I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 761: The thought of the female emperor is just to give up

Latest website: Chen Mo has already thought of it being dangerous, and even heard that the sky-forbidden-level powerhouse is also very dangerous under this thundercloud, but when someone here says it is so dangerous, the little one in his heart has no luck. Up.

Since they wanted to know these things, Long Qiqi had to tell them what she knew, and they wanted to go with her, and she herself wasn't sure whether she could or would pass there, so she definitely needed Chen Mo and the others.

She was lucky to pass there successfully, and there was really no other way. There were too many chasing soldiers, and the thundercloud blocked 90% of the chasing soldiers, otherwise they would have been arrested long ago!

Why are they arrested?

In her opinion, the reason is simple, because they are the princesses of the Bihailong clan, and if you catch them, you can threaten their father.

It was indeed lucky, otherwise, because she hadn't reached the strength of Shenhuang, she would have died long ago.

Then Long Qiqi said: "The Thundercloud area can be basically divided into three areas. The area that you first entered is the outer area of ​​the Thundercloud. The intensity of the thunder is generally low, and the threat to the martial artist is relatively small. Then there is the inner area of ​​the Thundercloud. , In this area, the Shenhuang-level powerhouses are in danger if they are not dealt with. Finally, the central area of ​​thunderclouds is very scary. Good luck is okay. If luck is not good, you will encounter thunderstorms. Forbidden-level powerhouses will fall if they are bombarded by that level of thunder."

"Passing through the central area of ​​the thundercloud is the inner thundercloud area, and then the outer thundercloud area, and then left the thundercloud zone."

"So you have to go through two outer areas, an inner area and a central area." Ye Yuhan said.

"Yes, because both sides are balanced, the center is the most dangerous."

"Then this way, even if our ship passes through the first outer zone and inner zone to reach the central area, wouldn't it be that the kind of thunder that can kill even the Forbidden Class powerhouse fell on the ship instantly? Big goals are even less likely to survive." Chen Mo said.

"It's not necessarily." Ye Yuhan said.


"Everything in the world is afraid of thunder, and what they fear is the natural thunder of heavenly punishment in the thundercloud zone. The thunder of heavenly punishment and the thunder released by the martial artist are completely two kinds of existence, even the weakest thunder of heavenly punishment, heaven forbidden Level powerhouses are afraid. For example, the thunder power released by a ghost-level martial artist will not pose any threat to the sky-forbidden level powerhouse, and the ghost-level strength of the thunder of punishment can accidentally kill the sky-forbidden level. Although the two types of thunder have the same strength and the same strength, they are the thunder of heavenly punishment, which has a natural restraining effect on the martial artist."

Ye Yuhan paused and continued: "So the real strength of the thunderstorm in the central area of ​​the thundercloud zone should not be too strong. Few places can release such a strong thunder, but it is weak. It is very scary for the warriors, except that relatively speaking, the thunder in the central area must be stronger than the outer area."

Long Qiqi nodded; "Yes, the general strength of the thunder in the central area is around the Shenhuang-level strength, this ship..."

"There is an earth spar, it can be blocked several times." Ran Qingqiu said.

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, but for this kind of item, it is its essential power, and for the martial artist, it can exert its power several times.

This is also the reason why the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment is so terrible, and any warrior is frightened.

"How many times can it be blocked?" Chen Mo asked.

"About three times or so."

"three times……"

Long Qiqi then took out a spar.

"If three times should be enough to pass there under normal circumstances, this is a lightning protection ball, which can effectively avoid the thunder, but can not avoid all the thunders. It can only reduce the chance. The central area of ​​the thunder is fierce, but not very dense. Thunderstorms, thunderstorms occur several times a year."

"That's fine, thank you."

Long Qiqi shook his head: "No, we also want to go back. We need your help. Although I know that I have escaped, I might die if I go back, but I almost died. Even if I die, I can be with my family. It's enough."

"Well, having you on the way will be of great help to us, let's get on the boat."

"it is good."

Then they set foot on the boat one after another, Xiaoyuan and the others were super satisfied after eating so many delicious foods.

Then they set foot on the journey to Xianhai again.

I also learned a lot about Xianhai with Long Qiqi.

It’s not much different from Chen Mo. There are many races in Xianhai, many of them are big clans, such as those of the Forbidden Grade powerhouse, and there, many races live in On the sea, there are many islands in the immortal overseas area, some of which are very large, and one island is inhabited by one clan, and even one clan occupies several islands.

But she also knew about the Xianhai Inner Territory, but she didn't know how to enter. They were only in the Xianhai Inner Territory. She didn't know whether her father knew the entrance of the Xianhai Inner Territory, but Chen Mo felt that these tribes were here. Having lived for so many years, they must have seen those who came out of Xianhai Inner Territory, they should know. Of course, it was also Chen Mo's guess.

As for the rules, Chen Mo also asked, she didn’t know, but when you think about it, it’s the same whether you ask. Even if there are rules, even in her house, she probably doesn’t know. This kind of thing is to be hidden and tucked away. Leaking it out is a disaster of genocide, because the law is either in the hands of the top powerhouse, or is not found. Only in the hands of the top powerhouse can he have the ability to protect the law and himself, such as the Empress Saint Yao!

Everyone knows that the Empress Shengyao holds the law of space~www.readwn.com~ but she is strong, even if she is singled out by the demon god, she may not be able to single out her, so she can hold it firmly.

But it’s very strange that the person Chen Mo met in Xinshou Village was the Empress Shengyao. This news is easy to know, because it was the Empress Shengyao who ordered the slaughter of the forest, including Huanghuang. Then why the Empress Shengyao could not beat that Where is the Titan Great Ape? Quite strange.

But there must be a reason, and Chen Mo didn't think too much about it.

The rule is different in the hands of the Bihailong clan. The Bihailong clan naturally has many top powers, not even weaker than the Emperor Shengyao, but the Emperor Shengyao is in the main city of mankind, and the monsters cannot threaten her. How many humans can beat her?

In this position, the Bihailong clan will be attacked by other groups of the same level at any time, and the threat is great. Even other groups can join hands. In a human city, this phenomenon will not happen, so the law is in the hands of such people Leaking out is too dangerous.

So it is not without hope, Chen Mo still thinks it is possible, not absolutely vague.

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