I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 803: She gave me this

   The three girls heard the movement and slowly sat up, rubbing their sleepy eyes.

I don’t like the feeling of being awakened the most after falling asleep. Then the three girls sat there, watching the fighting outside, motionless, their little heads leaning against each other, as if they could fall asleep in the next second. same.

   After Chen Mo walked out, those people died, severely injured, and dared not move anything else.

   The black boss was completely stunned!

   Isn't that strong?

   Are the two super gods strong?

   Can you stop playing like a pig and eat a tiger? This mentality has exploded!

  The sword dyed with Qingqiu lay across the black boss' throat, and he dared not move!

   The army outside would not move without his orders! But he dare not shout now.

   "It seems that the hearts of the people in Xianhai are more sinister than outside."

   Chen Mo came out and looked at the black old road.

   "Spare me...Spare my life!"

   The black boss quickly knelt in front of Chen Mo.

   After finally reaching this level of cultivation, who wants to die?


   That's bullshit! In this mortal realm, resistance is bound to die, and there may be a possibility of survival if you ask for mercy.

"Originally, we knew that we were drugged, but we didn't want to kill you, because we also got a lot of useful things from your mouth, but you were murderous towards me, and you didn't even hesitate to put me to death. If you don’t want to kill, you can spare your life, but now, keeping it is always a hidden danger, kill it."

  Chen Mo was never a good person. He only needs to give himself a reason to kill. As long as he has this reason, that is enough.

  What is so-called benevolence and morality? unimportant.


   A cold light flashed, and a column of blood spewed out, and the black boss lay on the ground without breathing.

   "The others keep it."

   Chen Mo said.

   Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu glanced at Chen Mo, then nodded, and put away their swords.

   Other people are not strong. This black boss has some strength and threatens them, but these people do not.

"thanks, thanks!"

   They said repeatedly, and then ran away quickly.

   "Go, let's see if those troops can be used by us." Chen Mo walked out after speaking.

   logically speaking, it is okay, because it swallows other people's power and makes other people's power their own power. In theory, the power is the army! That should be something you can use for your own use. Why not do it with more than 10,000 troops?

   So I killed them and waited for them to do something to themselves. Of course Chen Mo was selfish.

   They went out, and everyone in the army looked over.

   What should I do?

   Chen Mo thought for a while, and then said: "Your general is dead."

   The moment they heard this, all of them moved and took up their weapons to do what they wanted.

   Then Chen Mo said: "From today on, you all belong to my influence."

   Upon hearing Chen Mo's words, their movements stopped again.

   Sure enough, this is useful.

   It's just that Chen Mo doesn't have a fairy king chain yet, so he may not be able to implement anything concretely.

   Chen Mo then looked at Ye Yuhan and asked, "What do you think if we will develop here then?"

Ye Yuhan glanced around and said, "I'm not too clear, but since there are ready-made stockades here, it can save a lot of energy. It's just that we go to Xianhai Holy City. I'm afraid we can't delay it for too long. It needs to be done as soon as possible, otherwise these soldiers will starve to death."

   "Girl dyed, go and see how much surplus grain is left in this stockade."

   Ran Qingqiu nodded and walked into the stockade.

  Chen Mo then said: "It is to be faster, and then first use all the reputation value to buy seeds. This is the most important thing. As for the follow-up development, it depends on the situation. Let's talk about the development of the grain field first."


   After a while, Ran Qingqiu walked out of it and said, "It is estimated that it will be enough for ten thousand people to hold on for about ten days."

   "That's okay, let's rest, and we will leave at dawn tomorrow."

"it is good!"

In fact, the black boss is also very uncomfortable. The surplus food is only enough to last for ten days, and there is not much left in the prestige value, and there is no qualification to attack other forces, attack other forces, at least you have to ensure that you are on the road. If you have food, you won’t have enough food for ten days.

   "You all come to the stockade to rest."

Chen Mo glanced at him. As a player, Chen Mo can see their status and health bars. These people are not in a good state. Although they are NPCs in NPCs, and they seem to be unreal here, they are blown by wind and rain. Being hungry and suffering will have a great impact on them.

   So the best way is to treat them as real people and treat them as tool people. Just a group of foolish men with not very good minds will do. They are in good condition and their combat effectiveness will be high.


   Then they poured into the stockade one after another.

   Then Chen Mo said: "Tomorrow you stay here and have a good rest, and you can eat whatever you want in the stockade. The day after tomorrow I hope you will have enough energy to expand the stockade!"


   They shouted in unison.

   Chen Mo nodded slightly, and then took out the Tianyu.

  Actually, Chen Mo is not sure whether Tianyu can use ~www.readwn.com~ so he has to try it. If everything is ready by then, Tianyu cannot change the weather here, that would be embarrassing!

   Then Chen Mo controlled the rainy day...


Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it could be used, and then he quickly canceled it because Tianyu needs to be recharged. Before in the underworld, Nangongyu's Tianyu basically consumed almost the same power. During this time, it has been charged a little. Is enough.

   Ran Qingqiu saw this scene and couldn't help being surprised.

   This heaven and earth Liangyi Yuguo is really against the sky!

And there is good news. For a force, the terrain is especially important, and the jade can change the terrain. It may even be that the land is not very flat and it is not convenient to grow food. Then just use the jade to change it. All right!

   Chen Mo suddenly discovered that this Tiandi Liangyiyu might give him unimaginable help in this Xianhai inner domain!

   "If Mr. Chen Mo is a general, he will definitely be a good general."

   Ye Yuhan said slightly behind.

"It's not a good general. I only know that the people under my team are in bad condition. Then how can we fight? Although these people are all illusion, they may not have emotions, they will only obey orders, and they will even be exhausted. Work, but they also have their status."

   Chen Mo then continued: "I know a friend, she is a very good general, and I have learned a lot from her.".

   Then two Supreme Peaks flew out.

   "This is also the weapon she gave me."

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