Chapter 363

“Little San?” Zhou Ze was a little confused. Didn’t the restaurant staff say that Yang Fangfang always controlled Li Zhe’s money? Where did he get the money to raise Xiao San?

“Yes.” The neighbor said helplessly: “About a month ago, Xiao San came to have a trouble once, and he had a big belly. He said that he was pregnant, and Li Zhe was responsible. Yang Fangfang was always reluctant, so he picked up a broom and drove away. Xiao San is out. Anyway, in the end, it was Li Zhe who persuaded him to leave.”

Zhou Ze coldly snorted: “Didn’t you say that you never care about these things, just hearsay? How do you describe such details?”

“This…” The neighbor was a little embarrassed: “It’s natural to watch the excitement occasionally. Comrade police, I’m just a little scared, shouldn’t I break the law?”

“It’s not against the law, but please remember that in the future when the police handle a case, no matter what they ask you, you can tell the truth. Every word and every sentence of yours may be the key to our police.”

“Yes, yes, I know, I will never do this again in the future.”

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Ze let out a sigh of relief: “I think this junior may be the key, let’s go and check.”

Zhang Yan inquired about Li Zhe’s consumption records and found that Li Zhe was spending money lavishly, not like the employees said that money has been kept withheld. Moreover, his consumption records in the past year showed that all he bought were feminine products. It seems that all the things he bought were given to Xiaosan.

As for Yang Fangfang’s consumption records, in addition to purchasing daily necessities and clothes, Yang Fangfang transfers money to Li Zhe at least once, and at most 100,000 at a time.

On average every month, the money Yang Fangfang transfers to Li Zhe is no less than 200,000.

Zhou Ze understood that either the clerk was deceiving, or Li Zhe was deceiving the clerk. Li Zhe was not satisfied with the money Yang Fangfang gave, and he kept deducting money from the restaurant in private to raise a mistress.

Zhou Xiaoyu slapped the table suddenly: “Men who engage in affair are the most hateful.”!”

Zhou Ze glanced at him and didn’t say anything: “Okay, check the address of Xiao San, let’s ask it clearly.”

Soon, they found out where they lived and found Xiao San’s home.

As soon as Xiao San opened the door, Zhou Ze saw her puffed up belly: “Are you Zhang Pingping?”

Zhang Pingping has no guilt value on her head, she is not a murderer.

“Yes.” Zhang Pingping glanced at them up and down, and backed away in shock: “Comrade police, why did you come to me? I haven’t done any bad things!”

“Who said you did something bad?” Zhou Ze and his group walked into the room, glanced left and right, and saw the photo of Xiao San placed on the TV cabinet in the living room.

The people in the photo are Zhang Pingping and Li Zhe. Zhou Ze picked up the photo and took a closer look and asked, “How long have you known Li Zhe?”

Zhang Pingping’s eyes widened: “Comrade Police, what are you asking about this? Did something happen to Li Zhe? No wonder he didn’t answer my phone for half a month and didn’t call me! Comrade Police, what’s the matter?”

Zhang Pingping was very emotional, her eyes were red and she almost cried.

Zhou Ze put down the photo and quickly appeased: “Don’t get excited, please cooperate with our investigation.”

“Then you tell me first, what happened to Li Zhe?”

“Li Zhe is dead.” Zhang Pingping will know about this sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Pingping rolled her eyes and fainted as soon as she heard it.

Zhou Ze quickly supported her and didn’t let her fall. He clenched his brows and told her directly with some regrets.

It took a long time before Zhang Pingping woke up. She looked weakly at Zhou Ze: “Why would he die? He said that he would be responsible to me and be divorced with me and my child. How could he say hello without saying hello? Leaving? How will I live with my child in the future!”

“Miss Zhang, I know you are sad, but now is not the time to talk about this. You must cooperate with our investigation and let us find out who killed Li Zhe!”

After sniffing her nose, although Zhang Pingping is still suffering, she also knows that it is not the time to be sad: “Except for the woman Yang Fangfang! Who will kill him? It must be the woman Yang Fangfang who is anxious and murderous!”

Hum, Zhou Xiaoyu couldn’t help but scolded: “You are a junior, how can you be ashamed to accuse Fang Fang? Even if Li Zhe was killed by Yang Fangfang, it was also your murder!”

“Shut up!” Zhou Ze hastily more than Zhou Xiaoyu.

Zhang Pingping shook her head: “No… don’t blame me, everything is Yang Fangfang’s fault!”

After sniffing her nose, Zhang Pingping said in a gentle tone: “In fact, Li Zhe has been living under Yang Fangfang’s lies. He has endured without divorce for so many years. He is already pretty good! Comrades, you probably don’t know, Yang Fangfang doesn’t. Love Li Zhe, she is gay!”

Zhou Ze and others were surprised, they really didn’t know about this.

Zhang Pingping continued: “¨” Yang Fangfang has never loved Li Zhe. She was forced by her parents to marry Li Zhe. Yang Fangfang has always had a girlfriend outside, and Li Zhe has never been hindered for so many years since her marriage. ”

“Li Zhe only knew about this after marriage, but she loved Yang Fangfang, so she endured it all the time. He used to think that Yang Fangfang would see his good and would give up his girlfriend to live with him. But Li Zhe was wrong. Yang Fangfang is not just that. I don’t know what’s wrong, and I took my girlfriend home every three to five. Every time Li Zhe heard those unscrupulous voices, his heart was cut!”

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Pingping wiped away the tears on her face: “Li Zhe was discouraged and filed for divorce with Yang Fangfang two years ago, but Yang Fangfang refused to agree, saying that he was afraid that his parents would blame her and be sad if they knew it. So they signed. The gentleman agreement was concluded. Yang Fangfang continued to associate with his girlfriend, and Li Zhe could play whatever he wanted outside.”

Zhou Ze was shocked that there was such a thing.

“Li Zhe doesn’t have a job. Yang Fangfang (Zhao Zhao’s) transfers money to him regularly every month, like a hush fee, so that Li Zhe keeps talking about this to her parents. Similarly, they are afraid of making mistakes. When dealing with friends’ parents, you should also pretend to act.”

“Although Li Zhe is tired of such a life, he still has Yang Fangfang in his heart, so he will keep concealing it… Until a year ago, I met Li Zhe and learned about these things. I really feel sorry for Li Zhe. As we got along, we germinated feelings. Li Zhe asked Yang Fangfang for divorce for me, but Yang Fangfang refused.”

“In the beginning, I was patient and waited until I was pregnant. I didn’t realize that I couldn’t wait any longer. So I often went to Yang Fangfang’s house to make trouble, thinking that she would get bored one day and divorce Li Zhe. But. Facts have proved that I was wrong. Yang Fangfang cares about the feelings of her parents. No matter how humiliated she is, she is unwilling to divorce and unwilling to let Li Zhe leave!”.

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