I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 812: Successful attack

This kind of thing cannot be concealed, but as long as it can be concealed!

   "Oh? Rain? How is it possible!"

   "It's true, the people I sent saw it with their own eyes."

   Scarlet blood rubs his chin.

   "Are you sure they didn't use some kind of magic weapon to put water in it beforehand and then land it?"

   "This...I really didn't pay attention."

The Red Blood Green then said: "The development of this force is beyond my imagination, but even if they develop so fast, even if they have a thousand acres of grain fields, this water is a big problem. It is probably a group of people who do not understand development. Founded, launch troops tomorrow and attack them!"

   "Brother, the situation on their side has not been investigated yet, and how many strong ones do not know. Are you sure you want to start the army?"

Chixueqing sneered and said, "My Scarlet-Blooded Sky Python tribe has been developing here for three years before being on such a scale. Their foundation is unstable in such a short period of time, isn't it just the fat they gave us? Tian will also be ours by then. As for the military strength, we should not have that much. If we annex them, we will be promoted to SS rank! As for what you are worried about, don’t worry at all. If they are any top-level powerhouse, early Just take us down, how can they stand still? If they have the top power, they will develop in this no man's land?"

As for rainfall, he doesn’t believe it at all. Even if he may have seen it with his own eyes, he seems to be more of a kind of spiritual device that stores water in advance and then irrigates it on a large scale. After all, thousands of acres of grain fields should be irrigated slowly. How long is it?

   "That's true too."

"The people who come to develop in no man’s land are in the same psychology as us, because fear was annexed by others before we were fully developed, and there are too many strong people in Xianhai’s inner realm. My sage level is outside. It’s a top class, but it’s so fragile when we get here, we must be promoted to the sky ban before we go where there are people."

   Scarlet Blood said.

   At this moment, a crisp cry broke the silence of the night!

"what sound!"

   Scarlet Green shouted.

   Several people ran in from outside.

   "Brother, outside... there is a phoenix outside!"


   Chixueqing showed a surprised expression, and then rushed out.

   When he rushed out, he looked at the flickering red flame on the horizon, illuminating the dark phoenix in the sky, and couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

They are the Yao race, and the Yao race has a clearer perception of the Yao race. They are the Scarlet Blood Python Race, and they are not considered a weak race. Any Monster Race that can come here, anyone who can become a Saint Devil, has a chance. The bloodlines of the demon races who are promoted to the sky forbidden level are very top-notch, but they can perceive that the phoenix above the sky is absolutely crushing them in their bloodlines. This is a bloodline suppression power of the demon race. !

   Even if the bloodline is crushed, this power also crushed him directly.

   He couldn't understand, even if there was a top phoenix in this Xianhai inner domain, why did he come here?

   Is it just passing by?

   It should be, this top phoenix should not look down upon him as an S-rank force.

   "I don't know what happened to seniors coming to me?"

   Scarlet Blood Green gave a fist to the void, and then said respectfully.

   What made him even more shocked was that there were still people on this Phoenix's back!

   My god! Who can use a Phoenix of this level as a mount?

   Scarlet and blue face was in disbelief.

   "Brother, it's them! Those girls are from the power I told you about!"

   The man next to him said in shock after seeing Xiao Yuan and them!


   Scarlet Blood Green is even more shocked!

It's them?

   This Phoenix is ​​also theirs? how could it be possible! Since there are such strong people, why bother in no man's land?

In fact, one of the biggest reasons why Chen Mo was in the no-man’s land was because he had rain from heaven. Under normal circumstances in the no-man’s land, no one would find out. But when there are people, he is at least true. Don't dare to use Heavenly Jade, after all, once this thing is exposed, even the forces of the fairy king level will pay attention to them.


   Chen Mo and the others landed, and Huang Huang turned into that pretty little loli and stood beside Chen Mo.

   When they saw that the phoenix who was crushing by the bloodline realm was such a petite girl, they couldn't believe it.

   What kind of terrifying talent and blood is necessary for the monster race to have such a terrifying cultivation base at such a young age?

   But when he saw Chen Mo and saw them all standing behind him, he knew that the man was the one who said the most!

   Chen Mo glanced at them.

There are also plowing fields, but they are all dry chestnuts, but they are also grains, and there are many houses here, but Chen Mo is not sure whether it will be developed here at that time, and normal is not there, because normal development requires Conquer other people's forces, but how many forces are there in this no man's land?

   "Are you the king of this place?"

   Chen Mo glanced at the scarlet blood and asked faintly.

   "Yes, may I ask what you are?"

   Scarlet Green asked.

   "Either fight, we take this force away, or we destroy the plaque, and you leave."

   Chen Mo said.

   Scarlet blood and green brows frowned.

   They came to attack themselves?

   "Hehe, your excellency is really interesting, my little S-rank force, can your excellency be eye-catching?"

   said with a scarlet smile.

   "No nonsense, choose."

   Chen Mo said.

   "You must do this?"

   At this time, Huanghuang's white hands condensed a flame, and the flame was thrown into the distance~www.readwn.com~ A thousand-meter high mountain in the distance instantly turned to ashes, and the whole ground trembled suddenly.

   Scarlet blood and blue pupils suddenly shrank!

   This strength is no longer an ordinary sky-ban level...

   He has absolutely no capital for confrontation!

   "Okay, let's go!"

   Scarlet blood and sullen face said angrily.

   "Big Brother..."

   Behind him, a dozen of his fellow tribes looked at him.


   Scarlet Blood Green gave a low voice again.

   Then they must leave even if they can do nothing!

   A top-level Heaven Forbidden powerhouse, he has no capital to fight!

   Although I am unwilling, but what can I do?

  Three years of hard work is gone!

   He has no intention to establish his own power now, what does he want to do?

   He wants to join other top forces. I believe that with his Saint Destruction level, there will be many top forces that will open the door for him. He wants to destroy them with the help of others!

   Chen Mo walked into the room and smashed the plaque.

   "Ding...you got 2591,000 fame points."

   2,600,000 fame points, to be honest, Chen Mo is quite disappointed, your S-rank force is just this fame point? The black boss of others has 200,000, which also shows how difficult it is to establish and consolidate and promote another power.

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