I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 524: I will protect you

Qingqiu waited for Chen Mo in the same place, she was thinking about many things.

If I go out this time, it may be a good opportunity to directly do it with Chen Mo, but she may not do it! He must look for a good opportunity, but he can get acquainted with him, including strength and character, which are all helpful to her.

And the key point is that she must achieve certain success, one success, Lei Ling Ta knows that it is more than one hundred kilometers away from here, more than one hundred kilometers is actually a very close place to the strong, if she Can’t get it right in an instant, what method does Chen Mo have to notify? It only takes a short time for the strong of Weiyang Palace to pass. In fact, this matter itself is not that difficult, but all that is cautious, the unknown is Chen Mo Ability!

Of course she knew that the Lingjian Pavilion that Chen Mo had beaten alone could not be dealt with! So this matter became more difficult. She did crush Chen Mo, but what if he still had that ability? She can't help him!

So the problem came, even if the two of them went to a place thousands of kilometers away alone, she was not sure to take it directly! So what should I do?

There is only one way. How can he not release any of his power?

Either ban his ability to release power, or make him unconscious!

Both of these need certain opportunities, so she can't be anxious! Impatience can never be a big thing. If it is normal, she can take action, but the leader said that it will succeed, then she must be absolutely sure of success.

However, why did he dare to enter this Lei Ling Tower?

Lei Ling Pagoda is a very famous place. Although it is far away from the imperial power Lei Lingzong, although Lei Lingzong is also in the Holy Yao Empire, it is one of the two imperial powers of the Holy Yao Empire. The tower is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, but it still belongs to the Lei Ling Sect. As far as she knows, there are the monsters with the thunder attribute sealed by the Lei Ling Sect many years ago. They are all evil demon of the square. This place belongs to the forbidden area, only thunder The talents of Lingzong can enter, and there are even Lei Lingzong guards, and the degree of danger is somewhat unimaginable, why can he go there?

She doesn’t quite understand, but if he goes there, just follow him and get to know him. As for why you need to understand him, it’s actually easy to explain. Only by understanding a person, his style, his character, and his personality, can you find A better and more suitable way to do it to him, guarantee the success rate!

Moreover, the main teaching is the living person, it is indeed dangerous there, what if he dies in it? He can't die, she might be able to protect him, she knows too much how much the leader attaches to this young man named Chen Mo, and even after hearing his meaning, she seems to want to train him into the next generation of Yangshen leader. meaning.

She is a saint. Some people may think that the saint is to take over as the leader of the next generation of Yangshen. In fact, the saint does have very great rights, but she is not the next generation of Yangshen. On the contrary, the saint is Women are more likely to be just a tool, she also knows, perhaps because of the living environment these years, knowing her future ending has created her character, withdrawn and cold.

The few words she just said to Chen Mo is the most she has said in many years, because she is deliberately disguising herself, after all, she has changed her identity.

She can be exposed, because she is exposed but no one knows that she is a member of the Yangshen Sect. She can find countless reasons to hide her identity to explain, but it might be beneficial to save him! After all, what she knows about Chen Mo, although this person is arrogant, he is a person of love and righteousness. Of course, this is definitely only exposed as a last resort, otherwise this is the best.

After a while, Chen Mo came here with Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou. As for Xiaoyuan, she was still "abandoned." Chen Mo could not take her. It was too dangerous, but it should have belonged to three people. A girl looked excited, and walked over with Shuishi and Long Xiaorou's little hand.

Yes, it is Zhao Yingmeng!

Although it was a task for six people, Chen Mo planned to go with only five people. Chu Naihe, Chen Mo, Shui Shui, Long Xiaoruan Qingqiu, and then Zhao Yingmeng was going to play with Chen Mo and Xiaoyuan. It just sounds good. When Chen Mo wanted to go out without Xiaoyuan, she yelled to follow. Chen Mo refused at first and asked her to play with Xiaoyuan. She was wronged... she said that she changed her job very well. She is no longer a **** for the hidden occupation of the batch, she wants to fight with Chen Mo!

After that, Chen Mo reluctantly agreed. I hope her BOSS attracts something useful. As for Xiaoyuan, Chen Mo gave her to Han Jiangxue when he left, and troubled her to take Xiaoyuan for fun, Xiao Ruhan was sleeping Feeling, Xiao Ruan Shui Shui left, and Zhao Yingmeng followed. She didn't have any friends to play with. Han Jiangxue was still in a daze at the time, but she didn't ask Chen Mo what he was doing, so she nodded and agreed.

Zhao Yingmeng is very excited. Since she re-transferred to Dark God, she has taken the time to brush the level. It is not too cool, but she hasn't expressed herself in front of Chen Mo. She really wants to make Chen Mo Looking at her improvement, when she was with Chen Mo, she was willing to be a bastard, but she also wanted to become stronger and wanted Chen Mo to see her changes! So she came today, she came with a strong will to fight.

Qing Qiu glanced at them, and saw Zhao Yingmeng not too surprised. After investigating Chen Mo beforehand, she also knew that Chen Mo had a good relationship with the disciple of Zhao Yingmeng, the third elder of Weiyang Palace, and often went out to do it together. task.

"Sister, are you going too?"

Zhao Yingmeng saw Qingqiu, and then leaned over to ask.

Qing Qiu was stunned for a moment.

According to common sense, she should be called Junior Sister, but after all, they are modern people, and they are more accustomed to addressing Junior Sister by age. Zhao Yingmeng is not used to it anyway, it is better to call her Sister.

Then she nodded.

"Then you have to be careful. The places where Brother Chenmo goes are very dangerous and dangerous, but it's cool, rest assured, I will protect you!" Zhao Yingmeng is a silly talker, and a familiarity. He patted his chest and said to Qingqiu.

She thinks Qingqiu is not as good as her. After all, she is a new disciple. If she is very good, she won't be a disciple. At least she will be good after a while.

Qingqiu didn't say anything, just nodded slightly~www.readwn.com~ I'm here, I'm here! "

After seeing Chen Mo and the others, Chu Naihe, who had been waiting, ran over while waving his hands.

"Brother Chenmo, he is not..."

Zhao Yingmeng was stunned after seeing him.

She also met this Chu Naihe. She was not familiar but knew him. At that time, she was quite surprised to see him as an elder disciple. Now it seems that this guy is not a star chaser, right?

"Well, this task is his."

Chen Mo nodded without explaining too much.

"Hello, old lady."

Of course Chu Naihe knew who Zhao Yingmeng was, and then said hello.

Zhao Yingmeng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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