I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 889: Top 10 battles

For the time being, Chen Mo didn't want to release the intention of Shura, because he felt that if released, those strong above should feel it!

The damage of this skill must be good, but Chen Mo probably forgot about it.

His defense and HP are very high. This Thunder is indeed very strong, and this skill is indeed very strong, but he should not be able to kill himself in seconds. Even if he can kill in seconds, he still has the law of soul and can be resurrected! then……


Chen Mo's speed increased sharply, and he rushed past the thunder's bombardment!

Everyone: "..."

"What's the situation? This person is too exaggerated, right? Directly rushing over with thunder's big move?"

"Twenty thousand? This big move caused 20,000 damage?"

"Fogweed? Can this game be so reckless?"


That Jinglei was stunned, and you still play like this? The point is... is this his ultimate move? Why is it 20,000 damage?

Twenty thousand? Your TM's health bar has only been reduced by more than half, your TM's blood volume is close to 40,000?

Why is he more than 10,000 in a **** costume? Why?


A huge damage appeared above his head, and then... a second kill!

This Jinglei didn't want to work hard anymore. He saw this scene, although there are still many props and many powerful things, but he didn't want to use it, because he felt that it was a waste to use it, and he could not have beaten the person in front of him.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked.

"What's the situation? Jinglei was hit by a move? He doesn't want to continue fighting?"

"No, this is not what I thought of the top ten pinnacle players, what's the matter? Is Tianlin really the fall of the older generation of pinnacle players as others said?"

"Who the **** is this person! Is it Gongzi Mo? Exaggerated, right?"


Chen Mo then went down and sat in an empty corner.

He didn't expose anything, because it was not necessary. If he insisted on exposing, it might be time for a decisive battle!

Those who are strong naturally pay close attention to Chen Mo.

"This person is deliberately hiding!"

Immortal Emperor said lightly.

"Many people are hiding, but the deity feels that this person is hiding too deliberately."

"Yes, he didn't even release his power to resist the damage of thunder. Could it be said that he has no such ability? Shouldn't he not!"

"This is not the key point. The key point is that even if he doesn't have such abilities, he will definitely have powerful martial skills? In a normal warrior's battle, in this situation, either defend or release with the same level of power. Martial arts confronted each other, but he didn't choose either. Either he had absolute confidence in himself, or he didn't want to expose a certain power for others to see."


"The second scene, please come on stage with two number two!"

Then Lin Kexin walked up. Her opponent was someone Chen Mo didn't know anyway, a player who was also a magician, a fire magician.

"The contest begins!"

"Little sister, your attributes are indeed very high, and even the rebounding skills are very powerful, but in the battle between magicians, I don't need to attack you close, so you lost this game!"

The player looked at Lin Kexin and said.

"I will work hard!"

Lin Kexin said firmly.

"Heh! Take the move, Kang Long has regrets!"

Then a fiery red fire dragon let out a dragon roar, rushing towards Lin Kexin with an amazing aura.

"Angel Fire!"

Lin Kexin lifted the staff in her hand, and the flame power burst out on her body.


The fire dragon instantly went out when it encountered Lin Kexin's flame power!



A huge injury appeared on that person, and he couldn't hang up anymore!

"Yeah... It's so easy to use."

Lin Kexin scratched her hair, then spit out her tongue.

She felt that this person was very powerful, so she also put a very powerful skill, she even thought it might not be enough, who knows...

"Fog Grass? What the hell? Why is this girl so exaggerated?"

"My Nima? I thought she was a player with relatively high attributes, but this... is directly close to 200,000 damage?"

"What's the matter? These are the top 20 players. Basically everyone is a hidden career. Why is this gap so big?"


"Holy Angel!"

Lin Kexin's skill immediately attracted the attention of the powerful group above!

This is the power of sacred angels, of course they know, and the power of sacred angels is one of the top powers in the mainland!

"This girl has the power of a sacred angel, she must be worth training!"

A strong man said.

Yes, at this moment, all the strong men were born to cultivate her thoughts.

Lin Kexin belongs to the Moon Palace, but she is a disciple of the Moon Palace in the 108th Palace of the Moon Palace. It is normal for the Moon God to not recognize her. The main reason is that Lin Kexin has never shown herself even in the Moon Palace. The power of own sacred angel! Because there is no such opportunity.

Chen Mo also secretly sighed about the power of the holy angel.

"Wow! Kexin, you are too fierce."

Zhao Yingmeng grabbed Lin Kexin and said excitedly.

Lin Kexin spit out her pink tongue: "Hidden career is great, not me."

"It's coming to me soon, and I can't lose face, I must work hard to advance to the top ten!"

Zhao Yingmeng said excitedly.


"Next, please come to the stage for the No. 4 Warrior."

Zhao Yingmeng took a deep breath, then walked up excitedly, and then she found...

Wow! No way?

Her opponent turned out to be the player who was suspected to be Gongzi Mo!

Wow! Her luck is so miserable!

Zhao Yingmeng then confronted him head-on, and Zhao Yingmeng nervously took out his weapon!

"Are you Young Master Mo?"

Zhao Yingmeng looked at him and asked.

Zhang Tianjie's eyes condensed slightly!

He knew that this girl was the real Gongzimo, but she didn't seem to know who was Gongzimo, that is to say, he didn't say anything!


Then he nodded and said.


Zhao Yingmeng then exclaimed.

He turned out to be the son of Mo! She can fight Gongzi Mo in her lifetime. It's amazing!

She now feels that even if she loses, it is reasonable, but this is Gongzimo.

"Although you are Young Master Mo, I still have to fight you very hard!"

Zhao Yingmeng shook the weapon and said~www.readwn.com~ Whoosh——

In the next instant, two people moved at the same time! Zhao Yingmeng is full of firepower, and he uses all the boosting skills he has. This is Gongzimo!

Bang bang bang--

The figures of the two people are constantly interlacing and attacking!

"Fogcao! This person is worthy of Chen Mo's side. She is not only high in attributes, but also in strength!"

"Finally, this player who is suspected of Chenmo or Gongzimo has no way to solve his opponent! But assassin is indeed a tricky profession! This is normal!"


One minute later, Zhao Yingmeng was defeated.

She worked very hard, but she still couldn't beat it!

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