I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 750: Wind Attribute Demon Crystal

The latest website: "Ye Yuhan said that the monster crystal of the wind attribute monster can also be used as a power system. It is only the fire attribute, and the water attribute monster is easy to identify. How to identify the wind attribute?"

Chen Mo rubbed his chin.

What Chen Mo can see is that if this monster beast is very fast, then it has a chance of wind attribute, and some flying monsters have a high chance of wind attribute.

"The wind is so big."

Shui Shui weakly hid behind Chen Mo. She was very petite, and her feet were even more unstable by the wind.

Chen Mo took her little hand behind him, and then led her in.

With such a strong wind, being blown by the wind all the year round, it is normal that some spars gradually possess wind attributes.

As soon as he walked in, a monster beast sleeping on the ground felt their movement and slowly stood up, with blood-red eyes staring at Chen Mo and Shui Shui.

The leopard is similar to an ordinary leopard, but its coat color is white, not the kind of snow white. In this wind, it stands particularly secure.

[Chasing Leopard]: Grade: Gold BOSS, Level: Fifty, HP: 500000, a very fast monster, its instantaneous eruption speed can even surpass many ghost monsters, but the duration Limited, it is said to be one of the monsters with the fastest burst of speed on the mainland. The only pity is that the bloodline is mediocre and cannot reach a very high level, otherwise the Wind Chaser is expected to be among the top monsters on the mainland.

Skills: [Chasing Wind]: Instantly increase speed by 1000 for five seconds, and then gradually decline after five seconds. Cooling time; one minute.

[Tearing Claw]: Rush to a target, then launch a tearing attack, causing damage to the hit unit and 100% with a tearing effect, dropping health per second. Cooling time: ten seconds.

[Furious]: All attributes are increased by 50% for ten seconds, and all attributes are reduced by 10% within 30 seconds after entering the cooldown. Cooling time: ten minutes.

"Wind-chasing leopard, it should be a wind monster."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.


The two ultimate fronts cut through the air and rushed towards the chasing leopard.

The Chasing Leopard originally wanted to attack Chen Mo directly, but saw the two fierce Supreme Fronts, a kind of instinctive jealousy arose, and then fled directly into the distance.

The speed is very fast, but this chasing leopard **** is not lasting at all.


The Peak of the Perfect drew a blood mark on the body of the chasing leopard.

In an instant, the blood of the chasing leopard was cleared by a quarter.

There is an attached skill in total. This skill is a passive skill. It ignores all defenses and all defense enchantments. The defense power can cut all the hard things in the world. It can be controlled by the master's mind, and the attack can be controlled by the mind. , Or as a weapon in hand! The Supreme Front has an unimaginable flying speed, causing a mandatory 100000 damage for every unit it hits, and cutting wounds cannot be healed. It is proportional to the master's strength.

Not to mention anything else, this hit a unit with 100,000 points of mandatory damage, which is not too cool for Chen Mo to level up.

Brush and brush——

Two seconds later, the 500,000 blood chasing leopard fell to the ground under the power of the two ultimate fronts.

To be reasonable, if Chen Mo's power singles out this wind chasing leopard, without using the increase in Shura's intent, it takes time for Chen Mo to want hundreds of it, and only after Chen Mo makes the increase, he empties his blood. The speed of the bar will make a qualitative leap, and if it does not increase, in fact, Chen Mo's attack will be just like that, Chen Mo will be abnormal after full firepower!

However, the appearance of the Supreme Front completely made Chen Mo extremely relaxed. He controlled his consciousness and caused hundreds of thousands of damage at will. If two handles attacked together, the speed of clearing monsters was simply not too fast!

Xiao Ruhan asked him not to use any abilities related to Shura's power as much as possible. The increase in Shura's meaning is also Shura's power. Although every time he uses Chen Mo, he can't feel anything wrong, but he should avoid using it.

"Wow, that's amazing."

There are small stars in Shui Shui’s big eyes. Although it is not the first time she has seen Chen Mo use the Supreme Edge, it is definitely the first time she has seen Chen Mo brush monsters. Such a powerful monster looks so fierce and fierce. Yes, just being abused to death by these two Zhi Zhen Feng?

Chen Mo walked over, peeled off the chasing leopard's head, and then took out the white demon crystal inside.

"Wind attribute demon crystal."

When Chen Mo saw the white demon crystal, he knew it was a wind attribute demon crystal.

"One piece must not be enough."

Chen Mo looked forward.

It may be that the wailing of the wind chasing leopard came out and attracted the attention of its companions. When he raised his head, Chen Mo saw the black wind chasing leopards in the distance, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

It just happened!

"Shui Shui, attack at will!"

"Yes, big brother!"


Then Chen Mo leaped to a tree, and the two Supreme Fronts rushed towards the group of wind chasing leopards.


A terrifying roar came, the ground was shaking, and the black wind chasing leopard group rushed over.

Zhi Zhen Feng was attacking those wind chasing leopards frantically like cutting leeks, but at this time Chen Mo also discovered the shortcomings of Zhi Feng, which can also be said to be a flaw, that is, Zhi Feng lacks group attack ability. .

However, Zhi Zhen Zhi Feng did not have a group attack, Shui Shui did, and Chen Mo did not help him, but Chen Mo was lazy because he thought it was enough.


A red flame burst out, and a sea of ​​red holy light burst out in front.

In the next instant, Shui Shui's feet slowly left the ground and slowly floated up, showing several colors of light around her body.

Jiucai Tianyi Slash!

Brush and brush——

One after another, light wings of various colors and with various colors of holy light rushed into the group of wind chasing panthers.

Boom boom boom -

"Ding... your level is increased to 55."

An upgrade system prompt came in Chen Mo's mind.

This fifty-fourth level has been a long time, but it was almost ascending to the fifty-fifth level at that time, and it was just time for this group of leopards to come.

"Big brother……"

Shui Shui raised his head ~www.readwn.com~ with a superb begging for praise.


Chen Mo smiled slightly and rubbed her little head.


Shui Shui's big eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, and she was so cute.

Chen Mo then walked over and took out all the demon crystals, a total of fifty-three.

"The journey is very long. Fifty-three pieces should be enough."

Chen Mo looked forward and didn't know what else was in front of him, but he wiped out a group of monsters and beasts.

"Go! Ready to sail!"

Their figures walked towards the way back.

(There is one more time to post it, it's still not finished.)

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