Chapter 377

“Besides these, are there other discoveries?”

“Yes.” Zhou Xiaoyu said calmly: “In addition to the wound on the neck, we also found that the deceased had two obvious defects on the scalp and a small amount of bruises on the knees. From this, it can be inferred that the deceased should have been taken from behind by the murderer. Grabbed the hair, kicked it to the ground, and finally pierced the deceased’s neck with a sharp weapon.”

“Your analysis is very reasonable.” Zhou Ze said: “I will stay in Lincun with Geng Qing and Zhao Guangliang tonight to continue the investigation. Could you please help me speak to the Wang team.”

“Do you want to stay?” Zhou Xiaoyu was shocked. She still believed in the rumors of zombies: “What if you really encounter zombies.”

Zhou Ze squeezed the bridge of his nose helplessly: “Don’t be horny. I will stay tonight to prove to you that there are no zombies at all in the village or in this world! Okay, let’s just say that. Contact the clue again.”

As soon as Zhou Ze hung up the phone, the village chief hurriedly walked to Zhou Ze: “Comrade police, just now I heard you chat with the lesbian on the phone. I always feel that Wang Hu died in the hands of zombies!”

“Huh?” Zhou Ze raised his head and looked at him puzzledly: “How to say?”


The village head danced and concealed: “Look, the first reaction of Wang Hu after encountering a zombie must be to run away. Wang Hu ran in front, and the zombie chased after him. When he chased Wang Hu, the zombie first caught him. His hair, pressed him to the ground and pressed him tightly, and then bite it on! Kill him alive!”

The three of them couldn’t help laughing when they looked at the village chief’s appearance. It’s not that the village mayor’s ideas are wild and unreliable, it’s that he talks and performs at the same time, which is too funny.

Geng Qing hurriedly called off the village chief’s narration: “The village chief, don’t you hear my colleague say on the phone that the murder weapon used by the murderer is rusted? According to your idea, is it possible that the zombie’s teeth are rusted?”

“Why can’t it rust?” The village looked at him with big eyes: “Zombies, you don’t know what zombies are. They have been buried in the ground for hundreds of years. Is it not normal to rust?”

When Geng Qing choked, he suddenly felt that what the village chief said was somewhat reasonable.

Zhao Guangliang helped his forehead: “I also heard for the first time that teeth will rust…”

With a soft cough, Zhou Ze interrupted them: “I went around the village in the afternoon and saw almost every household, but according to my judgment, although they hated Wang Hu, they did not commit any crimes. possible.”

Both Geng Qing and Zhao Guangliang understand what Zhou Ze means. What Zhou Ze wants to express is that no one has guilt value on his head.

Zhou Ze continued: “For now, we can start with the problem of zombies. As long as we find out whether it is a real zombie or a fake zombie, the follow-up progress will be more convenient.”

Zhou Ze slowly got up and tidied up his clothes: “Village chief, you will go out door-to-door early tomorrow morning to make statistics on what is lost in every household during the period of time when the zombies are infested.”

The village chief nodded: “Okay, I see… Comrade police, you are all tired after a busy day. Let’s have dinner quickly.”

The three of Zhou Ze sat at the table, and the village chief sighed while serving them food, “Comrade police, don’t dislike it. Since the zombies, people in our village dare not go out to buy food. The next…”

“It doesn’t matter, we are not picky eaters, just eat some.”

After eating, the village head and his wife went back to their room and closed the door. Zhou Ze and the three were laying on the floor in the living room. Turn off the lights, and the three of them sat up and discussed in a low voice: “It’s impossible not to sleep, but it’s impossible not to stare at the zombies. So tonight, the three of us will take turns to watch the night. If you hear any movement, wake up the other two in time. Understand?”


The night passed quickly, let alone zombies, not even a cat or a dog appeared. The three people who slept intermittently for several hours were more uncomfortable than not sleeping.

It was dark, the village chief got up and came out: “Comrade police, are you all awake?”

Zhou Ze yawned: “The three of us took turns to watch the night last night, and we didn’t find any zombies. You should rest assured now?”

The village chief murmured: “Perhaps it is our iron fence, the spells and the gossip array played a role…”

The corners of Zhou Ze’s mouth twitched slightly, and couldn’t help but reply: “If your iron fences, charms, and gossip arrays are really useful, why would Wang Hu still die?”

The village chief choked, he didn’t know what to say for a while, and felt that what Zhou Ze said made sense.

“Comrade police, let’s not talk about this for now. I will prepare breakfast for you. After breakfast, I will go to count the lost things in the village.”

Zhou Xiaoyu made an electronic version of the autopsy results and sent them to Zhou Xiaoyu’s mobile phone. During the meal, Zhou Ze took a sip of porridge and took a look at the autopsy results.

The autopsy results were similar to what they had seen and said, and there was no difference.

At about nine o’clock, the village head hurried back with a pile of paper. Before he could wipe off the sweat on his forehead, he first handed the statistics in his hand to Zhou Ze: “Comrade police, I will count everything you want. You can take a look.”

“Okay.” Zhou Ze opened it and took a look. The content recorded on the paper was very messy, and the handwriting was not fair.

Taking a breath, Zhou Ze asked, “Is there any paper? I want to classify it.”

“Some and some.” The village chief brought Zhou Ze and them papers. Zhou Ze asked the village chief while reclassifying them. After the statistics, they found that the most lost things in the village turned out to be bacon chickens and ducks. If these meats alone are considered to be zombies to sweep the village, there is no problem.

The problem lies in gold and silver jewelry, except for meat, the most lost is gold and silver jewelry. The biggest difference between these gold and silver jewelry and meat is that they will not be placed outside the house.

He turned his head and asked the village chief: “Have you heard that zombies entered the house?”

After thinking about it for a while, the village chief shook his head with certainty: “No.”

“That’s right.” Zhou Ze said: “We don’t need to investigate how the so-called zombies entered the villagers’ homes and in what ways they stole things. They stole gold and silver jewelry, they must be exchanged for money, we just have to Go to the Jindian near Lincun to find out, I believe there will be clues.”

“The village chief, do you have a picture of the lost gold and silver jewelry?”

The village chief said lightly: “It should be very rare. Most of our villages are elderly people and don’t know how to use smart phones.”

“It’s okay, the problem is not big.” From the statistics, there are a lot of pure gold necklaces. With this clue, I must be able to find out some troubles: “Geng Qing, contact the Linzhou police station and let They are also looking for it in Linzhou.”

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