, I have a case at hand. At the stage of investigation, I may not be able to get away.”

An Hui sighed: “It’s just a meal, very soon. Zhou Ze…..You also know that your grandma is in poor health. She has been recuperating in the countryside all these years. She finally came here. You Don’t let her old man lose.”

Zhou Ze thought about the time and the people who participated in the survey, thinking that there should be no problem with one less one: “Well then, Mom, I’ll go back later.”

“Okay, I will go shopping now, and you will come back when the meal is ready to save you some time.”

After hanging up, Zhou Ze continued to investigate.

At seven o’clock in the evening, An Hui called and said that the meal was ready, and asked him to go back quickly.

After Zhou Ze handed over the work to Geng Qing, he hurried home. As soon as the door was opened, besides grandma, there was a young man in a suit and leather shoes sitting on the sofa. Zhou Ze was very curious: “Mom, who is this?”

An Hui put the soup in her hand on the table and explained to Zhou Ze: “Zhou Ze, this is an insurance salesperson. I discussed with your dad before giving your grandma and An Xin an insurance, but things have been delayed. Do it. This time your grandma is here, so she will do it directly.”

An Hui chuckled: “It’s convenient to apply for insurance business now. You don’t need to go to an insurance company. People have door-to-door service.”

On-site service?

Zhou Ze suddenly started, he thought of what the five deceased had in common!

He walked to grandma sitting on the sofa and gave grandma (Zhao Mahao) a big hug: “Grandma, I miss you too, but I’m really busy these days and can’t eat with you! Wait for the case At the end, I must go to the countryside to see you!”

After speaking, he said to let go of his arms: “Grandma, I will leave first!”

After speaking, Zhou Ze turned around and strode away from Jialiang.

Until Zhou Ze disappeared, grandma didn’t respond: “What happened to this kid?”

Zhou Ze called Geng Qing and others as he ran downstairs: “Go back to the police station first, I thought of the answer!”

When Zhou Ze returned to the police station, everyone else was there: “Brother Zhou, what did you think of, why did you call us back in such a hurry?”

“Of course I thought of what the five deceased had in common.” Zhou Ze pointed to the blackboard and said, “Insurance salesman, courier, milkman, broadband staff, community service volunteers, they can all come to your door!” .

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