Chapter 355

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Ze explained: “When I was reading the dossier, the network connected to it belonged to the provincial government. I think that I have read the files for so long and should have been noticed by the provincial government.”

“So you mean, it’s the inner ghost from the provincial government office, guessing that you are investigating the chameleon case. After the chameleon learns about this, do you act on us in advance?”

“Yes.” Zhou Ze is sure that it must be so, because Qin Yu is the biggest backing of the chameleon. With Qin Yu there, all his actions can’t escape their eyes.

After hesitating, Wang Yuanshan gave a death order: “From now on, no police officer in the police station shall leave the police station without permission. And the police who are transferred to rest will also have to stay at home on standby. Not allowed to leave!”

Zhou Ze nodded: “Understood.”

Leaving Wang Yuanshan’s office, Zhou Ze looked at everyone in the police station. No one had a crime value on their foreheads. This proved that there was no undercover in the police station.

Zhou Ze began to admire the chameleon, who was able to do everything without any internal response.

Zheng Yanran saw Zhou Ze come back, she trot up and asked: “Zhou Ze, what did you say to the Wang team? Why is your face so ugly? If you can, can you tell me something about it, what’s the matter? ?”

Pursing his lips, Zhou Ze looked away and said: “There is no clue yet. The disappearances of Geng Qing and Zhou Xiaoyu are too complicated~ blurred…”

“Zhou Ze, do you think you can lie to me?” Zheng Yanran was a little angry: “Every time you lie, you don’t dare to face each other. Zhou Ze, do you have to tell me? Geng Qing and Zhou Xiaoyu Is the disappearance related to Chameleon-Dragon?”

Zhou Ze clenched his fists tightly: “You’d better not say this. Now the people in the police station are panicking. If you say it, I’m afraid-it will cause chaos.”

“Sure enough.” Zheng Yanran exhaled and said: “Zhou Ze, we have been staying at the police station, aren’t we too passive? Chameleon is a member of a criminal gang, and he can do anything. , I’m afraid that if I wait any longer, Geng Qing and Zhou Xiaoyu will have an accident!”

“Do you think I don’t know? Zheng Yanran, I am more anxious now than anyone else.” Zhou Ze said, scratching his hair. I ventured out to investigate, so I had to wait and wait until dawn before investigating.”

After thinking about it, Zheng Yanran felt that what Zhou Ze said was reasonable: “Okay, then I will listen to you.”

Zhou Ze was also very entangled in his heart. He believed that even if they waited until dawn and then acted, they would not be able to wait and die during this period of time.

Therefore, he said that the second group of people called to the office to prepare for a small meeting.

But… Zhang Yan did not show up.

He looked at Zhao Guangliang: “Where is Zhang Yan?”

“I don’t know.” Zhao Guangliang was also puzzled: “I saw Zhang Yan outside just now, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.”

“I…I just saw Zhang Yan go out…” Qian Tao whispered, “I saw that she was holding a mobile phone, and thought she didn’t care about it when she went out to call. Who knew he never came back? .”

Zhou Ze slammed the table: “What’s the matter with you? Didn’t I say that everyone stayed in the police station and couldn’t get out? Why didn’t you stop it?”

“I’m sorry, Brother Zhou, I really didn’t expect this, I thought Zhang Yan just went to the yard to call…”

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Ze still remained calm. He knew that it would be useless to blame anyone now.

Geng Qing, Zhou Xiaoyu, Zhang Yan, they add up to represent three missing!

But at the same time, Zhou Ze also thought of one thing, that is, the missing people are all from the second team, all his own.

It seems that the chameleon is specifically for him: “Every one of you now takes out your mobile phone and tunes to the gps channel. From now on, I want to control the coordinates of all of you.”

Although they are positioned, they may not be able to find the chameleon smoothly, but it is better than sitting on standby.

Zhou Ze sat down slowly, and he held his chin to think carefully. Since the chameleon is coming at him, he should be prepared. He has a hunch that he and the chameleon will soon be confronted.

After he repeatedly told the people of the second team to be careful, he greeted them all.

Subsequently, Zhou Ze called out the guilt value system.

Host: Zhou Ze

Sex: Male

Age: 22

Strength: 19

Speed: 20

Neural reaction: 20

IQ: 25

Firearms ability: 19 (intermediate proficiency)

Fighting: 20 (Intermediate Proficiency)

Guilty value: 2

Attribute points:

The case of He Sui and the case of the old wolf gang earned him two thousand guilt points. He clicked on the exchange and added the attributes to speed and combat.

··········· Ask for flowers··········

Host: Zhou Ze

Sex: Male

Age: 22

Strength: 19

Speed: 21

Neural reaction: 20

IQ: 25

Firearms ability: 19 (intermediate proficiency)

Fighting: 21 (Advanced Proficiency)

Guilty value:

His fighting value is already advanced and proficient. Although he doesn’t know what the chameleon is, Zhou Ze has no choice now.

Between him and the chameleon, it is destined to have only one person left.

After redeeming the attributes, Zhou Ze received an anonymous email.

He opened it without even thinking about it. As expected, it was sent by a chameleon.

……. ….. …….

“Zhou Ze, is it good to be treated as a god but fell to the bottom in a flash? I know that you hate me now, but you will soon understand that everything I do is for your good. I’m here The place where the light rises is waiting for you.”

Where does the light rise?

Zhou Ze frowned tightly. He stared at these words for a long time.

What he thought of subconsciously was the place of sunrise, but then he thought, is the question given by the chameleon so simple?

This light is not true light, but a metaphor.

He leaned back in the chair, squeezed the bridge of his nose, thinking over and over what light is. Before he knew it, there seemed to be a voice in his ear…

A group of people in police uniforms stood on the stage and swearing: to fulfill their duties, not to be afraid of sacrifices, and to serve the people wholeheartedly…

Thinking of this, Zhou Ze muttered unconsciously: “I would like to dedicate myself to the noble cause of people’s public security and work hard to realize my oath…”

In Zhou Ze’s eyes, a flame ignited as the police took the oath. For him, for every policeman, this is the first light.

The place where the light rises is the Police Officer University!

After swallowing, Zhou Ze hurriedly got up and ran outside.

Zhao Guangliang saw him and hurriedly shouted, “Brother Zhou, where are you going?”

“Don’t follow anyone!” Zhou Ze gritted his teeth secretly. He firmly believed that the chameleon left a message to resolve the grievances between each other alone, instead of bringing so many people.

Coincidentally, Zhou Ze had the same idea with him. NS.

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