I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 329 328. Magnitude 10 Earthquake

The simple and mottled bronze mirror is suspended in the air, and the mirror emits a dazzling beam of light, which hits the ground violently.

The light beam looked as thick as a bucket, but the core jet was about the same size as a chopstick.

The Kunlun Mirror constrains energy to the extreme, making it really fast and economical.

The extremely condensed gamma rays first drilled through the ground with huge kinetic energy like a steel drill.

Immediately afterwards, the photon radiation melted the soil, rocks, etc.

In the eyes of outsiders, all this is like a dazzling pillar of light, drilling a bottomless hole in the earth!

As the hole drilled deeper and deeper, a large amount of soil and stones were melted, gasified and even ionized.

Loud roars of rolling thunder erupted one after another underground, and countless huge cracks opened in the ground, and red magma gushed out.

This scene was broadcast live to the world by various drones.

The beam of light is so bright that it shines brighter than the sun. This phenomenon is not common.

Soon scientists determined what this was through spectral color and flicker frequency——

【Super powerful gamma rays! 】

[This is already a "gamma burst"! The energy of photons is hundreds of thousands of times that of sunlight! 】

[90% of the galaxies in the universe have been bombarded by such rays and have wiped out life! 】

All kinds of comments quickly spread to the Internet, and the light beam drilled deeper and deeper, and soon reached a depth of 1 kilometer underground!

Of the 80 stored units of inspiration, 60 have been consumed, and there is not much left.

It was at this moment that Kunlun Mirror suddenly stopped its magical power.

The scorching light suddenly disappeared, and the earth stopped wailing, but there was already a hole as thick as a bucket and bottomless.

With Lu Li's expectant look on his face, he aimed the Kunlun Mirror at the hole and flicked it...

The next second, people in the entire capital area felt obvious vibrations under their feet.

Soon, a huge wave of blue light erupted from the ground, rising hundreds of stories into the sky!

Kunlun Mirror quickly sucked it into the mirror, like a long whale sucking water, and it took a full minute to finish.

With such a big deal, there will definitely be no shortage of inspiration in this extraction.

Lu Li quickly took a look, and sure enough... there were a full 1,000 units!

This is the biggest catch yet!

Although he was excited, Lu Li was naturally not stingy and ordered Kunlun Mirror:

"You should take half and save the rest for me."

Kunlun Mirror was seriously injured and needed to strengthen his nutrition, so he immediately refined his spiritual energy.

And after it eats, it will work harder to open up the sea of ​​consciousness and help its master practice.

At this time, only three to five minutes had passed, and Lu Li's fever had "went down".

He looked at Charles and Robert.

Both of them were unable to stand firm during the bombardment just now, and they just got up.

Looking at the huge cracks on the ground, Robert shivered... This was simply a demon!

He actually said that he and the other party were of the same kind, which was extremely ridiculous!

Lu Li was not even interested in taking a look at the mere ants. He just said to Charles:

"A very powerful virus, extremely contagious, even I was infected without knowing it. And as you said, the virus attacked my whole body and even wanted to penetrate the blood testicles and blood-brain barrier..."

Hearing these words, Charles felt inexplicably cold all over, and deep uneasiness arose in his heart.

He thought smart and roared: "Monster! What do you want!"

"What do I want..."

Lu Li looked around and said casually:

"Originally, I just couldn't stand your country, but there's really not much to say about deep hatred. Maybe a few beatings, venting my anger, and the matter would be over. But now my view has changed."

Along with the words, flocks of birds kept screaming and flying in the sky.

Schools of fish in the Potomac River also jumped out of the water, splashing and churning endlessly.

Lu Li's expression turned a little cold and he said decisively:

"Occupying the most abundant resources on the planet, you are creating biochemical weapons to destroy mankind... You are a scourge and cancer cells that must be eliminated. I will no longer have any mercy or mercy, and I will completely eradicate you!"

Stars bloomed in Lu Li's eyes, and he converted his words into electromagnetic waves, which were transmitted to the drones in the sky and clearly communicated to the whole world.

With such wild talk, the Internet exploded:

【How dare you! 】

【This monster is crazy! He doesn't think that one attack can defeat the Star Allies, right? 】

[I found information about this monster. He inherited the blood of the executioner and is an antisocial lunatic! 】

Amidst the abuse, Charles was speechless at the scene.

Lu Li's killing intent was not enough before, and his aura was not fully developed.

At this moment, Mingxin was determined and immediately suppressed Charles's life magnetic field, making him feel panicked, short of breath, and about to suffocate.

But Robert had been slowly retreating, still happy that Lu Li was ignoring him.

But as he was retreating, he suddenly stepped on something soft and slippery and almost tripped.

When I looked down, I saw large swathes of rats scurrying around like headless flies.

"what happened?"

All the animals were frightened, it was clearly a sign of a natural disaster!

Robert was suddenly startled and rushed towards the helicopter.

As soon as I pulled the handle of the cabin door, there was a violent shaking under my feet, and the world seemed to be like a jar that was constantly shaking.


I saw that the surrounding buildings began to sway left and right, making overwhelming pulling sounds, and soon collapsed one after another.

Lu Li slowly floated up and said with stars in his eyes:

"This is the meeting gift I offer you, enjoy it."

After saying that, he summoned up his strength to lift himself up and flew to the horizon and disappeared.

As soon as he left, the entire capital area shook more and more violently, and long cracks spread on the road.

The tall buildings shattered to the ground like biscuits, and the trees were as fragile as French fries, easily broken one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a vast chasm opened in the earth, like a big mouth, and several tall buildings fell in completely and disappeared.

Robert climbed onto the helicopter with difficulty and started the engine. Just as he was about to take off, Charles stumbled over and shouted "Wait a minute."

Without hesitation for even half a second, Robert pulled the lift rod and took off.

But in the next moment, the "Island in the Heart of the River" beneath my feet suddenly collapsed and sank, turning into the ugly smiling face of the earth.

The two of them together with the helicopter were like sesame seeds dropped into a cement mixer, gone in the blink of an eye.

The apocalyptic scene made countless people exclaim:

【Oh, God! Mother Earth is dancing! 】

[This is a magnitude 10 earthquake! ! ! 】

【It was caused by that monster! It must have been him! 】

Everyone saw Lu Li firing light beams to bombard the ground.

And the fact is indeed the case, this big earthquake was caused by the inspiration.

"No matter how strong Blue Star's tolerance is, excessive extraction of spiritual energy will eventually cause natural disasters."

Lu Lifei was safe and sound in the sky, and he was still free to comment.

The puppet had long been reminded by its master and left the city carrying the gold north.

The entire city was turned over, and Lu Li also went to meet the puppets to prepare to return to the other world.

There is a beautiful sister over there waiting to be developed.

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