The meeting topic was interrupted by Zhen Yangzi and turned in the direction of "golden level werewolf".

There were no fools present. They were just stunned for a moment, and then they all glanced at Lu Li's legs and realized the reason for this move.

The matter was of great importance, so everyone immediately straightened up their posture and started discussing seriously:

"There are very few sub-human races like werewolves in China, so we have to go to the outside world to find them."

"There are a few werewolf mercenaries in major trading ports... but their grades are generally not high."

"Those Stan countries in the far west seem to have gold-level werewolf lords."

"That's right! The 'white-eyed tiger' who escaped from Zuo Gong back then was a gold-level werewolf!"

Werewolves are a rare thing in China, and it is even less likely to have a gold-level one.

But everyone brainstormed and came up with a suitable goal——

"When Zuo Gong regained the western frontier, all the bandit leaders were executed, except for the 'white-eyed tiger' who had eaten everything and escaped!"

The speaker was Cheng Dingyuan of the Wudang Sect. He was old but his voice was very loud:

"This white-eyed tiger was born in China, but he defected to foreign enemies to occupy the Western Territory. After being defeated by Zuo Gong, he fled to the Rakshasa Empire. Since then, he has been harassed by border invaders every year, so he just happened to be eliminated!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people immediately agreed:

"A bereaved dog must have no foundation, so it's just right!"

"Liu Jintang, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, has always been friendly to me, the Killing Society. Helping them eliminate serious troubles on the border is a reward."

There are many benefits, but some people said in a deep voice:

"This animal escaped to the country of Stan in the far west. The journey back and forth is tens of thousands of kilometers, which is not easy."

This does not include the difficulty and danger of fighting enemies of the same level.

Everyone looked at Zhenyangzi, waiting for the great master to make up his mind.

Zhenyangzi didn’t hesitate at all and said immediately:

"A little journey is nothing. Let's set off now. If everything goes well, we'll be back in half a month."

After speaking, he turned around and walked out, vigorously but a little too hastily.

Lu Li shouted from behind: "Taoist Master, I'll go with you..."

"Your mission is to practice with peace of mind."

Zhenyangzi waved his hand and refused:

"First refine all the acupoints that can be refined, and stretch the body to the extreme. Please note that the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill may not be able to do its full job."

Lu Li still felt something was wrong. This was a hard job involving tens of thousands of kilometers back and forth... He didn't seem to be that familiar with Zhen Yangzi.

But Li Yuanzhong also gave words of advice:

"It will be the greatest help to us if you hurry up and become a saint!"

Others also looked over with earnest expressions... If a sage-like true king can appear, many problems can be easily solved!

Seeing this, Lu Li stopped insisting, raised his fist towards Zhen Yangzi and said:

"Then I'm so shameless, thank you so much, Taoist Priest!"

Zhenyangzi nodded and disappeared out of sight.

As soon as he left, the meeting was back on track.

Everyone repeatedly scolded the Izumo people for their vicious factories, and complained that the various governors were becoming increasingly unfriendly to the Suicide Society.

Finally, I mentioned a few fellow Taoists who had sacrificed their lives... there was really no good news at all.

Lu Li participated for the first time and just listened quietly.

But after looking at Li Yuanzhong, he suddenly remembered something and asked Xia Weiyun beside him quietly:

"Aside from Zhenren Li and Taoist Master Zhenyangzi, are there any other great masters in the Killing Society?"

"No, it's just the two of them."

Xia Weining knew what Lu Li wanted to ask, so he sighed and said:

"There are about 30 grand masters among the eight major governors and many sects in the world, one per province on average...but he is the only one who stands up to resist the insult."

Only two out of 30 is too few, but the building is about to collapse, and there are not many people who have the courage to hold on.

Lu Li felt a little melancholy, Xia Weiyun took his hand and said:

"Brother Lu, look at it, everyone is in good spirits."

Although everyone was grumbling and complaining, their faces were not depressed at all, and their words were full of energy, showing a high-spirited attitude.

"It wasn't originally like this."

Xia Weiyun said slowly:

"The situation is getting worse and worse. Everyone is very pessimistic. Even my master sent an elder to Nanyang to preserve the inheritance."

"But it's different now! You gave everyone a head start..."

Xia Weiyun looked over intently, and others also looked over here from time to time...

This made Lu Li feel a little pressure, and he gradually became the tallest one when the sky fell.


The next top priority for the entire Suicide Society is to find the drug-making factory.

After deciding on this point, everyone quickly dispersed one after another.

Lu Li followed Xia Weiyun and happily walked towards the room, about to pick the eldest sister's Yuanyin.

Seeing no one around, Xia Weiyun turned around and pushed him:

"Why are you in such a hurry? It's making people laugh. I'll go back and clean up. I'll see you again in the evening."

It was just 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and there were other disciples' courtyards near Xia Weiyun's residence, so she was inevitably shy.

Lu Li thought for a while, and within a few hours, he grabbed a handful of his sister's watermelon and said:

"Then you come earlier, I'll go back and wait."

"Can sister still run away?"

Xia Weixin took a sip of fragrance on Lu Li's face, then turned around to clean up and salute.

She planned to move to the more elegant and quiet "Wangjiang Jingshe" and take a shower. She had broken out in a cold sweat in the main hall just now.

Lu Li, on the other hand, returned to the courtyard first.

As soon as he came over, he saw Xiaocha practicing hard and his hair was soaked with sweat.

"You just came back too? It's been so hard..."

"You are so good, I won't be able to keep up with you if I don't practice hard~"

Xiaocha stopped and wiped her sweat and said:

"As a warrior, I have to take the lead if something happens in the future. This little cultivation level is not enough~"

"Come on~ I have enough ideas here~"

"Where's Sister Xia? It's better to practice sparring."

"She went back to clean up and came over in the evening."

"That's it..."

The two chatted casually for a few words, and Xiaocha continued to practice.

The entire conversation was overheard by Wan Qing.

When she heard that Xia Weixin came at night, she pursed her lips and smiled, then leaned forward and waved to Lu Li:

"Mr. Lang, come here~"

Lu Li walked over, and Wan Qing let him into the house, then closed the door tightly.

Lu Li asked in confusion: "Is something wrong?"

Wan Qing bit her lower lip, raised her eyes and said mischievously:

"Langjun, let's go over there~"


Lu Li was stunned for a moment. Wan Qing had pushed him down on the recliner and then sat up.

Lu Li asked in a low voice: "Hey... why does it have to be now?"

"Hey, let Sister Xia only eat my leftovers on her wedding day~"

Wan Qing smiled evilly, showing a completely different side from before.

Human nature is complex, and there is no need to hide it in front of those close to you, which is even more obvious.

Lu Li murmured: "Wan Qing, I just discovered that you are a little... shady."

This unfamiliar vocabulary was inexplicably appropriate, and Wan Qing defended with some embarrassment:

"All women are like this! Sir, stop talking so much and get on with it~"

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