I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 872: lost memory

One day, two days, three days...

Three days have passed, and Chen Mo has been in a coma for these three days.

In a beautiful back garden, a young lady just walked out of Chen Mo's room.


She respectfully saluted Zi Qingcheng.

"Well, how is it?"

"I haven't woken up yet, but my breathing has been very steady."

"Well, go, you should wake up immediately, how is the porridge going?"

"almost done."

"Bring it over when you are done."


Only she knows this place. It belongs to her. It is a beautiful private place in Tiandu, but in a relatively remote place. The surroundings are beautiful. She likes to stay here, play the piano, paint, drink tea, and be very comfortable. , Because Chen Mo knows that she is very special. She will not tell anyone about him. Once exposed, he will definitely die in this situation, so she secretly brought him here. There is only him, Chen Mo, and There is one of her servants, and only they know.


Zi Qingcheng opened the door and walked in.

"you're awake?"

She looked at Chen Mo, who was sitting on the bed with dumbfounded eyes.

Chen Mo also just woke up.

"you are??"

Chen Mo looked at her suspiciously.

This woman is so beautiful...it seems...as if there are women as beautiful as her in my memory...but who are they...

So fuzzy, they are so fuzzy...

"Purple Qingcheng."

The corner of Zi Qingcheng's mouth raised slightly.

Chen Mo frowned, then he held his forehead.

"what happened?"

Zi Qingcheng hurried over.

"Can't remember."

Chen Mo shook his head.

"who am I?"

Chen Mo looked at her and asked.

Zi Qingcheng frowned slightly.


When I checked him at that time, it was indeed discovered that this might happen, because his head was seriously injured. To be precise, the whole person could not be alive, but she saw the wound on Chen Mo's body with naked eyes. The visible speed healed, which collapsed her worldview, so he didn't die.

"You are Chen Mo."

Chen Mo frowned.

Impressed and familiar.

"Huh? Your eyes?"

Zi Qingcheng suddenly looked at him in shock.

"My eyes...what's wrong?"

"Can you see it?"

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

"Isn't it possible before?"

Purple Qingcheng: "..."

Her eyes fell on the catastrophe chain on Chen Mo's wrist.

"If I guessed correctly, you should have found the law of life in the game."

Chen Mo looked at her suspiciously.

"It seems that you don't remember it. Just stay with me during this period. Now that you have found the law of life, Lin Kexin is fine. I have asked someone to take care of her. My people told her you It's okay, wait until your memory recovers before going back."

Zi Qingcheng said.

"Lin Kexin?"

Chen Mo's expression then became savage, he hammered his head.

"I am amnesia?"


"then who are you?"


Zi Qingcheng sat beside Chen Mo.

"your wife."

Zi Qingcheng said with a smile. 139

Chen Mo shook his head.


"Why not?"

Zi Qingcheng asked with a smile.

"I can't find such a beautiful wife."

Purple Qingcheng: "..."


Zi Qingcheng couldn't help laughing.

"Can I think you are complimenting me?"


Chen Mo then tried to get out of bed, but his brows suddenly frowned.

pain! My whole body hurts.

"You have suffered a serious injury, so let's stay in bed these days."

Zi Qingcheng covered Chen Mo with a quilt.

"The mobile phone is here for you. If you want to watch TV or something, use this as a pastime. Just tell me what you need."

"Can I restore my memory?"

Chen Mo looked at her.

"How do you know that I know?"

Zi Qingcheng asked with a smile.

"Just ask."

"Don't worry, it will be restored, here."

Zi Qingcheng handed the space ring to Chen Mo.

"this is??"

"Virtual ring, this is yours, I'll let someone get it back, forget it."

Zi Qingcheng put it away and said, "I'll give it to you in a few days. You can raise it first."

At this time, the young lady came in.

"Miss, here comes the porridge."

"Give it to me."

Zi Qingcheng then took the porridge, sat next to Chen Mo, and blew gently.

"Come on, this big make up, make up the body."

Zi Qingcheng personally fed Chen Mo, and Chen Mo took a bite.

"Are you really my wife?"

He can't remember, but he felt that some of her actions were very close to him, and he even fed him porridge in person.

"Yeah, what?"

"It's okay." Chen Mo shook his head and said, "I'll do it myself."

Then Chen Mo raised his hand, but moved his whole body, and couldn't help taking a breath.

"I'll do it." Zi Qingcheng smiled, and then blew to Chen Mo.

After eating, Zi Qingcheng wiped Chen Mo's mouth with a handkerchief.

"Take a rest, I'll be by the side, you can just yell if something happens."


Chen Mo nodded, then Zi Qingcheng walked out.

Chen Mo was lying there. He thought of a lot of things, but he really couldn't think of it. He raised his hand and looked at the catastrophe chain on his wrist. He felt that this thing was very important to him.

Gradually Chen Mo fell asleep.

"Little rain."

Zi Qingcheng walked out.


The girl bowed respectfully.

"Take care of Chen Mo, I have something to go out."



Time passed slowly, and another three days passed in a flash. Chen Mo's injury was basically recovered, and he was even able to go out and walk around.

It's just that he is very puzzled~www.readwn.com~Why did Zi Qingcheng not let him out of this yard?

Oh yes, he has basically determined that this beautiful and beautiful woman is his wife, why? Because they had done that last night, although Chen Mo wondered why she was the first time, it shouldn't be the first time for her wife, but Chen Mo didn't ask much.

Chen Mo sat beside Zi Qingcheng watching her painting.

As for why Zi Qingcheng has a relationship with Chen Mo, it is very simple, because she is not an ordinary person, she is proficient in the art of Tianyan, she did not find out many things, but she calculated, Chen Mo will be his man in the future , And she must also need Chen Mo, so why did she take such a big risk to save him? She must also save him.

She is indeed pretentious, excellent, and chaste, but she believes in her own strength and Chen Mo. She believes that everything she owns will be his, and he will give her everything, and she treats him It is very good, and Zi Qingcheng feels nothing.

As for what he would think when he knew everything... She thought it was nothing, she was destined to be together, and she never lied to him, but she didn't tell him the truth about being his wife, but it's okay?

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