I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 798: Xianhai? Throw it?/a>

   The old man waved his sleeves as he finished speaking, and a portal to the inner realm of Xianhai appeared beside them.

   "Thank you!"

   Chen Mo gave another fist, and then led them into it.

   At this moment, the red-haired old man rushed directly to the portal! However, Chen Mo and the others walked in, but his whole person was blocked by the portal, and he couldn't enter it anyway!

   "Your Excellency is also a well-known strong man, I am afraid that this approach is out of style."

   The black-robed man looked at the red-robed old man and said slightly.

The red-haired old man originally wanted to rush in directly, but he didn't expect to be blocked by an invisible force, and then he smiled and said: "I didn't expect this door to be so magical. I heard it long ago. I tried it today and it didn't happen."

   "Without this badge, no matter how strong you are, you cannot pass!"

   The black-robed man didn't have any unpleasant expressions because of his actions, as if he couldn't see the human nature more thoroughly.

   "Understood, can you let us in now?"

   The red-haired old man try his best to restrain himself!

   What kind of existence is he? Even if it's not the strongest and most powerful in the Second Demon Temple, it is also a top powerhouse. This black-robed man is at least 50% apart from him. He actually wants to lower his breath in front of such a person! But there is no way! Because only he can have the ability to let them enter the inner realm of Xianhai!

   "All those who want to enter will get the badge!"

   "First, give the deity one, and the deity will go first."

   The red-haired old man said hurriedly.

   It’s okay to chase people, but if you drag it further, who knows where they will escape? Once they chase in the wrong direction, it will be bad. Of course, they are crowded and they can chase in all directions, but he is anxious because Chen Mo will make him anxious. If he is a person with no ability, he will naturally not worry, but after all It was Chen Mo, after all, it was Shura... he would still be worried.

   "The old man said, if you want to go in, you should go in with your companions, unless you go in by yourself!"

   The black robe old man said slightly displeased.


   The red-haired old man resisted his anger.

   "Moreover, even if you want to chase, there is no way to enter the Xianhai Inner Territory, and those who travel with you will randomly enter any uninhabited land in the Xianhai Inner Territory!


   Hearing the words of the black-robed man, the red-haired old man frowned suddenly!


   In other words, even if he goes in now, he might be far from Chen Mo?

   Damn it!


   On the other side, a light flashed, and Chen Mo and the others came to the inner realm of Xianhai!

   If you didn't know that this was the inner region of Xianhai, you might even think it was somewhere in the mainland.

   The area where they are located is on a plain, it is full of green at first glance, and occasionally a small hill will appear, and some monsters are wandering in the distance, eating grass.

   Green is still Chen Mo's favorite color, representing vitality and life.

   Chen Mo may still have to rely on Ye Yuhan outside, but when they got here, all of them had a black eye and didn't know where they were.

   "Run farther first to prevent them from catching up, and then find a city to ask about the situation in the inner region of Xianhai." Chen Mo said.

"it is good!"

   Then several people wandered the prairie...

   There are many monsters, and some are very strong, but there is no problem with two powerful super gods.

   It was dawn when they came in, and they abruptly walked for more than ten hours, and even it was dark that day without seeing a single figure. Chen Mo was not very well!

   Why can't you even see a city in this Xianhai inner region?

   Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu also expressed puzzlement.

   "Brother, there is light there."

   Shui Shui pointed his eyes in one direction and said happily.

  The three girls are tired from walking.

  Chen Mo looked over and saw the light unexpectedly. It was the light of fire, the light of torches, and there were many. It seemed to be a camp, maybe even a force formed by someone, and then Chen Mo took them over!

   Here, the two girls put on the veil directly. They are really prone to a lot of coveting and trouble because of their looks.

   Chen Mo only remembers that there are many races here, maybe there is no city? Because you have to know that this is a game. Except for real people and real races, everyone else is exchanged for fame, that is, your army. Those people are virtual!

  Virtual in virtual...

   So in fact, there are not many real people in the Xianhai Inner Territory, and more of them are exchanged troops!

   But how to redeem and where to redeem this Chen Mo was because under the circumstances at the time, there was no time to ask the black-robed old man.

Walking forward, Chen Mo and the others saw about hundreds of soldiers standing there, some sitting on the ground. The weird thing is that they were sitting there with no one talking, and they were sitting there burning a bonfire. They felt like they were talking normally, but not at all! It really feels like a virtual character in the game!

Chen Mo is very uncomfortable. None of the NPCs in Tianlin are like that. The NPCs in the Xianhai Innerland in Tianlin are not flexible at all, just like a virtual online game~www.readwn.com~ but the reality may only be a hundred. It feels the same at 50/50.

   "I remember reading ancient books before. The Xianhai Inner Territory is a game. In the Xianhai Inner Territory, fame can be exchanged for soldiers. These may be soldiers exchanged by the king of this power." Ran Qingqiu said.

"I've also heard of it, but I just saw it with my own eyes and thought it was too amazing. These appearances are so real, except that they don't look right. They are like a group of puppets. The others seem to be nothing. The inner realm of Xianhai is really too amazing. "

   Ye Yuhan sighed.

   It’s really hard to understand and believe if you don’t come to such a place in person or see it with your own eyes.

   As they approached, hundreds of soldiers immediately surrounded them, and the soldiers sitting on the ground also stood up and walked over!


   There was a voice from a distance, and then a dozen figures ran out, and they made people know that it was real life at a glance!

   When they saw the girls in Ye Yuhan, their eyes couldn't help but glow.

  Although Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu wear veils, although it is dark now, their temperament and figure are still amazing, including the three little girls who don't wear veils, they are very beautiful.

  The leader is a very burly, naked upper body with a lot of chest hair and muscles, holding a double axe in both hands, and the corners of his mouth are still greasy. .

  Chen Mo gave a fist: "In the inner area of ​​Lin Xianhai, I visited here and finally saw the crowds. I have some questions in my heart. I hope I won't disturb you!"

   A dozen of them glanced at each other.

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