I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 516: Target of the Apocalypse Palace

After that, these powerful people were walking around in the Fengshen Sect and were familiar with them. After that, they would go to the Lingjian Pavilion to announce these things, and then they would come here with what they needed. The Fengshen Sect powerhouse was enough for the time being!

It's a pity, this TM is not dug by the foot of the wall! Chen Mo didn't understand it. He got a strong man from a sect. No, even a sect was brought in. Isn't it a dig?

Maybe this is not really digging a wall, although he has done a lot better, but the meaning has changed.

"President Chenmo, these powerful men in Lingjian Pavilion have enemies with you. I won't say anything if you bring them into the Fengshen Sect, but if you give them all the positions of elders in the Fengshen Sect, nothing will really happen. ?"

Yun Qi felt that this was too risky.

Chen Mo said: "I just want them to slowly regard Fengshenzong as their own sect. Although they have resentment in their hearts, slowly dispel them. Since they are here, then I will treat them wholeheartedly, and they are at least in strength. You can rest assured that they will not do anything indiscriminately before recovery. They are all superpowers. They are the best at managing and the best in their hands. But Miss Yunqi, I sometimes don’t Often here, they make some decisions. If you think it’s impossible, then you will confront them. Don’t be afraid. It’s really impossible to find Senior Flower and Senior Long. They will protect you. It seems that they have rights. Greater, but the real guarantee is with you!"

Yun Qi also didn't expect Chen Mo to put the entire sect's operation into her hands, isn't this...

Is he just a handy shopkeeper?

"Yun Qi may not be competent..."

Chen Mo interrupted her; "I believe you can."

"This...well! Yun Qi will definitely try her best to live up to the trust of Mr. Chen Mo!"


"Then Yun Qi is busy now!" Then Yun Qi bowed and walked out.

Xiao Ruhan then walked to Chen Mo's side.

"I feel that your approach is the most right, but it is also very risky."

"It's okay, as long as there is nothing to do in the medicine garden, we will not lose anything else."

Xiao Ruhan said: "The easiest way to do this in the pharmacy is the next ban. I just know a little bit. I will teach you how to unlock this ban. In other words, where the pharmacy is, only you and I can Enter! Other people, no matter how strong they are, it is difficult to get in."

"Then trouble the fairy master."

"Well, you can prepare yourself for the Yangshen Sect! I will send you the other sect's statement."


At this point, Fengshenzong has officially started to enter the right path! The next thing is that it is completely built and disciples poured in!

The subsequent statement also turbulent the entire continent! Everyone was shocked! Because the dignified super power Lingjian Pavilion announced the merger with Fengshen Sect, the two martial sects were developed separately, and all the powerhouses of Lingjian Pavilion joined Fengshen Sect to help the development of Fengshen Sect!

This is a big event that shocked everyone! This also means that the hatred between Lingjian Pavilion and Weiyang Palace has been put aside for the time being!

More importantly, a newly developed sect Fengshen sect, a Fengshen sect with a low-powered kid as the lord, in the blink of an eye, its strength is comparable to the super power!

This TM is probably the fastest growing sect in history.

And this incident also shocked the players!

They knew that the Fengshen Sect belonged to Chen Mo, and they also knew that the construction of the Fengshen Sect was not easy, but they knew that the Fengshen Sect had no players and very few members. However, this night, the Fengshen Sect became a superpower on par! This TM is too exaggerated!

Players like them finally understood one thing, why didn't Renjia Chenmo not recruit a large number of members after the first guild Fengshenzong was built? They simply look down on this group of junk players, and their ambition lies in NPC!

Which guild of this TM can compare with the current Fengshen Sect?

Although your temples, tens of millions of members of the Prosperous Dynasty, but Feng Shenzong...

Many powerhouses above Shenhuang rank, is it not a simple matter to destroy you hundreds of thousands?

However, although it sounds terrifying, there is a problem. It is normally impossible for NPCs to manipulate players. Therefore, the Fengshen Sect does not have the ability to actively attack other guilds, but your other guilds are just a few. Thousands of people do not have the ability to dare to attack Fengshen Sect!

This time made many people who were hostile to Chen Mo worried.

The disciples of Lingjian Pavilion are also hard to accept this fact, but most of them are reluctant to leave Lingjian Pavilion. Although Lingjian Pavilion is no longer considered a super power, its background is still there. They can get better here. The development of, but they couldn't accept it. For a while, Chen Mo even rode on the head of their elder and suzerain.

Whether it was Qin Hao, Huang Minghao, Xu Xian, Lin Tianqi, or the Yunzhongsheng who had just provoked, they were all incredulous but extremely angry when they heard the news. , For a while they didn’t know what to do!

This Chen Mo, in the blink of an eye, seems to have become an existence that they are not so easy to pinch to death!

The news spread across the mainland, and the major sects also launched emergency meetings.

Tianqi Palace, as the imperial power with a very stiff relationship with Chen Mo, they are most concerned about this!

The Apocalypse Palace was the backing behind the Lingjian Pavilion before, but after the Lingjian Pavilion happened, they felt that their faces were also beaten, and then canceled their cooperation. And one of the elders of the Tianqi Palace, Venerable Apocalypse was Chen Mo slapped him.

"Venerable Apocalypse, what do you think of this matter?"

In a huge hall, several powerful men sat there talking about the matter.


Venerable Apocalypse snorted~www.readwn.com~ disdainfully said: "A Spirit sword pavilion whose overall strength is already weaker than the super power, one is the newly established sect, even if the two are combined, it is only one The combined superpower is nothing more than a weak superpower."

"Although so, there are still strong ones!"

"The strong? Why did Lingjian Pavilion join the Fengshen Sect? Are those strong really from the heart? They may still resent that Chenmo in their hearts, but this Fengshen Sect does have a tendency to rise, and we need to kill it. In the cradle!"

Venerable Apocalypse said.

"Well... this is indeed too arrogant, and that Chen Mo is not compatible with my Tianqi Palace, but... the construction of the Fengshen Sect is naturally a respectable and upright, how can we have a reason to attack this Fengshen Sect?"

(The app writer’s assistant account on the mobile phone hasn’t dropped yet, and it can be updated. I don’t know when it will drop. The account is frozen for seven days. Don’t mind if it breaks suddenly, but even if it breaks, it will be the first when it can be updated. The time is all made up, now my phone is in the never-ending screen mode, for fear of the screen, the app will flash back, I take it,)

(End of this chapter)

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