I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 771: Among the dragons

Latest website: Chen Mo frowned.

"You don't know what the Bihailong clan took?"

"How do you know this? Are you going to ask the Qingyun Tiantianjiao clan? Who has the heart to ask? At the beginning, we were also curious, what can attract such a big clan to fight with the Bihailong clan? At the beginning, we talked about, I thought it was a rule."

"Not a rule?"

Chen Mo asked.

"This...not necessarily, anyway, it was said later that it was because the Bihailong clan took things from their Demon God Temple, and it was the second Demon God Temple, but it might be a law. Who knows this kind of thing? Even if it is a law, That's not ours either, I advise you, don't watch the excitement, if you don't get it right, the people will be gone." The man reminded Chen Mo.

"Thanks a lot."

Chen Mo gave a fist, then walked away.

"Hey, the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, they are looking for death."

The man shook his head helplessly.

Chen Mo walked forward, and it didn't take long before he saw a large number of figures camped under the sea.

There are a lot of huge blue-blooded sky-shaking dragons there, some even dozens of meters long. They really look like dragons from a distance. They are covered in blue with blood red patterns. You can see that they are very powerful and powerful. The existence of feet! Farther away, Chen Mo saw a huge palace. The palace was magnificent, as if it were a crystal palace, but at this moment, some of the high places of the palace had been swayed, and the gate was tightly closed. It was obvious that this monster The temple has not captured the Bihailong Clan, and the gate has never been attacked. The battlefield is obviously outside the Bihailong Clan Dragon Palace, because Chen Mo saw the messy scene on the seabed outside!

And there is a white light outside the Dragon Palace of the Blue Sea Dragon Clan, it should be something like a barrier, which is responsible for protecting this place!

But what the person said is really correct. Under such circumstances, the Bihailong clan is poor in skills and can only die chronically. It is only a matter of time before the powerhouses of these two demon temples enter the Dragon Palace, and they are not in a hurry. The one who is anxious is always the Bihailong clan.

Chen Mo didn't know how many strong people were in the Blue-Blooded Heaven-shaking Dragon and Candlelight Hall. There should be hundreds of them. The strong might account for about one-third or one-quarter, but no matter how weak they are. In fact, it is not weak! Naturally, there are more enemies of the Demon Temple in other directions.

The other Chen Mo don’t need to think about it for the time being. Anyway, the Demon Temple must be his enemy. This is the player’s ultimate mission. All players have only one ultimate goal to enter Tianlin, which is to unite the Human Race, attack the Demon Race together, and defeat the Demon Race. Taking back the territories occupied by the human race by the demons and destroying the ten great demonic temples is the ultimate task of the human race and the players.

In addition, Chen Mo's encounter with Long Qiqi and the others is also considered fate. They are very nice to get along with them, and the Bihailong clan is neutral, so Chen Mo naturally knows who to help or not.

There are two very important reasons for coming here. One is the law of life, to see if there is any news, and the other is if there is no news about the law of life, by the way, ask where is the entrance to the Xianhai inner region! Originally, Chen Mo's goals were so many that he didn't necessarily have to come to the Bihailong clan, but because he happened to meet Long Qiqi and the others, for Chen Mo, he always believed in one thing, where to go, meet those people, and what things did he do. There must be a reason for it, just like Chen Mo went to the underworld.

This is arranged for you by God! Going to the underworld, Chen Mo got the law of death, got the bone of Shura, whether it was good or bad, Chen Mo didn't know, but if he met, he got it, it was destined, come here, come to the Bihailong clan, and meet the Bihailong clan. Two princesses, that is also destined, come to Xianhai to find so many races to ask, why happened to meet the two princesses of the Bihailong clan?

Chen Mo doesn't believe in evil, but some things are quite reasonable, there are so many choices in life, how to choose? Tangled with this, he would not end up tangling for a lifetime, Chen Mo felt that he followed his feelings, anyway, there was nothing wrong with it anyway.

Now there is a problem...

How does he get into this blue sea dragon clan?

The Blue Sea Dragon will definitely not open the barrier, and once the Blue-blooded Skyshaking Flood Dragon attacks, the Blue Sea Dragon may choose to open the gate and go out to fight, which can also effectively protect the barrier, but it is not necessarily, and may not Come out, you can only enter the Blue Sea Dragon Clan if you break through the barrier! It can be seen that a lot of wars have taken place in the outside world before, and now the Bihailong clan stays inside and does not come out.

As for the powerhouses of the Second Demon Temple and the Seventh Demon Temple, it must be more difficult for them to break through this barrier, otherwise they would have broken through long ago, and they won't even have a rest now. They are probably thinking of a way.

After all, this is the Jade Sea Dragon Clan. If it is so easy to be captured, it is not the Dragon Clan, nor the Xianhai Clan. If it is not for the cooperation of the two demon temples, or even if it is not for the intervention of the second demon temple, come five or seven. Or the Seven Nine Demon Temples teaming up may not necessarily pose a threat to the Bihai Dragon Clan, after all, this is a branch of the orthodox Dragon Clan.

As for the power, power, and scale of the Demon Temple, the Bihailong Clan naturally has friends, but it is estimated that they dare not help.

Because in a certain way, what everyone knows is that the Bihailong clan took other people’s things. There is no absolute friend. You took other people’s things. I suspect that is the case, so I won’t help. They just have this excuse. You don’t need to help, and the dragon clan has thousands of branches, all of which are orthodox dragons, and each branch is an independent existence~www.readwn.com~ For example, the Shengyang clan is the dragon clan, the Bihailong clan is the dragon clan, and the Sempron is Dragon clan, wait and so on, but there is basically no relationship among the dragon clan, they are all independent!

Therefore, the Bihailong clan cannot receive strong support, but as an orthodox dragon clan, which clan is not strong? No matter how weak, the bloodline of the top creatures like the dragons is placed here, it is impossible to be weak, so the possibility of encountering danger is not high, this is purely an accident.

A hundred years, a rare thing in a thousand years.

Chen Mo is not quite sure what to do now anyway, he is sitting on a reef not far away, waiting for the development of the situation, he wants to go in, he can't go in, maybe Zhi Zhen Feng can do it , Because Zhi Zhen Feng has an introduction, it can destroy the enchantment with absolute toughness and sharpness, but does it help the Demon God Temple if it is destroyed?

And Chen Mo here also attracted the attention of some powerful people in the front.

An ordinary person would not attract attention, but Chen Mo wore a mask, which was very special, and he could feel extraordinary in the eyes of the strong. Then several people walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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