Black boss laughed, looked at the army outside, and said, "Hehehe, this is also the most amazing place I came here! Look!"

   Black boss then raised his hand, the fairy king chain on his wrist flickered, and then two soldiers appeared beside them.

   "See the general!"

   Then they knelt before the black boss.



   Then the two walked away.

  Chen Mo and Ye Yuhan are quite surprised.

"This is why you must get the chain of the fairy king. These people are transformed through the chain of the fairy king at the cost of consuming their own reputation. They are your forces. When your army reaches a certain size, It proves that your power has reached a certain scale, and you can get a lot of fame points. At the same time, the more masters in the army, the stronger the power... There are some other abilities. You will know when you can get the fairy king chain. It’s just that these illusioned people will only obey your orders to fight, build houses, and find food, but after all they are illusioned. Reality is still lacking, and they need to eat and rest, just like ordinary people. It is also a trouble to have a large number of troops, because they need a lot of food. There have been many precedents. They have a large army in their hands, but they can't supply food and they all starve to death."

   Black boss said with a sigh.

   Chen Mo suddenly realized.

   Fuck me! This is really a game!

These people need rest and need food. You not only create an army. With an army, you have to have a place to live. You have to have food. With food, you have to develop agriculture. A strong agriculture is not a manifestation of a powerful force. ? Chen Mo probably understood it!

   This is an emperor development game! You are the emperor, you have to think about a lot of things. As for what level of emperor you can achieve, it is up to you. Only when you reach a certain level can you have enough fame and you can leave. Fame has other uses. some.

  The Law of Life Chen Mo didn't bother to ask him, he must not know, but that Xianhai holy city must go, there may be some masters there.

   "Hey, before I came here, I heard that Xianhai Innerland was a game, I didn't believe it at all, but now I believe it, it's a game for TM." The black boss sighed.

   "The black boss, do you want to leave?" Chen Mo asked.

"If you don’t leave, let’s talk about it later. As long as you don’t die here, at least your realm will improve much faster than the outer realm. When you become stronger, your power will become stronger, and your reputation will naturally be established. It's not easy."

   Black Old Avenue.

   "How difficult is it?"

  Hei Lao Dadao: "You see my army has more than 10,000, and I also built a small stockade by myself. What do you think?"

   "It feels pretty good." Chen Mo said.

"Hehehe, all of our brothers' fame points add up to less than 200,000! To get out of here, one needs a billion fame points! But you think, how powerful a power is to have such a huge fame point At first I thought it was quite simple, but when I had more than 10,000 troops, I realized that the food for more than 10,000 people is a huge expense. The reputation value of 200,000 people, God knows how long it can last, they If you starve to death, wouldn't it be all over again?"

   Black boss said helplessly.

   "Why don't you raise your own poultry and open up wasteland for farming? In this way, you will have food and you won't have to spend it."

   Ye Yuhan asked.

"This girl thinks too simple." Hei Lao laughed and said: "In our inner land of Xianhai, water is something that can only be exchanged through this fairy king chain. There are no lakes, no seas, and even small rivers. I can’t see it. There is no rain in the Xianhai area. It has always been sunny. All the plants you see here do not need water to grow. However, only food needs water to cultivate, so what can be done? Either buy it, or you can only find edible fruits, but hunting and searching can feed tens of thousands of people?"

"Although the planting here grows more than ten times faster than the outside world, and it only takes ten days to bloom and bear fruit, but how much water is needed in these ten days, and how much water is needed for these people to eat and drink, and then water the grain? Those fame points, so if you want to establish your own force and raise an army here, it's too difficult, too difficult! Ninety percent of the people think very simple, and in the end they can only be sent to others. Those who are truly self-sufficient are considered big powers. Small forces can never rise, and big forces are getting bigger and bigger. How difficult it is to come here and want to leave again."

   Chen Mo; "..."

   Ye Yuhan: "..."

   dye Qingqiu; "..."

   There is this saying...

   Fuck me! The rules of the game in Xianhai Innerland are really interesting! Forcing people to establish their own power, but forcing people to give up and leave them behind.

   Chen Mo basically understands.

   "Then this is no man's land, where there are people..."

Hei Lao Da pointed out a direction, and said, "You can reach Xianhai Holy City in one day in this direction. On the other side of Xianhai Holy City is the manned area. This side is full of no man’s land, but I want to remind you to build The best force is in no man’s land. If there is a man’s land, the small forces will not survive at all, and you may not even The army you have summoned will only become other forces’. ."

   Chen Mo gave a fist: "Thank you!"

"Hehehe, there is nothing to be thankful for. Drink this tea. Although all martial artists do not have such a big demand for water, they can also be exchanged. But it also depends on the realm. I don’t drink it now. I can buy it in Xianhai Holy City."

   Black boss said.

   Chen Mo nodded, and then the three girls drank decisively.

   "I don't know how many realms..."

   Chen Mo drank the tea.

   " are immune to the stun effect."

   As expected, they were poisoned in the water! No, it's drugged!

   The three girls haven't fainted. There should be a certain amount of time, but not necessarily. The three of them eat Jiedu Pill every day. It is estimated that they are immune to this drug.

   Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu saw Chen Mo drank it, picking up the teacup and drank it, and then their eyebrows frowned, returning to normal in just a moment.

   How can the super **** level be stunned by ordinary drugs?

   "Oh, they are not strong. If we are really strong, we don't have to end up like this." Chen Mo smiled.

   "Hehehe, since the tea is also drunk, let's take a rest, now it's dark, and there are many monsters in no man's land, which is more dangerous. It will not be too late to hurry at dawn tomorrow! I'll let you arrange accommodation for you!"

   "One room is good, after all, you have so many people, thank you very much!" Chen Mo said. .

   "Okay, one room is one room!"

   Then someone took them away.

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