“This is the brightest era, this is the most just era, Chen Qingyi, even if I don’t have a lawyer, but the harm you have done to me will not disappear just like that, I will fight to the end, pursue my own rights, and I will definitely seek justice for your yin and yang contract that slanders my son!”

“I have been in the industry for more than ten years, every contract is upright, there is absolutely no yin and yang means, I am right, sit straight!”

“Our side Bingbing, even if I don’t act, even if I am banned by the whole network, I will never bow to you!”

At the end, Fang Bingbing also posted dozens of contracts to show her innocence.

This accusation is even more emotionful, generous and passionate, perfectly reproducing the strong and unyielding appearance of a strong woman after being slandered.

Many netizens were moved by her words.

“Bingye, we will always be your strong backing!”

“We support you, that Chen Qingyi will not end well!”

“Chen Qingyi, if you don’t die well, there will be retribution!”

“Bingye, come on!”

Second class of senior year.

Chen Qing took a nap, stretched out his comfortable waist, took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

Yo roar, this Fang Bingbing still doesn’t stop, do you have to run a first-level flash to send the tower?

Chen Qing originally thought that after the law firm incident, if Fang Bingbing was a shrunken turtle, he was a high school student, and he didn’t seem to have any good ways to take the other party.

After all, the system only sees that there is a problem with that one contract.

But now, this Fang Bingbing took the initiative to publish this text, it is simply the turtle sticking its head out of its shell and giving it to itself to chop ah!

Turn on the system and look at those contracts.

“Didi: A bunch of problematic yin and yang contracts.”

See details.

“Didi: The movie “Guanyin Sea”, the amount of yin and yang is fifteen million.”

“Didi: The movie “White Growth”, the amount of yin and yang is 35 million.”

“Didi: The movie “Reverse Cop”, the amount of yin and yang is 120,000 US dollars.”

“Didi: The movie “I Am Pan Jinlian”, the amount of yin and yang is 85 million.”


Dozens of contracts, basically every one has problems!

The only thing that is no problem is the work that just debuted in the early years, such as “Green Apple”, this movie Chen Qing has also tasted carefully as a small movie, and the thief is stimulating.

Under the guidance of major media, the wind direction of online fishing boats has been dumping in the direction of Fang Bingbing.

Everyone thought that since Fang Bingbing dared to expose so many contracts in an upright manner, there was indeed no problem.

In other words, Chen Qingyi slandered her!

For a time, netizens flocked to Chen Qingyi’s meager and began to spray wildly.

Chen Qingyi’s hundreds of thousands of fans, under the siege of so many people, can only resist with difficulty and find it difficult to maintain the battle line.

Right at the moment when fans are about to collapse.

Chen Qing, posted!

“The movie “Guanyin Sea”, yin and yang contract, the amount is fifteen million.”

There was only one sentence, and Chen Qing was straightforward.

All netizens were stunned, and after a moment, they all scolded.

“You say if there is a problem, there is a problem? It’s ridiculous! ”

“Chen Qingyi, you really came with your mouth open, even the specific amount, how can you be so sure?”

“I think it’s just making things up, and when I fought against Zhao Danyang before, there was a link to testify, but now it’s just a verbal sentence.”

“I can also make up such words, who believes it!”

Everyone questioned and expressed their disbelief.

Chen Qing also ignored it and continued to post.

“The movie “White Growth”, yin and yang contract, the amount is thirty-five million.”


“The movie “Reverse Cop”, a foreign movie, a yin and yang contract, the amount is 120,000 US dollars.”


Chen Qing published one sentence after another, each sentence directly refers to a movie, a contract, and a specific amount of yin and yang!

Other than that, no explanation, no justification.

The voice of scolding on the Internet gradually became quieter.

Chen Qingyi said too confidently, too absolutely, and did not waver at all.

As if what he said was the truth, he was not afraid of anyone’s doubts and denigration.

For a while, everyone was shocked by Chen Qingyi’s determination.

At the same time, with the reprinting of major media and netizens, this sentence has been transmitted to various industries, especially the film industry.

Many large film companies have secretly shaken.

As a film company, they are actually no strangers to yin and yang contracts, but they have never been exposed before, and they have always been tacit, which is an unspoken rule.

But now, someone has broken the news, and it is so accurate!

Those specific amounts, like a sharp sword, poked into the hearts of those film companies.

“The amount is exactly right! How did he know! ”

“That contract is top secret, who is this Chen Qingyi?”

The major studios immediately turned around.

At the same time, some secret departments also became solemn and held meetings at speed.

“We have been paying attention to the phenomenon of excessive remuneration of celebrities and tax evasion in yin and yang contracts, but we have struggled to find the direction of investigation.”

“Now that this Chen Qingyi suddenly broke the news, I think it is very likely to be true, otherwise he would not dare to be so sure.”

“So, check! Check the producers of these movies he broke the news from head to toe! ”

“As long as there is a problem, there will definitely be clues!”

“Also, find someone else to contact this Chen Qingyi.”

The relevant departments are also operating wildly.

Fang Bingbing’s side.




In Fang Bingbing’s office, water glasses, wine bottles, and vases were all smashed!

“How would he know?”

“How could he know so clearly!”

Fang Bingbing shouted like crazy, changing the image of a charming girl on the screen, like a female madman.

“You must not let him continue to break the news, there is only one way now.” The agent really said, “Ban!” ”

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