Chapter 467

Jingjing was very disappointed: “I’m sorry, Brother Zhou Ze, I didn’t help you.”

“It’s okay.” Zhou Ze rubbed her head and asked, “Where did you know him? You can’t just add any contact information, right?”

“It’s from the website.” Quietly replied: “I often post on the Internet to confide in my sufferings. This person privately believes that I have been comforting, and I am very touched, so I added the contact information.”

After squinting his eyes, Zhou Ze knew that he needed bait. This talent would be caught.

Zhou Ze asked: “Can you tell me the website?”


After leaving the quiet room, Jing Jing’s parents have already prepared lunch: “Officer Zhou Ze, I should be tired after a busy morning, sit down and eat together?”

Zhou Ze was anxious to go back to find the next round of clues. He didn’t feel hungry at all: “Sorry, we have other things to deal with. Let’s take it next time. Close the team.”

Jingjing’s parents were very puzzled: “Hey, I cooked some more food today to celebrate the quiet escape, Comrade Police, how much to eat.”

Quietly walked forward and took Zhou Ze’s arm: “Brother Zhou Ze, you can stay and eat with us. I know you are very busy and hard, but you should also eat in time and pay attention to your body.”

After a pause, Zhou Ze turned his head and looked at quietly with deep eyes.

Although he met Jingjing on the first day, Zhou Ze saw An Xin’s shadow from Jingjing. He treats Jingjing as his sister sincerely, so it is easy to soften his heart: “Well, then it’s up to you.”

After eating, Zhou Ze and his party returned to the police station. He sat in front of the computer, registered an account according to the website that Jingjing said, and started posting.

He had already thought about the content of the content as early as the way back. He faked himself as a twenty-six-year-old man facing the pressure of life and helpless thinking.

Every word of his tells about the helplessness in life, the oppression at work, and the debt collection of the family.

After writing, Zhou Ze sent it to the second team.

After reading it, other people asked Zhou Ze in confusion: “Brother Zhou, where did you look at this? This person is too miserable.”

Zhou Ze chuckled, “It’s the fishing bait I wrote myself.”

When they talk about fishing bait, they all understand. Zhou Ze said: “You also go to register an account, make up some tragic stories, cast a lot of nets, and you will definitely catch this big fish!”

In the following days, the people of the second team did not go out again. Their daily task was to sit in front of the computer and confide their thoughts on this website. It was clear that nothing happened, but they described it vividly.

For a moment, Zhou Ze felt that these people would retire in the future and they could become novel writers who specialize in bitter drama.

A week later, Zhou Ze’s account was finally replied. No, not only Zhou Ze’s, Zhou Xiaoyu, and Zhang Yan’s account all received a reply from the same person.

Zhou Ze and the others are not blindly identifying a person, after all, they receive a lot of private messages every day.

Although the members of the Asuka organization deleted their friends from the quiet social software, the private message records on the website could not be deleted. This avatar, this screen name, is the person who privately wrote to Quiet.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Ze said: “Respond to him like a normal person and proceed according to the original plan. Don’t let it go.”

After squinting his eyes, Zhou Ze stared at the computer screen with deep eyes: “This person in the Asuka organization is definitely not a good stubborn. He can not only fool children, but also adults. He must be very capable. Don’t be fooled. He took the lead and walked away.”


The name of this person is Fei Xiangyun.

After hesitating, Zhou Ze told him the contact information of his new purchase.

Zhou Ze is very careful, knowing that trumpets are easy to spot, so he spent a few hundred yuan to buy a high-level one.

Soon, he flew to the cloud and added Zhou Ze as his friend, and started chatting with Zhou Ze.

Flying to the cloud: “I saw your post on the Internet. My experience is the same as yours, so I understand your feelings. Are you working now?”

Zhou Ze put his hand on his shoulder and thought for a while. He said, “I have been in a bad mood recently. I have been on leave for a week.”

Flying to the cloud: “What do you do?”

“Selling.” After thinking about it, Zhou Ze continued: “Selling a house.”

“If you sell a house, it really depends on luck. If you are lucky, you will get a lot of commission after finishing an order.”

“But I can’t do anything.” Zhou Ze sighed and said: “I don’t know why, I have said everything I can say, but those customers are still reluctant to sign orders with me. Every time I talk about it, Intentional customers, as a result, were robbed by other colleagues. I can only get a minimum salary every month, which is not enough for my own life!”

“Competition in the workplace is very normal. You are too kind, and it is normal to be cut off. Of course, I didn’t mean to slander you. I was lamenting the injustice of the world.”

Zhou Ze couldn’t help sighing, this person is indeed very gentle, and on the surface it seems to be comforting himself, but in fact, if you don’t pay attention, you will be denied.

After chatting with him for an afternoon, Zhou Ze was sure that this person must have studied psychology, and he had a clear analysis of all Zhou Ze’s personal settings.

Zhou Ze couldn’t help thinking, if he really was the person in the description, he might have collapsed now: “¨” Then what do you think I should do? ”

After a long time, I flew to the cloud and replied: “I’m just someone who listens to you. I can’t give you any advice. But I have something to say, I don’t know if you want to listen.”

“you say.”

“In a situation like yours, I can only say that your own abilities are very poor. You don’t know how to dedicate your work, you don’t know how to improve yourself, or if you can’t improve yourself, your ability is Only limited to this.”

“I think, since childhood (money? Zhao), you have been an inferiority person. You have no friends around you and don’t know how to get along with other people. You like to close yourself in a space. But the reality is that you have to go out. Intersect with others in the cabinet.”

“Failure again and again makes your will become more and more depressed, and your ability is getting worse and worse. IMHO, you can’t integrate into this society.”

Zhou Ze coldly snorted, how long has it been chatting before revealing his true colors?

Zhou Ze asked very “wrongly”: “Then what do you think I should do?”

“Listen to me first.” Fly to the cloud and continue to say: “You are now twenty-six years old, and you are not a child anymore. Ordinary people at your age have already saved at least six figures. Considering the issue of setting up a home and business, do you think Are you qualified to discuss these now?”

“Not qualified.”

“That’s not enough, so you think about it, what is the purpose of your life?”.

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