I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 823: buying clothes

   Yes, it's beautiful. Although Chen Mo doesn't understand, he can still see those better and more beautiful with straight eyes.

   dyed Qingqiu and was pleasantly surprised to have a try, but Chen Mo shook his head again.

   Ye Yuhan looked at them by the side.

   "No, it's too beautiful to wear."

   Several people were taken aback.

   "This... My son, you must be attending the banquet, right? Your female partner is so temperamental and so beautiful, she should put on more beautiful clothes and surprise everyone."

   Zhang Sanniang said in a particularly puzzled way.

   "It's just because they are so beautiful. If they are dressed like the heroine, the focus of the audience should fall on them. I don't want others to watch them all the time."

   Chen Mo said.

  Don't say it, their hearts are pretty beautiful when they hear Chen Mo's words.


Zhang Sanniang was stunned again, and then smiled: "It turns out that, but these girls are already beautiful enough. Even if they wear the simple costumes they are wearing to attend the banquet, this temperament is constantly showing and will become Focus."

   "Let the focus be smaller, this one."

   Then Chen Mo chose another evening dress for Ran Qingqiu, which was still white, which was also very beautiful, but it was not as luxurious as the one just now.

"how about it?"

   Chen Mo asked Xiangran Qingqiu.

"it is good."

   Ran Qingqiu was naturally very happy, took it and changed it.

   "Princess Chenmo also help Yuhan choose."

   Ye Yuhan said softly to Chen Mo.

"it is good!"

   Chen Mo then fell on a blue skirt next to him, pointed and said, "How about this one?"

Ran Qingqiu and Yuhan belong to the same kind of girls. Their temperament, pure white and sky blue skirts are the most suitable. Chen Mo still knows this. He chose white for Ran Qingqiu, so naturally he must choose a sky blue for Ye Yuhan. .

"it is good."

   Ye Yuhan then took the skirt to try it happily.

   At this time, the four girls ran to Chen Mo happily holding hands.

   "Big Brother Big Brother..."

   They looked at Chen Mo with the expectant eyes.

   Chen Mo looked over.

  嚯, what a group of beautiful little princesses.

   It's hard to describe, their looks are the world's ingenious workmanship, and they are so beautiful at a young age, are they okay?

Normally they would not dress up, nor would Chen Mo deliberately dress them up so beautiful, luxurious, just normal skirts and clothes, Huang Huang would normally wear them beautifully, because after all, she followed Saints Empress Yao.

   is really beautiful.

   That Zhang Sanniang couldn't help being surprised when he saw them.

   This shop has been open for a long time. She has seen too many beautiful women, and she has also seen many girls dressed like little princesses, but she always thinks that this young man brought them the most beautiful.

   One or two are so beautiful, it's better to explain, four such beautiful girls, two women with such a special temperament are by his side, it is really hard to think of.

   "Pretty, when you grow up in the future, you will definitely be all super beauties who have suffered the country and the people." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Hee hee hee……"

   They laughed happily when they heard Chen Mo's praise.

   They are still very young, and they don't want to love beauty too much, but after all, they are all girls. Beauty is natural. The most important thing is that they are particularly happy when they are praised by Chen Mo.

   "You go choose shoes again."


   Then I went to choose shoes happily holding hands.

   "The girls around the son are all very beautiful, and the two girls with veils must also be all over the country."

   Zhang Sanniang said with a smile.

   "It's okay."

   Chen Mo said in a low-key voice.

   "Hehehe, if it's just okay, why should the son make them not so beautiful? This is the first time a little girl has seen such a request in so many years."

   Zhang Sanniang couldn't help but said with a smile.

   This is so beautiful, how confident are they in their looks to have such an idea.

   Chen Mo smiled and said nothing.

   But Zhang Sanniang can guess what Chen Mo's appearance looks like. He is indeed a very handsome person, but it must not be because of his appearance that he can attract beautiful girls.

   At this time, Ran Qingqiu walked out slowly.


   Chen Mo saw Ran Qingqiu and couldn't help being surprised again!

   No wonder these girls don't dress themselves up deliberately. This is just a little more beautiful skirt, and the whole person's temperament has been sublimated.

   It is said that people rely on clothes, horses and saddles. Even the most beautiful girls can only be more beautiful if they wear beautiful clothes. This is for sure!

   Ran Qingqiu stood in front of Chen Mo a little bit shy, without speaking.

   This feeling is very strange, that is, I put on beautiful clothes for my men to admire. It is very strange and weird, very shy, but very willing.

"good looking."

  Chen Mo doesn't know how to compliment, except that Chen Mo knows she is waiting for the compliment.

  Ran Qingqiu is also very satisfied. She knows that Chen Mo can't speak. As long as she can say something nice, she is quite satisfied.

   "You go choose shoes, too."

"it is good!"

   Ran Qingqiu nodded.

   That Sanniang couldn't help being amazing, and I really wanted to know how she looked under the veil.

   After a while, Ye Yuhan in a sky blue fairy skirt walked out.


Chen Mo really said that his luck is really good, they are too good and beautiful, really, if one day they can’t come in ~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo must not accept it, there are too many of them here People who can't be abandoned.

   Ye Yuhan was also shy, looking forward to Chen Mo's praise.

"good looking."

   Chen Mo said this again.


   Ye Yuhan nodded contentedly.

   "You go see your shoes too."

"it is good!"

   Zhang Sanniang: "……"

   No... Does this man only say this? Won't you praise it otherwise?

   is so pretty, just say something nice?

   I really don’t know what to say about him.

   Chen Mo really doesn't praise people, why does he say good-looking?

   Saying that they all look good is the same as the evaluation. Don’t say one more word for fear that they will compete with each other and be jealous.

   At this moment, a man walked in with his arms around a charming woman.

   "Sanniang, choose some nice clothes for my baby."

   The man said.

   "Okay, please sit down, Shao Liu."

   Liu Feng sat aside, and then his eyes fell on the active girls. He couldn't help but be surprised. He was so beautiful, but he was too young to consider raising him first.

   Then his attention was suddenly attracted by a woman in a sky blue skirt passing by! !

   He was amazed at that moment.

   These gestures and actions, this kind of temperament that made him want to possess, although with a veil, but vaguely felt that the appearance under the veil was all over the country.

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