Chapter 18: Preparing to Seduce and Gain Information

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Seeing how excited Ruan Zecheng was, Wang Dong couldn’t be bothered to explain, so he didn’t correct him.

He only hoped that everything would go smoothly, because he didn’t have much time left.

In the canteen.

“Is that all you eat? Aren’t you hungry?”

“This is enough for me because I’ve been on a diet recently. I heard that cucumbers, cabbages, and tomatoes won’t increase my weight after eating these. I even plan to travel abroad during the holidays! Perhaps I can even meet my destined one.”

“Actually, I think you’re already pretty enough now. You’re not fat or thin. Besides, aren’t the students in your department still taking exams recently? If you eat so little, you won’t have the strength to take the exams. What are you going to do?”

“Not really. In fact, just in case, I prepared a few cucumbers in my bag. When I’m hungry, I’ll take a bite. There’s also some candy. When I start feeling dizzy, I’ll eat a few. Let me tell you, every examination in our department is like a nightmare. If I were given a chance to redo it, I definitely wouldn’t choose the Chinese language class.”

Ruan Zecheng was chatting happily with the woman with the braid.

Wang Dong, on the other hand, sat not far away and ate without saying a word. He felt that he should praise Ruan Zecheng.

In just a few words, the distance between the two of them was closed. From the looks of the situation, those who didn’t know would think that the two of them were friends for many years.

This should be considered as charisma, right?

In addition, although Ruan Zecheng’s appearance couldn’t be considered top-notch in school, he could still be said to be clean. It was the appearance that women would feel pity for when they saw him.

The woman with freckles and braided hair continued, “Listening to our professor in class is like listening to a heavenly book. He has to break one word into several meanings, so much so that my head hurts when I hear the words now. Is your finance department the same?”

Although Wang Dong and Ruan Zecheng were both from the finance department, they were not in the same class.

“We often calculate mathematics questions on our side, and they’re all especially tricky. It’s clearly the finance department, but some questions still have to be read and understood. It’s very troublesome.”

Ruan Zecheng sighed sincerely. “Speaking of which, my roommate is that genius first-year student. He often studies outside. Whoever sees him will say that he works hard.”

“Eh?! Your roommate is actually that genius!”

The woman in the braid was first shocked, then she said as if she had the same feeling, “Perhaps this is the common problem of geniuses? My roommate is Qin Sixia. She’s often immersed in her own world. I can still see her writing in the middle of the night.”

She paused and continued, “As for my other roommate, because she joined the public relations division, she usually works outside, so only Qin Sixia and I are in the dormitory.”

Ruan Zecheng’s eyes lit up. “I quite like the books written by Senior Qin. Can you tell me about her?”

He didn’t forget that his goal this time was Qin Sixia.

The freckled woman said indifferently, “There doesn’t seem to be anything interesting I can talk about. We rarely communicate. Apart from going to the library, she stays in the dormitory most of the time.”

She seemed to have thought of something. “However, she leaves the dormitory once every month. I think she told me that she visits her aunt on that day. That day just happens to be tomorrow.”

“So that’s how it is?”

The two of them spoke one after another in a very harmonious manner. Before leaving, the woman with the braid was still a little reluctant. After all, there were not many people who she could have such a pleasant conversation with.

Therefore, they exchanged contact information and also agreed to go to the aquarium next time.

Wang Dong leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. He witnessed everything in front of him and couldn’t help but sigh. The so-called “friend of women” was so terrifying!

“Qin Sixia is going out to visit her aunt tomorrow. You might be able to have a chance encounter.”

Ruan Zecheng picked up some key points to tell him, such as what constellation Qin Sixia was and what color she liked.

In the end, he patted Wang Dong’s shoulder and said, “All the best, brother! You can do it!”

Although Ruan Zecheng had also heard that it wasn’t easy to pursue Qin Sixia, he couldn’t discourage his good brother. Moreover, his good brother, Wang Dong, had such good conditions. How could he not be able to pursue her?

Wang Dong said helplessly, “If I say I don’t like her, would you believe me?”

Obviously, Ruan Zecheng couldn’t believe it.

“I know, you’re shy, right? Let me tell you, you mustn’t shrink back when you see someone you like. Perhaps she happens to like someone like you too?”

Seeing that his explanation was indeed useless and that it was making things worse, he decided to shut up.

The next day.

Qin Sixia put on her satchel and was bumped by someone not far from the school gate. Fortunately, neither side was injured.

“Sorry, sorry, I forgot to look where I was going.”

Before she could see the other party’s appearance, the person lowered his hat and ran away without looking up.

She only felt that it was strange, but she didn’t take it to heart.

She continued moving towards her destination.

The person who bumped into her hid at the corner and took off his hat. Then, he casually fanned himself. In order to meet Qin Sixia, he had stayed near the school entrance before dawn. Because he was still wearing a hat and mask, he almost aroused the guard’s suspicion.

Fortunately, Wang Dong was fast enough.

He had finally placed a secret recorder under Qin Sixia’s bag.

As for how the secret recorder came about, it was naturally exchanged with the system with the remaining points.

This thing was very sticky. As long as it touched something, it couldn’t be pulled off without using force.

What was even more advanced was that it used a certain easily disintegrated material that allowed it to automatically disappear after 24 hours. It was also waterproof, fireproof, and shockproof. It would definitely not fail during the shelf life. However, it could only be used once.

Although he didn’t know what was the use for it to be waterproof, fireproof, and shockproof at the same time.

He also bought a small pair of binoculars in the system store.

As long as he adjusted the button, he could clearly see everything even from thousands of kilometers away. It was just like the secret recorder and was waterproof, fireproof, and shockproof.

Wang Dong felt that this tool was pretty useful.

Of course, there was also a locator thrown in with the secret recorder, just in case.

If he lost her, at least it could tell him its location.

If his system could be more useful, would he need to buy so much equipment?

“Do you want me to spend more points so that I would obediently do more missions for you?”

Apart from that, he couldn’t think of anything else.

The system made an electric sound. “Everything the system does is for the sake of the host. You want to survive, and I gave you a chance. Is there anything wrong?”

“If it was really for my sake, you shouldn’t have issued those missions. I was already prepared to show off my skills, but your appearance directly messed up my plan. If you hadn’t showed up, I would have earned a lot of money by now. However, not only do I have no money, but I also have to do missions that I don’t like.”

In his previous life, he was still a company president. In the end, after rebirth, he still had to do such shameful things. Just thinking about it made him feel bitter.

The system said coldly, “Host, you’re too pessimistic. You should be happy. Some people don’t even get the chance to be reborn..”

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