After seeing the software on Qin Hao’s computer, the two people were shocked.

“This… Qin Kuaiyi is what you do? ”

Wang Shimin’s eyes widened suddenly, and he opened his mouth to ask.

Seeing the open coding in front of him, he recognized it at a glance.

Because Wang Shimin was too shocked, his voice was not small, which caused people in the hotel lobby to look sideways.

“Little noise…”

Qin Hao was a little speechless, so he couldn’t be so surprised.

“This… This turned out to be the official version, not the trial version? ”

Liu Deli also grew his mouth at this time, and his face was incredible.

Like Wang Shimin, he recognized the code on the computer at a glance, which was the translation software “Qin Kuaiyi” that has been hotly discussed in the industry in recent days. ”

Originally, after seeing several sets of code on the computer, Liu Deli was shocked.

It was not that he and Wang Shimin had not tried to crack Qin Kuaiyi before.

But the two spent two days unable to open the software’s external framework.

Not to mention cracked.

According to the thoughts of the two people, this Qin Kuai’s translation seems to be unbreakable.

It’s not as simple as a translation software anymore.

People who can make software in this way are not absolutely masters.

If this technology is used in other fields, the future is limitless.

At first, Liu Deli thought that Qin Hao had just cracked the trial version of Qin Kuaiyi.

Even so, it’s very powerful.

At the very least, it was a level that he and Wang Shimin could not match.

However, after taking a closer look.

Liu Deli was shocked to find that the computer in front of him turned out to be the official version of “Qin Kuaiyi”.

In this way, the young man in front of him is the author of Qin Kuai’s translation.

This point was the most shocking to Liu Deli and Wang Shimin.

At the beginning, the two were proud that Qin Kuaiyi was made by Chinese.

At least, there are such software experts in the ** people.

The two guessed that the author of this software should be a master program.

At least, people who have been studying software for many years.

But now seeing Qin Hao so young, how could he not be shocked.

But the code was right in front of them, which made the two have to believe it.

Wang Shimin also did not expect that the person he met at the expo yesterday would be the author of Qin Kuai’s translation.

You know, today’s software industry has exploded.

Many people want to know who the author of this software is.

Even, many tech companies offer an annual salary of millions, or even higher, to hire this person.

And now, that person is right in front of him.

“This time, you won’t think I’m a liar, will you?”

Closing the computer, Qin Hao said with a smile.

It seems that the two people are not stupid, at the very least, they know that they cannot trust strangers.

Where in this world are there so many things that require high salaries after just a few words.

It’s just that they met Qin Hao.

Because Qin Hao himself is an exception.

“I hope the two of you keep the software secret and don’t say it.”

Putting the computer away, Qin Hao said lightly.

“At the very least, if it gets out, it may also cause some trouble for the two.”

Qin Hao is not worried about the leakage of the software, but is afraid of trouble.

This Qin Express translation software must be loaded into his Xia Qin mobile phone.

By the day the phone is released, everyone will know that the software has a relationship with the mobile phone company.

But at that time, these things were no longer important.

But now if it leaks out, it will be somewhat troublesome.

At least, Qin Hao was more tired of troublesome things.

“Don’t worry, we won’t reveal it.”

Nodding, Wang Shimin and Liu Deli assured.

Although the two are students, they are not stupid.

They are well aware of the importance attached to this software.

Naturally, they don’t make trouble for themselves.

At this moment, the two finally let go of Qin Hao.

Not just reassuring, but worship, utter worship.

At such a young age, he was able to make such software.

Then, following Qin Hao’s side, he must have learned a lot.

Relatively speaking, money is less important.

This time, they were desperate to go to Qin Hao’s company.

···· Ask for flowers…

After returning the room, Qin Hao directly booked three first-class tickets at the front desk.

Wang Shimin did not give them economy class because they were employees of the future company.

For his own people, or those who have a relationship with him, Qin Hao has never been stingy.

But for the enemy, it’s completely different.

Seeing the first-class tickets in their hands, Wang Shimin and Liu Deli couldn’t help but smack their tongues secretly.

I didn’t expect Qin Hao to be so rich.

You know, a plane ticket, but even two months’ living expenses for a person.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved.

How can people who can make such software care about money?

If Qin Hao wants to sell Qin Kuaiyi, I don’t know how many companies will rush to ask for it.


The plane was less than two hours away from takeoff.

Due to the luggage check-in, even if they bought a first-class cabin, the three of them took a taxi to the airport as soon as possible.

Wang Shimin and Liu Deli entered the VIP lounge for the first time and looked at the freshness everywhere around.

However, they did not litter the food and drinks on the counter.

Because, they thought it was charged.

Being able to enter Qin Hao’s company was already the most exciting thing for the two of them.

How dare the two of them let Qin Hao spend money on water for them.

However, Qin Hao didn’t know what the two people thought, and sat there and sent a message to Zhang Shuya and Zhang Tao, saying that he was about to go back.

More than two hours later, Qin Hao and the three of them returned to Bincheng.

Ben Thanh is a second-tier city, although not as prosperous as SZ.

But for Wang Shimin and the two, when they arrived in a new city, everything was still fresh.

After taking a taxi back to the company, Qin Hao guided the two to human resources and went upstairs to the office.

At this moment, Zhang Tao was already waiting for him in the office.

“The supplier has almost finished talking, and the mold has started to be made.”

Opening the notepad in front of him, Zhang Tao reported to Qin Hao.

“And some common parts, I have notified the supplier to start production.”

“But, in the middle of this, something went wrong.”

Closing the notepad, Zhang Tao said. _

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