I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 744: Practiced

Latest website: Chen Mo hesitated for a while, thinking a lot of things in his mind, and then walked out of this room after a while.

Just stepping out of the room, I happened to see Yan Qingqiu, who had finished washing and came out next door.

It was really embarrassing, but Ran Qingqiu just looked at Chen Mo more, and then said: "If you want to go, I'll take you off."

But Qingqiu behaved like a okay person.


Chen Mo scratched his head.

Did he slap her or she slapped him? This girl is really the first time. It shouldn't be more emotional, or it will take a while to get out of here? How to be like a okay person?

"Well, thanks a lot."

Chen Mo walked out shoulder to shoulder with her.

"If you have any evil thoughts about the Yangshen Cult, even if you are in the entire Spirit Sword Pavilion, you can be lawless, but love can give me the ability to absolutely kill you."

Ran Qingqiu reminded Chen Mo and asked him not to betray the Yang Shenjiao.

"It is worth giving everything you have for Yangshen Sect?"

"Why is it not worth it? This life of mine is from Yangshen Sect."

Chen Mo shook his head secretly.

"Very sad."

Ran Qingqiu glanced at Chen Mo.

"Never lived for myself."

Ran Qingqiu didn't like to talk to Chen Mo anymore, and walked straight forward.

The leader of Nayang God Sect nodded in satisfaction when seeing them walk out together.

"Well, yes, little brother Chenmo, then from now on, this seat officially announces that you have become the next prospective leader of my Yang Shenjiao."

Chen Mo gave a fist.

Quite inexplicably, I originally came to punish the Yangshen Sect, but now I am the quasi-teacher of the Yangshen Sect. If this is known by the Immortal Emperor Pope or something, the consequences will probably be Xiao Ruhan and others who want to protect Chen Mo. No one can protect it.

But Chen Mo knew in his heart that he would never do the things that Yangshen Sect did that hurt the world and reason. His compromise was only one reason, and that was that there might be a slight possibility that could restrain him from becoming Shura in the future. Regarding this, As long as there is a little possibility, Chen Mo will try!

Regarding this point, Chen Mo doesn’t necessarily think that the Yangshen cult leader is deceiving himself. He is correct in many things. If he really just wants to use himself as a person, he can completely try to control his mind, but he It is precisely that he does not want to control his mind. What he wants is a complete Chen Mo, which makes Chen Mo feel more surprised. That is to say, he has a high probability of really wanting to train him as the leader of Yangshen Sect.

"You will have absolute freedom in the next three months. For you, practicing outside is definitely much better than practicing here, but you must come back after three months. After three months, this seat will not let you You go and inherit my Yangshen teaching method, since you are unwilling to practice, this seat will not force it."

"What are you going to do in those three months?"

"You'll know then, it's definitely not a bad thing."

Chen Mo did not continue to ask, but nodded.

"Let Qingqiu follow you in these three months."

The leader of Yangshen Sect said.

Chen Mo; "..."

"No, someone is following me."

"Is that Ye Yuhan, who was number one on the list that day? It doesn't matter. Although there are different paths between good and evil, this seat believes that if you are there, there will be no conflicts between Qingqiu and that girl. In fact, this seat is also very different. I admire them, but they are not destined to be the same, but Qingqiu can compete with that girl. I believe that Qingqiu will get a lot with you. After all, she is now your partner."

The leader of Yangshen Sect said to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo; "..."

They... is this a partner?

"Qingqiu leads the way."

Qingqiu respectfully saluted.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

He didn't agree, you took the order?

Chen Mo sighed slightly.

Then...just like that, take it with you, just take one more master, it's not a bad thing to have multiple masters around, and if you have your own, Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu will never fight.

I just thought that it might be necessary to explain it a little at that time. After all, Yangshen Sect and Han Jiangxue have a **** feud, and now Chen Mo and the saint of Yangshen Sect are like this now, it is not good to be honest.

But no way.

"be careful."

The leader of Yangshen Sect reminded.

"Qingqiu understands."

"Okay, go ahead."


Then Chen Mo and Ran Qingqiu walked away.

On the way, Chen Mo may have a lot to ask Ran Qingqiu, and he can also learn more about Yangshen Sect. To be honest, it is embarrassing. Although Chen Mo is in Yangshen Sect, where is the Yangshen Sect and where exactly is Chen Mo? Mo doesn't know yet.

The two walked out, the snow-white flying monster was waiting there, Ran Qingqiu jumped up, and then stood there calmly.

Chen Mo also jumped by her side.


In the next instant, the monster flew towards the sky.

The two embarked on the journey home, Chen Mo really did not expect that in the end he would put her on her own, and now take her on an adventure together.

Chen Mo is not sure if this Ran Qingqiu is the person sent by the leader of Yangshen Sect to monitor him, but Chen Mo feels that there is no need to monitor him, because in their eyes, with this sentiment, he is not threatening. of.

"Where is the location of Yangshen Sect?"

Chen Mo asked.

"What do you ask this for?"

Ran Qingqiu glanced at Chen Mo.

"What? I, the quasi-teacher of Yangshen Sect, asks what's wrong with this? I don't have the capital to know?"

Chen Mo asked back.


Ran Qingqiu then said, "I'm used to it."

Yes, as a member of Yangshen Sect, she is naturally used to concealing her position in Yangshen Sect.

Then she said: "The location of Yangshen Sect is in the sea area of ​​Jiuyang. You should be able to remember the markers around the location, right?"

She naturally saw Chen Mo's eyes scanning frantically when he got there.

Chen Mo also nodded ~www.readwn.com~ and Ran Qingqiu took out a black bead and handed it to Chen Mo.

"With this, only this bead can open the environment leading to the main hall of the Yangshen Sect, otherwise, even if it is discovered, even dozens of Heavenly Forbidden level experts will not be able to break through."

Chen Mo took the beads and put them away.

"The blood demon art cultivated by Yangshen Sect requires the cultivation of human blood, have you practiced too?"

Chen Mo asked.


Chen Mo frowned slightly.

Maybe as a man, there is a kind of cleanliness. First, no one wants her to be touched by other men. Second, she doesn't want her to touch anything unclean.

for example?

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