I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 814: Install B?

Although she had never used the Lei Lingzhu, she knew very well how powerful it was as the most destructive holy orb.

   "But the premise is that there is enough thunder power in the Thunder Spirit Orb."

   Ye Yuhan said.

   "The Thunder Spirit Orb has been sealed for thousands of years, and I haven't used it. I think there should be enough!"

   Chen Mo said.

   "That should be fine."

   Ye Yuhan pondered slightly.

   "There is still heavenly jade!"

   Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth!

   Although the rain has consumed a lot of stored power during this period of time, it shouldn’t be a problem to land some lightning on a large area? That's right, thunderstorm weather!

   "The Thunder Spirit Orb can be used in combination with the Sky Jade, and the Thunder Spirit Orb can be used to thunder under an empty thunderstorm. This is absolutely possible!"

   Ye Yuhan's beautiful eyes also lit up.

   "Okay! That's it! Let's go!"



   Blood pupil demon wolf clan, a member ran in, and then respectfully saluted an old man.

   "Report to the patriarch that there is an army of about 500,000 or more marching toward our clan ten kilometers away!"


   Xuezhantian stood up from the throne.

The territory of the blood pupil demon wolf clan can no longer be called an ordinary stockade, and the S-level forces that Chen Mo and the others attacked are completely two-level existence, one is poor, although there are hundreds of thousands. Great army, and this one looked at it and it was a huge village.

   "Which family?"

   Bloody Battle Heaven asked.

   "I don't know, the leader is a woman wearing a veil."

   "Are you sure you are here to attack us?"

   "OK, their direction is just facing our position, in the south."

   Bloody Battle Sky frowned.

"It shouldn't be. Although my blood pupil demon wolf clan is only an SS-level force, but it is under the immortal king-level force, and there is the deity of the Tianban level. Normally, no force will act on us, and some are also Western And the big clans in the east, the south..."

   Bloody Battle Heaven pondered for a while, and then found something wrong, and said: "We are the forces near the Holy City of Xianhai, isn't it a no-man's land in the south? They come from no-man's land?"



Xue Zhantian then sneered. He was still confused just now, puzzled and even a little flustered, because although his blood-pupil ink wolf clan is not the strongest, it is not weak. It must be the big clan who dares to attack them. He is worried about this, but now ...

  The forces from no man's land...what is that?

"The no-man’s land is all wastes that dare not set up camps and establish forces in this sea of ​​heaven. It is estimated that there is a clan in the no-man’s land that has developed a little, so it is not afraid to want to annex other forces, and then spot it. My blood pupil demon wolf tribe, because my blood pupil demon wolf tribe is closest to them, I don’t know that they are just a bunch of ignorant ants."

   Bloody Battle Tian sneered.

   "There is a great possibility, after all, the south is indeed no man's land."

   someone next to him nodded and said.

   "The patriarch's opinion..."

"Since there is an army of 600,000, it is not weak. We are only an army of 600,000, but with the deity of the Heavenly Forbidden Level, it is no problem. Let all soldiers prepare for the battle and wait for them to die! After slaughtering them, we will take over their clan again!"



   On the other side, Chen Mo and the others led an army to the blood pupil demon wolf clan.


   Chen Mo shouted.


   The 600,000 army lined up into two parts in an instant. If you look above, you will find that they are standing like two dragons.

   This is the Erlong Outgoing Array, an offensive formation!

One-word long snake formation, two dragons out of the water formation, three places and three talents formation, four-door pocket bottom formation, five tigers and sheep formation, six Ding and Liujia formation, seven-star Beidou formation, eight-door golden lock formation, nine-character series formation, ten-sided ambush formation , These are the ten most famous formations on the earth in ancient times, and Chen Mo is also familiar with these. At that time, when he was in the Seventh Heaven of the Underworld, he used the formations inside to play against Nangong Yu and defeated the undefeated general several times. You can see how powerful these formations are!

   But this is not the most powerful part of these formations, the most powerful part is that these formations can be changed very flexibly! For example, if you have a long snake formation, you can instantly become a two-dragon water formation in the shortest time, a two-long water formation can quickly become a three-place three-talent formation, and a three-place three-talent formation can quickly become a four-door pocket bottom formation. These formations are both offensive and defensive, flexible and adaptable to crush the enemy's army! It's very terrifying, even a 500,000 army can easily crush a million army with these ten major formations!

  Of course, this needs to be done in a normal confrontation. For example, as an attacker, the effect may be much worse, because the defender has many methods and great advantages, but it is not useless. The usefulness is still very exaggerated.

   Chen Mo also didn't expect that one day he would really lead an army of hundreds of thousands or even millions to attack. At the time of the Seventh Heaven, he only provided a few plans and didn't really fight.

   Xue Zhantian stood on the barrier and looked at Chen Mo's army below, watching their strange method of platooning troops, showing a disdainful smile.

   "What kind of formation is this? It's like two bugs lined up there, hahaha!"

   someone beside him couldn't help but smile.

   Bloody Battle Tian couldn't help but laugh.

   Chen Mo glanced at the front~www.readwn.com~ The blood pupil demon wolf clan was also fighting, and an army of hundreds of thousands was waiting in front.

   Yes, they look down on Chen Mo and others, otherwise they would use a normal defensive method, but now, Chen Mo slightly ticked the corner of his mouth when he saw it!

   From the construction of the forces to the present, no force has taken the initiative to attack them. This makes **** battles very fresh, so I don’t bother to defend and fight directly. It is really impossible for them to make a move!

As for the loss, to be honest, they don’t want their power to develop too fast, too fast, and their reputation value cannot keep up. Instead, it is a negative growth, so they lose some and then capture the enemy troops to their side. There is no loss! You can watch the scene.

   They are done! Chen Mo originally wanted to use Thunder Spirit Orb and Sky Jade. In this situation, since you have released hundreds of thousands of troops to line up with them, then Chen Mo is confident of 600,000 to 60 Ten thousand, capture them at a cost of up to two hundred thousand!

   "Your excellency, what do you mean? Don't defend the city gate? Go straight to the base?"

   Chen Mo asked with a smile.

The **** battle sky condescendingly said: "The deity has never been attacked for so many years. Defensive? No need, treat your stinky fish and shrimps. In fact, the deity alone is enough. Drink tea and watch the scene. Not leisurely?"

   He glanced at the men who led the soldiers, two women, a few very small girls, and then the man, so young, I am afraid that there is not even a strong Heaven Forbidden! It's ridiculous enough.

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