I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 366 365. Bad news keeps coming

After returning to the gate of Longmen Sect, Mr. Nan couldn't bear it any longer and went to rest first.

The two cat-eared girls were in good condition, so they went to take a bath and change into new clothes.

After freshening up and dressing up, the two sisters immediately stunned everyone when they met again!

They all have bright white hair, which is as thick as a waterfall and can easily cover their small waists.

The skin just out of the bath is white, greasy and translucent, making people want to caress it.

Looking at the two identical pretty faces, I feel pity for them.

Lu Li's three wives liked him very much, and they all gathered around him to ask for his welfare.

Xiaocha touched her hair and said curiously:

"It's so smooth, just like satin... I want to make it longer too."

Xia Weixing said: "It's hard to take care of when it grows. By the way, why is my sister called Xingru and my sister named Yueru?"

"It should be taken from "Che Yaoyao Chapter" - May I be like the stars and the moon, and the light will shine brightly every night."

Wan Qing responded softly, her voice a little low.

At that time, my mother was pregnant with twins, and she planned to name them from this poem, but it was useless.

By chance, she met these two sisters. Wan Qing felt that her mother's name was so nice, and she couldn't help but caressed Shang Yue's satin-like hair.

However, the Mao Er sisters could not understand Chinese, so their green eyes were flashing in confusion.

It just so happened that Lu Li also wanted to solve this problem.

He stepped forward, met Shang Yueru's eyes, and felt out a ray of "mind" to connect with her.

It contains knowledge related to "Chinese", including reading, writing and listening.

Shang Yueru was very close to Lu Li and accepted this sentiment without any precautions.

I saw blue biological arcs shooting out of Lu Li's eyes, which continued to merge into Shang Yue's crystal-clear blue eyes, and turned into "memory".

Countless "Chinese" language skills suddenly appeared in Shang Yueru's mind.

After the transmission was completed a few minutes later, she blinked her eyes, shook her cat ears, and said crisply:

"Lu, Lu Li~Lu Li~Shang Yueru, Shang Xingru"

The pronunciation becomes more standard every time, and I can speak Chinese now.

Lu Li touched her little head and said with satisfaction:

"The effect is good. But it's just temporary memory. You have to practice frequently to master it."


Shang Yueru narrowed her eyes and nodded sharply, rubbing Lu Li's palm, very well-behaved.

In comparison, her sister Shang Xingru is much colder.

But at this moment, her cold eyes were blank, as if she was distracted, and she didn't even notice Lu Li approaching.

Lu Li was about to instill a "language memory" in the same way, but Shang Xingru suddenly came back to his senses and said in Chinese:

"My sister and I have telepathy, and I can also speak Chinese."

"Twin telepathy?"

Lu Li had heard about this trait and couldn't help but feel curious.

But before she could explore it carefully, Shang Yueru's stomach rumbled.

It was obvious that he was hungry, Wan Qing said softly:

"I was busy chatting, but I forgot that I was empty. I'm going to get some food, wait a minute."

She waved her hands, and her mind surged out like a tide, and she held up the meat, flour, etc. and flew into the air.

Then the mind stirring particles turned into billowing flames and were cooked on the spot.

The fat of the meat sizzled under the high temperature, and many seasonings were photographed.

A few minutes later, the place was filled with aroma.

Grilled lamb chops, braised sea bass, pan-fried beef tenderloin and other hard dishes slowly fell down and floated in front of everyone.

Lu Li even saw a few scallion pancakes, and immediately smiled and said:

"Fairy Suzaku's ability to host a banquet is really amazing."

"That's necessary. My Wan Qing is good at cooking! Let's not waste any more and eat quickly~"

Xiaocha picked up a piece of scallion pancake and was about to bite it. After thinking about it, she gave it to Shang Xingru next to her.

Xia Weixin also offered food to Shang Yueru, and everyone started eating.

Shang Yueru ate from side to side until her mouth was full of oil. Shang Xingru looked quiet and elegant while eating, and occasionally helped her sister wipe her face.

Wan Qing took another "spiritual wine" with her heart, and each of them poured a large bowl.

The rich aura of inspiration made the two cat-eared girls twitch their noses together, and even the cold-looking Shang Xingru's eyes shone with enthusiasm.

They were not polite and drank it all in one gulp.

As a result, he narrowed his eyes due to the alcohol, his cat ears kept trembling, and his face turned red.

Lu Li's family was very interested and filled the cups with the two sisters, who drank them all in one gulp.

Just like this, after a few minutes, everyone was full of wine and food.

Moreover, there was really not a drop of soup left, so there was no need to clean up at all.

The Mao Er sisters had just escaped from danger. They were a little sleepy after drinking and couldn't help but yawn.

But at this moment, there was suddenly a violent sound breaking through the air. It was Li Yuanzhong and Zhen Yangzi who were back.

Xia Weixin hurriedly stepped forward and told him about the Four Spirits and White Tigers.

The two Taoist priests were suddenly surprised and happy! I never expected there would be an unexpected harvest!

Looking at the slightly reserved Mao Er sisters, Li Yuanzhong said with a sudden look on his face:

"No wonder I searched all over China and couldn't find it... I didn't expect that he was born in Ryukyu!"

Zhenyangzi sighed: "Ryukyu... it's quite normal."

After Ryukyu was destroyed, not only the citizens were wiped out, but the royal family was kidnapped and turned into playthings in Sakuradu.

Several beautiful ladies were brutally harvested to death by Emperor Izumo, and then made into specimens, which was extremely miserable.

The "White Tiger" killed by the Four Spirits was born there... It was unexpected but reasonable.

Li Yuanzhong said warmly to the two sisters: "You are really lucky to have escaped and ascended to heaven. Let's stay here and rest for a few days."

Emperor Izumo started his career by collecting supplements. These two sisters are obviously the "cauldron" in cultivation. If they don't escape in time, they may end up badly.

Naturally, Shang Xingru knew what he was doing, so he quickly pulled his sister along and bowed to the old Taoist priest.

However, Zhenyangzi had doubts in his heart and asked:

"You have been in Izumo Sakura City. Do you know what the Emperor is busy with? Why hasn't he shown up for a long time?"

Zhenyangzi just asked casually, not expecting the sisters to know.

Unexpectedly, Shang Xingru actually said: "That monster... is in retreat recently and occasionally flies a kite."

"fly a kite!!!"

After hearing this, the expressions of the two Taoist priests changed simultaneously!

Zhen Yangzi instantly stood in front of Shang Xingru and said solemnly:

"Does he only fly kites during thunderstorms? Is the kite string a metal wire?"

Shang Xingru thought for a moment, then nodded seriously and said, "Yes."

The faces of the two Taoist priests suddenly became extremely ugly!

"This is to overcome the thunder tribulation!"

Zhenyangzi said in a deep voice: "During thunderstorms, you use metal wires to attract thunder, weaken its power and slowly adapt to it... This person has actually come this far!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely solemn.

Lu Li thought of the Qinglong Appearance again and secretly said that the enemy would not stand still and he still needed to speed up! We must show up quickly!

Moreover, Qinglong must go and have a look and get detailed information, so as to maximize the success rate!

But what to do...ask Su Qing for help?

While Lu Li was making calculations, Li Yuanzhong said:

"It is not easy to survive the thunder tribulation, and the Thunder Tribulation Heavenly Lord has not appeared in the world for hundreds of years. We don't need to panic, and we can't mess up our position. We should do what we should do step by step!"

This was mainly meant for Lu Li, who immediately clasped his fists and said, "I'll spare you the trouble!"

Li Yuanzhong nodded and ordered Xia Weixin:

"Arrange a place for the guests to stay and let them have a good rest."

"Disciple, obey!"

Xia Weixin quickly led the Maoer sisters away.

And Lu Li has decided to approach Su Qing to discuss another deal!

Next update in about an hour

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