I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 777: Very important person

Latest website: Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu are both very puzzled.

It’s true that he is very strong. It’s true that he can defeat a lot of strong players, but many of them are due to his power that can resemble invincibility, but before on the ship, they clearly saw Chen Mo’s That kind of power is gone. Even if there is it now, it was only released on the ship for a short period of time. Now naturally it cannot be released for a long time. However, the enemy of the Bihailong clan is the two major demon temples. This power cannot be released for a long time.

They don't understand!

But since Chen Mo said, they would choose to believe, because this man made them believe in the capital, and miracles did not happen to him once or twice.

"Then I will send a letter to Master to talk about the situation here." Ye Yuhan said.

"it is good!"

Then Ye Yuhan quickly knotted his hands, and a small butterfly formed again and flew out.

Xiao Yuan took a grilled fish and handed it to Chen Mo. Chen Mo took it.

"After eating, I will take you over."

Chen Mo said.

"Ah? Really? Is it really possible?"

Long Qiqi looked at Chen Mo excitedly.

Even if I know that there doesn't seem to be much of a thing over there now, but after all I haven't seen it with my own eyes, it is the most reassuring that I can see with my own eyes.

Chen Mo nodded, "Well, I'll talk after you finish eating."

Ran Qingqiu gave Chen Mo a surprised look.

"Shouldn't it be surrounded by two big demon temples? How do we get in?"

She asked suspiciously.

And Ye Yuhan knew that Chen Mo had an empty magic stone in his hand!

"You have your own way." Chen Mo said.


She didn't say anything, she was thinking in her mind.

Chen Mo can suddenly appear in a certain place, he must have some special space power in him, then what space power is it?

The power of this space is by no means simple. He came in from the Bihailong clan, because he had talked with the Bihailong clan, and Chen Mo said that outside the rain barrier, the two demon temples could not break through, and as the top two demon temples. Existing, they must have no shortage of ways to break through the barrier, even space power. This space power can come from martial arts, can come from spiritual weapons, or even certain heaven and earth spiritual objects, but they have not broken through, and Chen Mo can , That proves that the space power in his hand is stronger than almost all space power, the top space power!

What is the top space power in the world?

The law of space will not be in his hands, because the law of space is in the hands of the emperor Saint Yao. This is no secret, empty magic stone...

Suddenly dyed Qingqiu's beautiful eyes!

Empty magic stone!

Yes, the chance of being an empty magic stone is very big!

Although the empty magic stone has been extinct, it does exist among some top powerhouses or top forces. For example, their Sun God Sect also has a small empty magic stone. Maybe the super power does not necessarily have it, but the Moon God must have it. And Chen Mo and Ye Yuhan are so close, Ye Yuhan is a disciple of the Moon God, it is inevitable that she might give Chen Mo the empty magic stone in her hand...

I have to say that girls are really too delicate and smart!

Then she suddenly thought that Chen Mo had the confidence to go to Yangshen Sect because he had an empty magic stone in his hand! No wonder he kept silent about this several times, or even told her that he was still defensive against her.

Yes, Chen Mo was really prepared before, but now there is nothing to be prepared for. Some are just what he said to her and some doubts about the positioning of Yang Shenjia. At this time, Chen Mo will explore, why he always avoids talking Well, that's because Chen Mo felt that with her cleverness, she would be able to guess that he might have ulterior motives when he followed her to the Yangshen Sect, so Chen Mo was too lazy to mention it.

Chen Mo was sitting on the beach, chatting with them and eating grilled fish.

"Maybe to go to Xianhai inner region." Chen Mo then said to them.

Ye Yuhan expected to go to the inner region of Xianhai, she naturally wanted to be with Chen Mo the whole time.

"Do you know how to enter Xianhai's inner domain?"

Ye Yuhan asked.

"Well, the patriarch of the Bihailong clan said that every month on the night of the full moon, there will be black robe experts from the black robe society in the Xianhai Inner Territory. They will wander anywhere in the immortal overseas region. Just find the black robe experts. , He will send us into the inner realm of Xianhai."

Chen Mo said.

"The Immortal Overseas Territory is so big, and the black-robed powerhouses appear randomly, one day in a month, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

Ye Yuhan said.

"Yes, it's very difficult."

However, on the night of the full moon five days later, Chen Mo must find the man in the black robe. Once he has not found it, he will enter again next month. In three months, it will be just one month in vain, plus Xianhai inner time. The elapsed time is double that of the outside world, which is equivalent to that Chen Mo only has less than a month to find time. Even if he enters in five days later, he actually has one and a half months to find time.

This heaven can really give him a problem. The more urgent the time is, the time in the Xianhai area is twice that of the outside world, which increases his difficulty, but he must go in!

"When we enter Xianhai's inner realm, we will separate. One more person will make it easier to find the law of life."

Ye Yuhan said.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Why are you looking for the law of life?"

Ran Qingqiu looked at Chen Mo and asked suspiciously.

"The law of life is something you can meet but you can't ask for it. If you want to find a law, you can have other laws without entering the Xianhai inner realm, and you don't have to risk your death through the thundercloud zone."

Ye Yuhan also looked at Chen Mo.

This is actually something she has been wondering.

She knew that Chen Mo went to the underworld to find the law of death, and she also knew that he came to Xianhai for the law of life, to find the law to strengthen herself?

This is very possible. After all, his situation is really bad now, but she thinks it is not...

If it is said that going to the underworld is to find the law and temporarily avoid the pursuit of the mainland~www.readwn.com~ then this law of life, what he showed is that he can't stop for a moment!

Looking for the law, some people have searched for a hundred years and have not obtained it for a thousand years. Some people have lived for thousands of years and have not possessed the law. This is also something that can't be rushed. He was too anxious.

So Ye Yuhan was puzzled. He was looking for the law of life for more important reasons.

Ran Qingqiu thinks so too, just saying that she thinks Chen Mo has opinions and rejections. She wouldn't say a word about her character, but she wants to talk to Chen Mo, otherwise she will reject it even more... So she thinks a lot and thinks She will talk about the topic that has gone wrong, and she also wants to know Chen Mo, after all, Chen Mo is her partner.

Chen Mo paused and looked into the distance.

"Finding other laws is to strengthen oneself, and finding the laws of life is to save people."

"Is Mr. Chen Mo a very important person?"

"Very important." Chen Mo nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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