I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 793: Fighting Kirin

   On the other side, Chen Mo and his group traveled on the sea under the night, riding on the special sea transportation.

The appearance of the black-robed man does not have any signs, including phenomena. It is in the Immortal Overseas, may be on the surface of the sea, or may even walk on the bottom of the sea, and will not emit dazzling light with him, so it really can only be found by luck and The so-called fate.

   Someone is watching the sea bottom, and Chen Mo can only walk on the sea and look for it by luck!

   The speed is of no use, and a few of them simply took the transportation on the sea while chatting while looking for the sky, looking around, but Chen Mo's heart was extremely panic.

   He only has one chance tonight. Tonight has passed and one month's time has been lost. Only next month, absolutely not allowed! Must go to Xianhai Innerland tonight!

   But even if there is the Bihailong clan, even the Bihailong clan has asked a few clans for help. It is too small to add such a large area on the surface of the sea of ​​Xianhai! Chen Mo needs more help!

   But who will help him here?

   Suddenly Chen Mo thought of something, and then he quickly took out an ancient treasure!

This is the spar given to Chen Mo by the Flower Saint. It can also be said to be scales or stones...Anyway, it is a kind of token. At that time, he said it was a token of the Qilin Clan in the Immortal Overseas Territory. He helped the Qilin Clan very much. I am very busy. If there is a need for help, maybe I can take this to fight the Kirin tribe.

  Of course there are many uncertainties. First, it was a long time ago. It is unknown whether the Zhanqilin clan is still here. Second, it is also unknown whether the Zhanqilin clan still exists! But if it exists, Chen Mo must go, no matter how few people help, there will be more opportunities!

   "Miss Ye, do you know the Zhanqilin tribe?"

   Chen Mo asked Ye Yuhan next to him.

Ye Yuhan said that they have a headache. They are all in this relationship and they are all partners. How can he call himself so rusty, but now she won't talk about it, and then she said: "Yes, listen to the teacher. Once, a race of half unicorn bloodline with superior combat power. Although it is not a purebred unicorn bloodline, it is also a relatively top race. Their greatest feature is that they have very strong combat power and are born for fighting. !"

   "Then do they still exist?"

   "The one that exists, is in the Immortal Overseas Territory. Is there anything going on with Master Chenmo?"

   Ye Yuhan asked.

   "Look, let me see if I can ask the Zhanqilin clan for help. With their help, more people will have more opportunities."

   Chen Mo said.

   They don't know why Chen Mo suddenly mentioned the Zhan Qilin clan, and why he could try to ask them to help, but since he said that, he must have a way.

   "Just find a race in the Immortal Overseas Territory and you should know where the Zhan Qilin clan is." Ran Qingqiu said.

   "Hmm." Chen Mo looked at a huge island ahead, where there must be a certain race, and then galloped towards that side.

   "Stop, no idlers enter."

   Several guards stopped Chen Mo and the others.

   Chen Mo gave them a fist: "Seniors, we just came to ask for directions."

"Just ask."

   "I don't know where is the fighting unicorn?"

   Chen Mo asked.

   "The fighting unicorns are in the east. At your speed, you can probably see the sea in one hour!"

   "Thank you!"

   Chen Mo took another fist, then thought of something, and asked: "I wonder how strong this Qilin clan is now?"

   "The top three races in Xianhai strength!"

   Chen Mo was secretly speechless.

   Niubi race is still Niubi. Although they have suffered such a great danger, they are almost extinct, but they have been given a chance to breathe, and they have become the top three in the immortal overseas territory for nearly a thousand years!

   "Thank you!"

   Then they galloped towards the east.

   Soon they saw the huge island where the Zhan Qilin clan was located! Not just one, but the surrounding islands seem to belong to the Zhanqilin clan. After all, they belong to the Xianhai clan. Wouldn't it be too shabby to have only one island?

   "Master Chenmo, the Zhanqilin clan is a big clan here, so it is not easy for them to help."

   Ye Yuhan still reminded Chen Mo.

   "I just give it a try. If it succeeds, it's the best thing. If it doesn't succeed, nothing will be lost."

   Chen Mo then galloped towards the largest island.

   "Stop, this is the Zhan Qilin clan, people of other clan are forbidden to enter."

   Chen Mo gave a fist.

   "I have something important and want to see the noble patriarch, please be accommodating."

   "The patriarch cannot be seen casually."

   Chen Mo then took out the token and handed it over.

   "Please also give this thing to your patriarch, if you see it or don't know it, please listen to it."

   The man took it and nodded.

"Please wait!"

   And at this moment, dozens of strands behind him, no, hundreds of forces galloped in, locking Chen Mo and the others!

   "It's a demon temple!"

   Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu directly sacrificed their spirit weapons and stood in front of Chen Mo, facing the enemy! The three girls also had nervous and serious expressions.

   Chen Mo frowned!

   guessed that this demon temple would take advantage of this time to do it, but he can't help it, he must come out!

   "Chenmo boy, hand over the key!"

   The red-haired old man roared, and hundreds of people fell in front of them!

   "This is fighting the Kirin clan~www.readwn.com~If you want to fight, please go elsewhere!"

   More than a dozen guards who were fighting the unicorn came over instantly!

   "Battle the unicorns!"

Normally, he would absolutely ignore their words. The Qilin Clan is tyrannical, and it is stronger than the Bihailong Clan, especially the combat power is much stronger, but it is by no means that his Second Demon Temple would be jealous, but now they The loss was heavy, and the primary purpose was to capture Chen Mo, so try not to cause friction with them.

   "Everyone, I haven't waited for you to fight in the field of the Kirin tribe, and please don't block the way of my demon temple!"

   The red-haired old man said coldly!

   "The Demon Temple!"

   They heard the Demon Temple and looked at each other.

   This is a monster of the Demon Race, since they are the Demon Temple, it is estimated that you need to pay special attention.

   "As long as there is no threat to me and the Kirin clan, you are free!"

   "Thank you!"

Then the red-haired old man stared at Chen Mo and said with a sneer: "Chen Mo, hand over the key, spare your life, and I will leave immediately when I get the key. You don’t want to eat it, don’t you? Level, a few female dolls, in front of my demon temple like ants, hand over the keys and spare your life!".

   Normally, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense, but according to the demon temple's statement, it's best not to kill this Chenmo, why?

  Because he is Shura, the previous generations of Shura are very terrifying, but it is not a big threat to the monsters, because the previous generations of Shura have basically been slaughtered by the human race, and they hope that the human race will be slaughtered by the Shura, and hope that the strong human race will die in the hands of Shura.

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