I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 886: Chen Mo or Gongzi Mo

The damage of an explosion instantly silenced the entire field, the kind that everyone was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and could only hear the sound of breathing and their own heartbeat.

too exaggerated! what?

They didn't see the use of any boosting skills, nor did they use offensive skills. It was just a basic attack, a critical strike, and then hurt... 27,000? What kind of monster is this TM? The previous one is already very exaggerated. A normal attack hits more than 10,000 without using any amplification skills or attack skills. This one is even more exaggerated...

In fact, it's very simple. Chen Mo has more than 5,000 attack power and five times the damage of his crit. That's a basic attack to hit these damage! If Shura's Will is turned on, the critical strike damage is ten times, plus the booster effect of Shura's Will is even more exaggerated.

Chen Mo then went on.

Zhang Tianjie frowned and looked at Chen Mo!

The more than 10,000 injuries just now were caused by him, but he also hides his ID. No one knows that he is Gongzimo, but guesses that he is Gongzimo! In the eyes of everyone, Gongzimo is the top existence. If anyone inflicts exaggerated damage, it is likely to be Gongzimo. Even at this moment, some people doubt whether Chen Mo is Gongzimo.

"The general attack is close to 30,000 damage. What kind of monster is this monster? Is there any more exaggeration? Is this Gongzimo?"

"No, Gong Zi Mo is not in such a costume."

"Stupid, I can't change clothes! Anyway, now I feel that this person is the most like Gongzimo, including the one who hit more than 10,000 damage before is also Gongzimo! Although the damage is a little lower, the damage is only the attribute That's it, is the Chenmo attribute also very abnormal? The key is combat effectiveness, wait...Is this person Chenmo?"


No one knows what happened to Chen Mo. The powerhouse besieged and killed Chen Mo to no avail. The players and the people on the mainland do not know what happened in the end, or even if it happened. Anyway, a few Xianzong player disciples saw it and issued a statement, but no one knew what happened later.

"Brother Chen Mo is so strong."

Looking at Chen Mo with big eyes, Lin Kexin was full of admiration!


Zhao Yingmeng and Xiaomeng are also full of worship.

"This person is not weak!"

Chen Mo lightly attacked, and the strong ones could naturally see that his strength was not weak, and he naturally made them notice! just……

They couldn't think of Chen Mo, because Chen Mo didn't show a certain point that they could recognize or guess. It was just a general attack.

Zi Qingcheng was also in the team. She probably guessed that the person was Chen Mo, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

It seems that he may not be low-key anymore in this martial arts contest, maybe the real son Mo can also live through this martial arts contest.

Next, with the sword of heaven and earth, Wang and others also came on the court, and everyone expected to easily play a trick to solve the opponent's damage!

None of them wear masks, everyone knows who they are, one is a genius from the heavenly family, the other is a genius from the Qin family! One of them was third and the other was fourth, just behind Qingcheng and Gongzimo! So they are also very exploratory.

A woman wearing a veil slowly walked onto the competition arena, and everyone's eyes were attracted by her.

Sometimes when a person doesn't have to do anything, she just walks up, or just stands there, which is more conspicuous and more noticeable than others. This is called temperament!

Of course Chen Mo looked at her and knew her! Although she also hides ID, wearing a veil!

Her opponent is a swordsman.

When she showed her weapon, cheers and screams came from the entire competition field in an instant!

why? Because everyone recognized her, to be precise, they recognized her weapon!


The group of strong men looked at her.

"This person seems very famous."

A certain sect expert said.

"That should also have good strength."

That Allure's opponent is very hard pressed! Damn it! How could his life be so miserable!

His strength is really not weak, he has a chance to hit the top 100 to get super rewards, and then this first round met Allure?

"Let me try the strength of the legendary second master Qingcheng!"

The player held the weapon.


In the next instant, Qingcheng's figure disappeared in place, and then...


A huge damage appeared above the player's head, and then...

Then there is no more!

"Fogweed! This is Qingcheng! It's too exaggerated! I didn't even know if she made a move, and then the opponent was solved?"

"Critical damage was 22,000. The person who just had a crit damage was 27,000. Is he stronger than Qingcheng?"

"Maybe it's just a strong attribute, but look at Qingcheng's speed, how many players in this TM are her opponents?"


Chen Mo watched Qingcheng go down.

His critical damage of 27,000 is five times the damage. I don’t know if Qingcheng is normal double damage or how, but her attributes are definitely higher than her, at least her attack and speed are much higher. After all, she is an assassin. The highest profession is the assassin!


The round of competition is over quickly. Probably every player, including every strong one, has a count of who is stronger. Whoever has high damage and who solves the battle simply and neatly will naturally attract attention!

Really a lot, but there are not many people who casually hurt and solve opponents, about 20!

Soon, Wuqian advanced to the second round of competition.

And now, everyone's attention is on a few people.

Qingcheng already knows who it is~www.readwn.com~Wang, and characters like Tiandiyijian have already known it, and the remaining two people they care about most, Chenmo and Gongzimo! Where are they?

Now someone has started to count. There are too many talents in front of the computer or mobile phone screen. In an instant, there are already many posts on the Tianlin forum talking about this.

And the hottest post is discussing things about Chenmo and Gongzimo!

That blogger made an analysis for everyone very seriously!

Twenty-three players who made more than ten thousand damages, of which fifteen were male and six were wearing masks, so he analyzed among these six people! Among these six people, there were only four swordsmen, so only these four people were analyzed, and Chen Mo and Zhang Tianjie were among these four people.

He guessed that either the two of them did not participate in the contest, which is also possible, although the possibility is very small, or they are all there, who is it?

There were four swordsmen, two of them were inside, which had shrunk too small.

The highest damage is close to 28,000, and the other three have just broken 10,000, so he guessed that the player who played 28,000 was either Gongzi Mo or Chen Mo.

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