I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 868: Goodbye……

The colorful rays of light constantly collided with the darkness of Chen Mo, and Chen Mo stood still in the void.

Ye Yuhan's figure stood in front of Chen Mo, her figure gradually becoming illusory...

Chen Mo Wushen's eyes suddenly shrank.

Ye Yuhan looked at Chen Mo, tears slowly falling, and then the tears turned into stars. She slowly raised her hand, halfway down and fell, slowly closing her eyes.

Her figure instantly turned into countless stars floating towards Chen Mo with the wind.

Chen Mo's clothes danced wildly, and he slowly raised his hand, trying to keep those countless stars, but all the stars drifted away along his fingers...


He didn't know what it was like, his consciousness was blurred, but he was uncomfortable, the first time he felt so uncomfortable... Tears fell under his mask.


In the next instant, Chen Mo roared, and the terrifying dark power collided strongly with the colorful light.


The whole world trembled.


Below, everyone spit out a mouthful of blood, and the figure flew far away.


The terrifying power fell on Chen Mo, and he hit the ground.

The entire Xianzong case was razed to the ground, and Chen Mo fell in the center of a pit several kilometers away.

As the world trembles, the world seems to be quiet.

"Ding...The illusion of Caihua is damaged."

"Ding...The flower-picking cloak is damaged."

"Ding... the infinity ring is broken."

"Ding...Because you have suffered an unimaginable attack, your level is reduced to 0."

"Ding...The Shura state was lifted due to special reasons."

"Ding...You have obtained the ultimate hidden item [Shura's Tears] from Sky Pro."

"Ding...Because your level is 0, the system will send the player [Chen Mo] back to 99999 Novice Village."



The powerhouses slowly grabbed their chests and climbed up, almost all of their bodies were full of blood. Fortunately, they were far away from the collision of forces of this level, otherwise they would definitely turn into dust in an instant.

"Xiao...Xiao Yuhan, Xiao Momo..."

Xiao Ruhan lay there dazedly.

Moon God stood up slowly, with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, his pupils trembled slightly as he watched the scattered stars in the distance.


She sighed long.

"Silly girl……"

At this time, the immortal emperor stood up and leaped towards the huge pit. He did not see Chen Mo's figure.


The emperor couldn't help laughing, the laughter spread far and wide.

"It's turned into ashes, hahaha, Shura is gone! I am so lucky to be on the mainland! Hahaha!"

Immortal Emperor laughed wildly.

"It's just the heir to Lord Moon God..."

A strong man sighed.

"It really shouldn't, but if she doesn't go up, nothing will happen, but compared to before, we have already won a big victory, but we sacrificed a little disciple and a successor to the Moon God to destroy Shura. This is also a good thing, Lord Moon God, please be sorry."

The Moon God didn't say anything, but the figure looked at Xiao Ruhan, who had already stood up.

"Come back with me."

Xiao Ruhan lowered his head, took out the fairy brew on his waist, opened it and took a sip, then turned and walked away.

"not going."

"Then where are you going?"

"Go back to the Wind God Sect..."


At the moment of 99999 Novice Village, a figure fell on the ground, smashed a big hole, stunned many monsters, and then lay quietly in the monster's territory.

Chen Mo's consciousness seemed to have come to a special place that was all white.

Chen Mo lay there, his hands moved slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.


Chen Mo's throat moved slightly...

He can't remember too much, but he remembers seeing Ye Yuhan turn into starlight in front of him...

He killed her.

Chen Mo knelt there, bowed his head, and said nothing, motionless, for a long time.

"Hey... silly boy."

A voice came in front of him, and a figure slowly appeared in front of him.

Chen Mo slowly raised his head.


Chen Mo knelt on the ground and quickly moved forward, hugging Chen Wuxin's legs and crying.

Chen Wuxin patted Chen Mo on the back.

"Master...why...why do I have to meet these, why...why I don't even have the ability to save someone...I tried my best, I really tried my best...why, why did I kill myself in the end? cold……"

Chen Mo hugged his leg and started crying.

No matter how strong a person is, there is a weak side. What's more, Chen Mo has never been a strong person. He just wants to be stronger, so that everyone thinks that he is a very strong person. But when Chen Mo encounters these things, look at it. When Chen Wuxin arrived, it was as if a helpless child threw himself into his mother's arms and wept when he was most helpless.

Chen Wuxin sighed slightly, patted Chen Mo's back lightly, and said, "Child, do you remember what the master told you when he was leaving you?"

"The master said... this person will always be separated in the world. What is important is the attitude of people towards death. If you encounter it, it is fate. No matter how short a time, it will accompany you for a very special time. I said people The luckiest thing in this life is to be born. The other luckiest thing is to meet people who work hard for you. You are lucky to meet those who work hard for you."

"But... she died, I killed her."

"Didn't the master also leave? Then isn't the master in front of you now?"

Chen Wuxin patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, and Chen Mo slowly raised his head.


"My child, Tianlin is a very magical place. It is a place where people can see through everything. People who die are indeed dead, but is she really unable to come back? You have been to the underworld, you should I understand this possibility better than the master, don't you?"

Chen Mo wiped away his tears~www.readwn.com~Master, you mean..."

"Go, there are still things waiting for you in reality, remember the child, no matter what you encounter, no matter how desperate and helpless things you encounter, if you fall, you will really fall. As long as you don’t fall, everything No matter how tragic things are, you have the ability to come back, unless you don’t believe in your own abilities. Since you are wrong, you will make up for it. When they stand in front of you one day, you will apologize to them again. Isn't it better?"

Chen Wuxin let go of Chen Mo, and the figure gradually moved away.


"Go, don’t fall, you still have a lot of things to do, you still have other cares for you, you care for people, you have countless people to save, you still have countless missions that only you can do Now, only you can get them back..."

Gradually, his figure disappeared.

In the 99999 Novice Village, Chen Mo suddenly opened his eyes.

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