I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 854: Lunar Youying

Chen Mo looked at them from a distance. The four girls are very familiar, mainly because they think this person is very good, or brought by the big brother, they are very willing to get along, even the little girl in the black dress is a little restrained , But Chen Mo believes that it won’t take long for her to be here!

   As for who this girl is, what identity, even the name Chen Mo is unknown.

   At this moment, the Taiyin fairyland is not peaceful.

Some of them discovered that the enchantment had been secretly opened a small hole. They felt that something was wrong when they discovered this scene, and then reported the past. The entire Taiyin fairyland members were looking for it, and then the silver-haired old man felt that something was wrong. , He came to that secret realm and found that there was no one inside!

   He was very angry!

   Did they run out on their own and opened the barrier quietly or did someone come in and take them away?

   He prefers to believe in the former, because no one knows this! There are only two people in the entire Taiyin Fairy Domain who know about this. He himself and the female subordinate who brings them food every day, only the two of them know. After all, he knows that it is the law of life. Although he has no ability to control the law of life now, As long as the law of life is here for one day, he will have one more chance! At that time he will be the real demon god! Even Taiyin Youying is useless! As for that girl...

   The silver-haired old man knows who she is!

   Taiyin Youying!

A year ago, he found the key to seal Taiyin Youying, and was overjoyed with the key to unlock the seal and let her out. However, what he didn't expect was that Taiyin Youying turned into a little girl, and She can't remember anything!

   He was skeptical at first, but later discovered that she really didn't remember anything. As for her power, he felt that it should be there. As for how much it was, it was not clear!

   Then he thought of a way, first leave Taiyin Youying in the Taiyin Immortal Realm, but don't tell anyone, maybe one day he can seize her power, then he will be the real demon **** of Youying Hall!

On the way back, what surprised him was that a light flew into Taiyin Youying’s arms. It might be luck, chance, or something attractive about her, and this light turned into a cute little girl. animal! He can feel that it is full of life breath, it may be the law of life!

   Therefore, both of them were locked in the secret realm by him, just waiting for one day, one day, oneself can seize the Taiyin Yuying, and at the same time gain the power of the law of life, but before this day comes, they disappeared?

   Then he quickly sent someone to find them. As for their identity, he naturally wouldn't say anything.

   "What about people!"

   The silver-haired old man looked angrily at the woman kneeling before him.

   "Lord...Master, they are still there just before the subordinates delivered meals."

   "Damn it! Damn it!"

  The silver-haired old man then waved his hand, and the woman turned into nothingness!

   They can't get out of this secret realm unless...

   Unless Taiyin Youying recovers her memory, she can only go out if she understands these things!

   So he feels wrong again!

   If Taiyin Youying recovers her memory, the first thing she does when she comes out must be to find him, or in the Youying Hall, not to escape! So when he thought about it this way, he felt that it was more likely to be taken away by others!

   Who is there?

   Could it be discovered by others in Youying Hall?

   This is possible, as for the outsiders, he thinks it is impossible! How could this news be known to outsiders?

  Made, hell!


   "Young Master Chenmo, who is she?"

   In the Holy Light Immortal Realm, Chen Mo was sitting not far away drinking tea, and beside him were Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan.

   "I don't know, it was brought out from the Taiyin Immortal Realm, but that little squirrel-like creature..."

   "It is the magic of the law of life!"

  Ran Qingqiu Road.

   Chen Mo nodded.

   "It has a very strong breath of life on its body."

  Chen Mo nodded: "It is indeed the magic of the law of life."

   "Then Mr. Chenmo can let him save your friend."

   Ye Yuhan said happily.

   Chen Mo shook his head and looked at them.

  As expected by Chen Mo, they got along very harmoniously in a short time. The girl was also very happy. The little squirrel was jumping around, very active and very happy.

   "It's not that simple."

   Then Chen Mo raised his hand and looked at the catastrophe chain on his wrist.

   Their eyes are also on the chain of disaster on Chen Mo's wrist.

   They have noticed this thing a long time ago, and they always feel that there is something extraordinary, but they never asked.

   "Go, go over and take a look."

   Then Chen Mo walked over.

"Big brother……"

   Seeing Chen Mo coming over, a few girls happily ran to Chen Mo's face, standing pretty happily, begging to stroke their little heads.

  Really, I really like being touched by my big brother.

   The girl and the little squirrel stood not far away watching, but did not come over.

   But the girls found that they seemed to like this person.

   "We're going to have dinner over there when we play."

   Chen Mo said.


   Then Chen Mo's eyes fell on them.

   "By the way, what is her name?"

   "Um... it's called Yingying."

   Chen Mo then nodded.

  Because of the law of life, I am afraid of myself~www.readwn.com~, so Chen Mo didn't have much contact with them!

   Now there is only one thing left for Chen Mo, and that is to return to reality. He has to find ways to see if the law of the chain of disaster can be released. If he can, he will choose to force the law of life to return to its place! As for whether Yingying was upset, Chen Mo didn't think about it. Lin Kexin's matter was the most important thing.

   "Well, let's play, right."

  Chen Mo said to Shui Shui: "When playing with them, be careful to help me watch them, and don't let them leave the Holy Light Immortal Realm."

   "Hmm, I know."

   Chen Mo then returned to his room and went offline.

After    went offline, Chen Mo sat up and raised his hand.

   can't see it, but he can feel it, if he can release his power, he will definitely feel it!

   Chen Mo tried more than once, but he never succeeded, but now, he must succeed.

   Thoughts, or lifting the aura in his body, Chen Mo didn't feel any power gushing out. He has been trying for two hours without any effect!

   "What on earth do you want to do!"

   This is the most uncomfortable. Obviously, the law of life has been found, and everything is ready, just like you are cooking, the ingredients, ingredients, and seasonings are all ready, but suddenly you find that there is no natural gas!

   is this feeling!

   "What the **** should I do!"

   clenched fists tightly! !

   Can anyone tell him why these two worlds are like this! So how can the two worlds truly communicate?

and many more!

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