I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 837: Big guys gathered

   The demon temple is the most annoying, they can't find Chen Mo at all, they can't find it a bit! If there is no news at all, they are very puzzled and puzzled, but Xianhai Inner Area is not small, and it is really difficult to find!

Here, Chen Mo can see the Lord of the Holy Light Immortal Realm, because he said that he will come to every banquet, but besides him, Chen Mo also needs to learn about other top-notch ones, because Chen Mo is not sure whether he can get news from him. , He’s not even sure if he can say a few words to him, so he may need to know that some people around the lord of the fairyland are not so high in status, but they are very powerful. Lord, SSR-level forces are also OK.


   Chen Mo did not hide anything.

   When they heard Chen Mo's words, they all showed a disappointed expression, and it was almost as expected. Such a handsome boy must have a favorite girl, but they are not love to die, how can they be willing to be small?

   "It must be beautiful, right?"

   Chen Mo nodded: "It's very beautiful."

   "So how do you compare with us?"

   asked another girl.


   Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

   Still asking them questions, can't you tell the truth?

"Roughly the same."

   Chen Mo said.

On the other hand, Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan are also working hard to see if they can help Chen Mo inquire about the news. Naturally, what they do is not to inquire about the laws of life, but to see who is the top power. They don’t ask. It was just a simple observation, which was enough. Then they saw Chen Mo sitting and chatting with the two girls. The first reaction was very puzzled, how could it be possible?

   There must be a reason, they believe in Chen Mo very much, and even if it is true, they don't mind.

   "Two girls, do you know who is the top powerhouse of SSR-level forces in this one?"

   Chen Mo asked casually.

   "My son, what does this do?"

   "I heard that the SSR-level forces are second only to the Immortal King-level forces. Naturally, they are also very strong, so I want to see how these powerhouses are different from ordinary powerhouses."

   Chen Mo said.

"So that was the case, but now they are not there. Now all the kings who reach the R rank and the top kings are talking with the Lord of the Holy Light Immortal Territory in the main hall. After a while, the son sees the crowd coming out of it, and the people in there are the lowest. He is the king of R-rank forces, he is easy to recognize."

   Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

   "So, thank you for the two girls." Chen Mo then stood up and walked away. The two sisters were also taken aback for a while, did they leave like this? They are also very beautiful anyhow, really.

   Chen Mo then walked to Ye Yuhan's side and said, "You don't need to search for the news first. Those strong people are talking in the hall. Only those who come out will have what we are looking for later."

"it is good."

   Ye Yuhan nodded slightly.

   And of course, many people are paying attention to the conversation between Chen Mo and her.

  Envy, envy.

   "I don't know the process of wooing. If they woo you later, you will be the king of our forces. You will handle everything."

   "Huh? Mr. Chenmo isn't himself?"

  Chen Mo shook his head; "Your power is strong, and I am very ordinary, presumably they can see it, if it's not that Huanghuang is too small, I want to let Huanghuang be."

   Ye Yuhan then nodded; "Understood."

   There is another key point, because Ye Yuhan has been following the Moon God all the year round. Her temperament is noble, and she can show her every gesture. It is easy for her to be a person of this identity to convince others.

   Chen Mo didn't stay with them for too long and walked away alone, paying attention to the direction of the hall.

   Soon, hundreds of people walked out from the hall.

  The realm seems to be similar, but Chen Mo probably locked a dozen people! why?

It's very locked. The middle-aged man who walks in the front and surrounded by the crowd must be the lord of the fairyland. There is a very beautiful and beautiful woman next to him, who is definitely the top woman holding his arm. It was his partner. The closer you are to him, the higher the identity of the person. The last person Chen Mo directly ignored them. Those who are estimated to be R-level or SR-level kings, they may be top in theirs, but in Here, they only deserve to be the last.

   The appearance of those people Chen Mo has recorded in his mind. These dozen people were definitely approached by Chen Mo deliberately, but it is not easy to say how to approach them, because Chen Mo really can't think of any way to approach, at least it is difficult at this banquet! Because he has no capital.

   Seeing everyone coming over, everyone fell silent.

   "See Lord Saint, Madame Saint."

   Those people saluted one after another.

Sheng Yuhai glanced around at everyone, and then smiled and said, "You don’t need to be polite. The purpose of the banquet is to let all the alliances of the Holy Light Immortal Realm, and friends to cultivate and cultivate mutual affection, and unite to be in the other three immortals It will be more dominant under threats. Of course, it would be great if it can promote a few beautiful marriages."

"Master Saint is right. Except for the Holy Light Immortal Domain, the three other immortal king-level forces in the Xianhai Inner Realm are becoming more and more ambitious. I even heard that the Thunder Immortal Domain and the Scarlet Immortal Domain have ambitions. At the end of the alliance, we are ready to launch an offensive against the Holy Light Immortal Territory, and we are all alliances of the Holy Light Immortal Territory, and we have received a lot of help from the Holy Master. The more at this time, the more we will unite and prepare to resist the coming. enemy!"

   An old man said!

"Venerable Luo's words are extremely true. I think my power was S-rank back then. Since I was drawn to the command of the Holy Light Immortal Territory by Master Saint, it has grown into an SR-rank force in just fifty years. This is very rare. I really need to thank Master Sheng for his promotion and help to get to this day! No matter what the Holy Light Immortal Territory is, I will definitely be with the Holy Light Immortal Territory!"

   another old man said.

   Then there were flattering one after another.

  Chen Mo doesn't know whether these people are really telling the truth, or whether they are just doing superficial work and simply flattering!

   The so-called Holy Light Immortal Territory is friendly to the alliance, Chen Mo only heard that, no matter what he said, he would not absolutely determine this matter! But these are not important.

Sheng Yuhai smiled and said: "The Scarlet Immortal Territory and Thunder Immortal Territory are not to be afraid of. Even if they form an alliance, they cannot threaten my Holy Light Immortal Territory. Fortunately, the Taiyin Immortal Territory has been extremely low-key in recent years and has no intentions in this regard. Excellent, so don’t worry.”

   Then he glanced at the crowd and asked: "I wonder if the friend of the SS-level force invited by the deity last night can come?"

   (Let’s talk about it again, I hope you can support the new book "I have a new system randomly every day", and I hope to vote for the new book as a recommendation, love you)

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