I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 514: Threaten

The gazes of Venerable Sacred Sword and others turned towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo didn't have much pressure in the eyes of these people.

"Chen Mo, you should know why we are here!"

Venerable Holy Sword's eyes moved with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded; "Of course I do."

Then he looked at Xiao Ruhan and Ye Qingqing, and said, "Then can we only talk here? Can the idlers and others leave temporarily?"

The main reason is that this group of strong people can't let go. It would be okay if they talked to Chen Mo alone, because everyone knew it well, but if there were other people, they would feel very embarrassed.

Chen Mo smiled.

"What? Venerable Holy Sword afraid of embarrassment?"

"Sneez—how is it possible? What's such a trivial matter?"

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly.

Each of these old guys is still very strong.

"Then it's okay. Anyway, everyone will be a member of the sect in the future. You always have to know if you know early or late, right?"

Chen Mo grinned.

Everyone: "..."

How could this **** have said so?

How does he know that they must enter his sect?

Although all of them thought so in their hearts, they couldn't say it. They are the strong people who want face.

Xiao Ruhan is okay, then Ye Qingqing heard Chen Mo say that these people had come to join their sect, and his mouth opened wide.


Are these people and Young Master Chen Mo enemies? How could they have joined the Fengshen Sect? And one by one is very powerful.

When Chen Mo said so, they couldn't refute it!

Hey, it is true that they have already made preparations to join the Fengshen Sect. They have already lost their face, and now they are more important!

"You chat, we are responsible for serving you tea and water!"

Xiao Ruhan gave a sweet and greasy smile.

Everyone twitched their lips.

Chen Mo then asked: "Seniors, have you thought about it?"

Wei Wunian snorted and said, "Chen Mo, we are here to let you restore the cultivation base for us."

"I also said, it's easy to restore the cultivation base, just join the Fengshen Sect!"

Venerable Holy Sword gave a dry cough, and said: "It is not impossible to join your Fengshen Sect. We also said frankly. The current situation of Lingjian Pavilion is not on the rise. We old guys have been laughed at by the world. Join you. Feng Shenzong does not have a big problem."

Chen Mo hooked the corner of his mouth.

"So... welcome everyone."

"But you must restore our cultivation base now!"

Chen Mo laughed.

"Then I want to ask you seniors, you have a lifespan besides your cultivation base. Then, may I ask any of you who cannot live for a few years?"

They glanced at each other.

Obviously there is no such thing. They can live for a hundred years at least, but for some old monsters, hundreds of years are just a few seconds.

For hundreds of years, they couldn't even improve by a single cent.

"Naturally not!"

"Then why should I help you restore everything you lost now?"

Mainly, the current Chen Mo couldn't restore them, but they didn't know.

"You!! What do you mean? I have already agreed to join your Fengshen Sect, don't you keep your promise?"

Wei Wunian pointed at Chen Mo angrily.

"No no no!"

Chen Mo shook his head.

"Promise I will honor it."

Then Chen Mo took a sip of his tea and continued lightly: "But I am the first, and I don’t know you well, and the second is hatred. Let’s not say whether you will hate me after joining the Fengshen Sect. Doing some tricks ruined the Fengshen Sect. Of course, it's just a metaphor. As a decent person, I think you are definitely not such people!" Seeing a few people want to get angry, Chen Mo quickly said, and those talents calmed down.

"What about the second one, you said, if you change to be me and force you to leave your previous sect to join a new sect, or even destroy your sect before, you are willing? Naturally you are not willing, then you will What happens is unknown, so after you join the Fengshen Sect, I will not restore your strength for the time being, because to put it bluntly, I am afraid, but then I will definitely restore all your cultivation base! This is me The guarantee is also promised to you!"

When they heard Chen Mo's words, they clenched their fists and showed anger.

"Chen Mo! Don't get into it. I have already agreed to join your Fengshen sect. I am all respectable and decent people. Can you still lie to you? Are you still threatening us with this?"

Venerable Holy Sword pointed at Chen Mo angrily.

Chen Mo: "Yes, if I don't threaten with something, I dare not. Does it make sense, everyone?"

They all understand this, but it doesn't benefit them at all. Of course they are upset. In fact, they must have done the same way as Chen Mo when they switch roles. They are all clear in their hearts.

"Then there is nothing to talk about!"

Wei Wunian said angrily.

Chen Mo smiled: "Then Sect Master Wei, please come back. Whoever thinks it can stay. I will arrange accommodation for you now. In Fengshen Sect, you can treat it as your own home. Everyone is your friend. , I will restore you later, and I hope everyone can believe in my character."

"Go! Too much bullying! Let's go!"

Wei Wunian was originally the most angry one. Seeing Chen Mo's attitude, he couldn't help it. He got up and wanted to walk away.

However, he turned his head and saw ~www.readwn.com~ dozens of other people were all sitting there, none of them stood up. Although his face looked very tangled, whether to stay or go, but since he didn't stand up, What has actually been explained.

"What do you mean? This Chenmo is so aggressive, do you want to stay?"

What made him most unacceptable was that the three ancestors of Lingjian Pavilion were still sitting there.

Compared to anyone, these three ancestor-level powerhouses have lost the most, and they are the three who most need to return to their cultivation base. They know very well that other people still have a chance, and they have no chance, otherwise they will meet Theirs is death.

At this time, the great elder Jian Wunan said to Wei Wunian: "Sect Master, don't be arrogant. Although it is indeed difficult to accept, if we think about us from the perspective of Chen Mo, what he said is indeed reasonable! And now Chen Mo develops the sect, and I can’t guarantee his character, but since he dares to develop the sect, he will not dare to break his promise in the things he promised us. Otherwise, if a person who does not believe in words looks at the mainland, how many people will Admit him? Chen Mo, right?"

Chen Mo smiled: "It's still the great elder who makes sense, you are right."

(End of this chapter)

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