I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 898: Something can't make up

Chen Mo and Zhang Tianjie faced each other, and they did not move for a long time!

But on the contrary, neither of them moved, making everyone look forward to it more!

What are they doing?

It is said that two very powerful people will fight for a short period of time before starting a battle. The reason seems to be looking for the weakness of the other party or using aura to attack each other.

Actually, Chen Mo is simply observing him, because Chen Mo also suspects that he is Zhang Tianjie, and whether he is Zhang Tianjie or not, Chen Mo has no absolute confirmation! While Chen Mo did not move, Zhang Tianjie did not dare to move subconsciously! That's right! I didn't dare to move, I didn't know what he was going to do.

Chen Mo observed for a while, but didn't see anything, it could only be through battle!

Then Chen Mo shook the novice sword.


In the next instant, Chen Mo rushed over! At the same time Zhang Tianjie also moved.

The silhouettes of the two people are extremely fast, because the two rays of light constantly shuttle, collide, bombard, and evade, making people overwhelmed!

"Fog grass! Fairies fight! Fairies fight! It's so cool, so cool!"

"Although I can't see clearly at all, I feel very cool inexplicably!"

"Sure enough, they are two top masters! They don't need any skills at all, just use their personal combat abilities to attack each other!"

"I don't need skills for Mao? Because if anyone uses skills first, he will prove that he first admits it, so no one wants to use skills first."


For now, no one can tell who is stronger! Those strong can't see it for the time being!

The two of them really didn't use any skills. They have been five minutes... ten minutes!

"Fogweed! My eyes are going to be spent! Although it is a fight between gods, I can't see clearly!"

"plus one!"

"Fog Grass! Fog Grass! Gong Zi Mo was attacked!"



A huge damage appeared above his head, and the blood bar was emptied in half!

This scene was unexpected by everyone, but Gongzi Mo was attacked first? Although it is very exaggerated, he only lost half of his blood after nearly 30,000 blood drops, but he was attacked first! In other words, he is weaker than the dust?

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just a momentary error that was attacked. Anyway, it doesn't affect the battle. Whoever stands there is the winner!"

"Yes! It's just being attacked, it's nothing."


All the fans who supported Gongzimo comforted themselves so much.

Zhang Tianjie gritted his teeth secretly.

why! Why he just can't beat him?

As the person involved, Zhang Tianjie clearly knew that he was not the opponent of Chen Mo! If he has a pure combat ability, he is weaker! But why?

how many years? For so many years, he has been madly improving himself every day, madly practicing swordsmanship, swordsmanship, and madly making himself a top powerhouse. He feels that his efforts over the years have received countless rewards, and he has become The top-notch existence, but why, Chen Mo has been blind for so many years and has not practiced martial arts for so many years, so why is he not his opponent?

"Some things are too late to make up for it!"

Chen Mo stood in front of him and said lightly.

He was right! And Qingcheng in the distance recognized him completely.

Their relationship was really good back then. They have been partners for several years, and naturally they know each other incomparably. When Chen Mo fought with him, Chen Mo and Qingcheng were actually watching, and then they both observed that they belonged to Zhang Tianjie. Some tips.

Some things are difficult to change in this life. He is really working hard to improve himself and make himself a strong person. Yes, he has become a lot stronger, but why does he practice martial arts from an early age? Because that period of time is the most important, you will not be able to make up for it in the future! You can only fill up, but there must be vacancies!

Zhang Tianjie has always been a pastor. He doesn't know how to fight. He has only learned these years, and Chen Mo didn't fight him with all his strength, otherwise he would have been defeated long ago! Chen Mo was just testing him!

And those martial arts wizards, including Wang and others, they saw something was wrong!

This is Gongzimo?

Yes, many moves can see his shadow, but the difference is a bit big, they know martial arts, they can see that Gongzi Mo is very strong, but logically speaking, it should be much stronger than this!

Qin Tianyun knew that he was not Gongzi Mo, but Gongzi Mo was actually Chen Mo, but he didn’t know who the fake Gong Zi Mo was and what he was doing. He didn’t care about it. He only knew that Chen Mo was Gong Zi Mo. Qin family is not good!

Wang, he was also one of the parties back then, but he did not know what happened afterwards, nor did he know that Chen Mo was Gong Zi Mo. He only thought that Gong Zi Mo should be real, and Tian Lin could help the disabled be healthy. Entering with the attitude of entering, so he thinks this is Gongzimo’s opportunity, so he thinks that Gongzimo is really Gongzimo, but now he feels wrong, why is he so weak? He felt that even on his own, he could easily defeat him!

Could it be that he was blind in recent years and he had not practiced martial arts, leading to regression? That's normal too! Thinking of this, he understands!

When Zhang Tianjie heard Chen Mo's words, his eyes were dark! He knew that Chen Mo recognized him, he knew what he meant!

The other players don’t understand, what do you mean?

Zhang Tianjie did not speak, he was worried that speaking would expose himself! Can't talk!

After the fight, to defeat him, the first thing must be to completely get rid of him in reality, so as to avoid future troubles! Now he has become a great threat! Not before!

And as long as they defeat him, those people will think he is Gongzimo, because Gongzimo is undefeated!

Zi Zi Zi-

Zhang Tianjie's body is surrounded by black thunder, thunder is getting bigger and bigger, the scope is getting bigger and bigger!

"Wow! The son is strange! Wow! Wow! The son Mo is going to make a big move!"

"Fogcao! Hurry, fast, Chen Mo! Let us see the real strength of Gongzi Mo!"


All those fans are getting wet.

"The evil thunder is surging!"


The terrifying dark thunder is like countless tentacles~www.readwn.com~ flocks to Chen Mo.

"Tian Ni Zhan!"

The novice sword in Chen Mo's hand was entangled with black streamer, and then he jumped, a sword flying above the clouds.


When the two forces collided, Chen Mo's Tian Nizhan directly cut off the huge black thunder that was approaching. Thunder flew along his sides and bombarded Chen Mo's back!

Can't drag him! Never drag! Be sure to fight quickly!

Zhang Tianjie was thinking inside!

He must have invincible skills! I don't know the cooldown, but as he has it, then he must force his invincible skills!


His momentum has increased exponentially.

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