“This is really a disaster for the world, and all cultural people like me are crying in their hearts at this time.”

“This is the regret of humanity, and we grieve for it and deplore it.”

“We can’t just watch it lie in the ashes after the fire.”

“We have to do our part to help it and build it up from the ruins.”

“The Fence Church of the Holy Father, it is the mother of our hearts.”

One by one, celebrities or well-known scholars have made comments online and donated money before.

He even replaced his meager head with a fenced church in the middle of the fire.

Chen Qing scoffed.

He laughed directly and said it directly in the live broadcast room.

“Gee, the mother of the heart is out?”

“Are you from Huaxia? Or people from Farah? ”

“How I was educated since childhood is that the Yellow River is our mother, or the Yangtze River.”

“How did I not know that a museum far away overseas has become the spiritual mother of our Chinese people?”

Chen Qing asked directly.

Suddenly, these well-known stars were angry.

They condemned Chen Qinglai one after another.

“You’re still not human!”

“The Fence Holy Father Church has been destroyed, and you are still sneering here?”

“Are you educated? How do you have no respect for civilization at all? ”

“Do you have a moral conscience?”

“The Fence Church of the Holy Father is so great, the great writer Guo Yu has written a famous book for it to praise its greatness!”

“Isn’t that enough?”

“Such a pearl of the world, destroyed in the fire, as long as it is a cultured person, will be sad and cry!”

Chen Qing smiled and smiled coldly.


“It’s funny.”

“I don’t deny that as a museum, the Fence Church does have some status, and there are many treasures in it.”

“But is it too much to cry and call your mother like this, beating your chest?”

“Now you are so sad for the Fence Church of the Holy Father, claiming to be a cultural person.”

“I wondered, the world is a destroyed museum, is there only one fenced church of the Holy Father?”

“How many of the most precious treasures in the Fence Holy Father Hall were stolen from the Old Summer Palace in Huaxia back then?”

“When they burned, looted, and stole treasures, were they also like you?”

“Well, the Old Summer Palace is too far away, you were not born at that time, I won’t say it.”

“Let’s just say the most recent, 2018, last year.”

“The country of Yinglang, the country of Farah, and the country of the United States, the alliance of the three countries, when Syria shelled Damascus, why didn’t you say a word?”

“Oh? You don’t know what Damascus is? ”

“Thesis, on treasures, Damascus, not under the fence of the Church of the Fathers.”

“Damascus is the oldest city in Syria, known as the Garden on Earth, a paradise on earth, a city of miracles, a relic of the ancient Silk Road.”

“But they were destroyed in shells, have you ever published it?”

“Let me see, at that time last year, one of you was playing in Hawaii, one was taking selfies in ancient Greece, and another was in China to raise money to restore overseas buildings…”

“Huh, hehe…”

“Have you ever suffered from the invasion of Ahanfu and the destruction of his national treasure Bamiyan Buddha?”

“The museum that Siba passed was also burned, have you ever cared about it?”

“Where were you when the American army ransacked the Babylon Treasure Museum in Kayla?”

“You don’t know any of this, you don’t care.”

“When it is the turn of the Holy Father’s Church of the Fence, you cry and call your mother, asking everyone to donate money to rebuild, and the natives of Farah are not as exaggerated as you!”

“Haven’t you heard his words?”

“He once lamented to the Old Summer Palace: We add up the treasures of all the cathedrals in Europe, and perhaps we are not worth this magnificent museum in the East.”

“However, the Old Summer Palace in his mouth was burned down and ransacked, including the Farah state of that year.”

Chen Qing stunned out a word, leaving those well-known stars speechless.

They originally created their own image of cultural people, hoping to gain popularity and make profits.

This fundraising for the Fence Church of the Holy Fathers is also an excellent opportunity for them to shape themselves.

Unfortunately, they were ruthlessly poked by Chen Qing.

Their careful thinking was not worth mentioning in front of Chen Qing.

Others, that is, are really completely brainwashed by overseas cultural forces, even so, they are still bouncing.

“You’re lying!”

“You know a fart!”

“You’re just a high school student!”

“What does the crimes of Farah Country have to do with them now?”

“They are now developed countries! I don’t know where to be higher than your country! ”

“They are all equal, and private property is inviolable!”

“The air over there is a little sweeter! The moon on their side is a little rounder over there! ”

“The education level of their citizens is much higher than that of Huaxia!”

“The fence Holy Father’s Church was burned down, and they all hurt from it!”

“Not only because they are Farahians, but also because they are people of higher culture, and they can experience the pain of the death of the Holy Father’s Church on the fence!”

“You are a high school student, you know a fart, are you worthy of being compared with the people of Farah Country?”

A well-known star directly spilled up, a mouthful of a cultural person, a mouthful of foreign moon is relatively round.

Chen Qing didn’t force much, and directly threw out a video.

This is a street video of a Farah elementary anchor.

This little anchor is one of Chen Qingtie’s fans on ins.

In order to pursue Chen Qing, she finally downloaded a meager amount, climbed over the wall, and came to Chen Qing’s live broadcast room to hold the scene.

Chen Qing also watched some of her live videos, which was a little interesting.

In the video, in the square in front of the fenced Church of the Holy Fathers, where the fire has just occurred, the background is dark ruins.

However, the people of Farah Country in the camera are smiling and do not have sad expressions.

“Aren’t you grieving over the burning of the Fence Church of the Holy Father?” The anchor went up to interview.

“Grief? Maybe, but I can’t cry. ”

“The Fence Church of the Holy Father is not my private property, what am I grieving?”

“My dog had diarrhea yesterday, and I’m sad for that.”

“Farah country has accepted too many refugees, we are not happy behind us, we used to just dare not come out at night, now we dare to go to those neighborhoods where refugees are concentrated during the day, and we will be robbed!”

“I was just robbed yesterday, it’s useless to call the police, is anyone sad for me?”

“No, then why should I grieve for a dead building!”

“Yesterday they actually tried to get water from my house in order to put out the fire, and I used my shotgun to defend my private property! Hahaha! ”

The female anchor paused slightly: “But the destruction of the Fence Holy Father Church is a sad thing after all, isn’t it?” ”

Passers-by shrugged again.

“Perhaps, but haven’t you already launched an international fundraiser? It will be fixed soon. ”

“Yes, the official is the most convenient to do this kind of thing.”

“But I won’t donate a penny, after the reconstruction, the Fence Church will continue to sell tickets for visits, and its income will not be given to me even a little.”

“Besides, aren’t there a lot of fools in the world who donate money?”

“Just let them donate money, and we’ll continue ours.”

The Farah man looked at the camera and said with a look of indifference.

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