I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 563: 3 steps to 1 poem

Under the veil of Liu Qingyan, two clear tears fell in front of him without knowing it.

"Miss Liu...Miss Liu!"

Yang Qianfeng called her a few words.

Only then did Liu Qingyan recover, and then quickly turned around and wiped the tears, then turned around.

"Sorry, the little girl has lost his temper." Liu Qingyan owed a little apologetically.

"Why does Miss Liu cry?"

Yang Qianfeng asked puzzledly.

"It's really... The adverb of Mr. Mo Chen is too shocking, and the picture depicted in it is too sad, but Qianyan was moved by the spirit between them. Thank you Mr. Mo Chen for letting Qianyan live. I can see such a beautiful poem!"

Liu Qingyan then saluted Chen Mo.

She was really shocked and shocked! This is simply a realm that no one can surpass! She knows that it is not her that is depicted in it, but the picture is too real, the emotion is too real, the impact on people's emotions is too great, the poetry is too good!

Sun Xiao, who was still ridiculing Chen Mo just now, looked incredulous. A poem can make people cry?

"Impossible! How is it possible!"

Sun Xiao looked incredulous.


Liu Qingyan took a deep breath, then looked at Chen Mo and asked, "Mr Mo Chen, can the little girl chant this poem to everyone?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Naturally!"

Then Liu Qingyan picked up the paper and spoke slowly.

"The Emperor of Han emphasized his desires and thoughts, and Yu Yu couldn't ask for it for many years.

A young girl from the Yang family grew up and was raised in a deep boudoir unknown.

Natural beauty is difficult to abandon, once elected to the side of the king.

Looking back at Bai Meisheng with a smile, the Sixth Palace has no color. "


"In the sky, I am willing to be a lovebird, in the earth, I am willing to be a branch.

There is no end to this hatred. "

So beautiful! It's so beautiful!

Looking back with a smile, Bai Meisheng, the sixth house of pink and daisy has no color... I wish to be a wing bird in the sky, I wish to be a wing bird in the earth, forever and forever, this hatred will never end! !

At first they didn't believe it, but when Liu Qingyan finished reading the whole sentence, they were shocked!

Yes, this poem is really too beautiful! Great! A realm that is really hard to surpass.

Chen Mo sighed in his heart.

The Song of Everlasting Hatred, a poem that took three years to write, if these people can't see how strong this poem is, then Chen Mo really doubts whether these people really understand poetry! But the ending is still good, they do understand! Even Liu Qingyan's tears because of the love and tragic stories of two of them are enough to see how good this poem is.

"This hatred never ends, what a hatred never ends!"

There was also a trace of tears in his eyes.

"Master Chen Mo is amazing!"

Tang Panpan really admires Chen Mo more, but the sense of crisis in his heart is even heavier. For such an excellent man, can she really pursue it?

Yang Qianfeng, Sun Xiao and others clenched their fists!

Although I don't want to admit it, this poem is too powerful! This has to be admitted.

"Master Mo Chen, is this poem a true story?"

Chen Mo nodded: "It's a true story."

"The two in that poem, they..."

"They might love each other again in another world."

"Thank you, Mr. Mo Chen! Today, Mr. Yan Yan truly understands what there are outsiders and there are people outside the world. There is a sky outside the world. On poetry, Mr. Mo Chen is far above Mr. Yan, and Mr. Qian Yan is ashamed to judge his poems tonight.”

Liu Qingyan bowed to Chen Mo.

Everyone: "..."

"The younger generation is terrible, the younger generation is terrible! This poem must be shown to Her Majesty the Empress! He must be shown to her!"

Father Huangfu also patted Chen Mo on the shoulder excitedly.

Then Qin Changqing gave Sun Xiao a wink at this moment.

Sun Xiao gritted his teeth. At this time, he really didn't want to jump out again, but... this might anger Qin Changqing, and the reward he gave was very exciting.

At this time, Sun Xiao walked over and gave Gong Huangfu a punch.

"President Huangfu, Xiaosheng has a saying that I don't know should be said inappropriately."

"You speak!"

Sun Xiao then said: "This poem is indeed very beautiful, the artistic conception is very strong, and moving. If this poem comes from the hands of the Yanyan girl or Huangfu, there is nothing to be surprised. This son of Mochen may indeed be a heaven. If you are a genius, you can write a poem with such an artistic conception in such a short period of time, eight hundred and four crosses, and there are not many pauses. Isn’t it really strange for you, Mr. Huangfu? There really is such a genius in this world?"

"Master Sun!"

Liu Qingyan's face was slightly sullen when he heard what he said.

"This song of long hatred is indeed shocking to the world, but if Sun Gongzi can't do it, please don't question other people. There is a sky outside the sky, there will always be people who exceed everyone's expectations."

Sun Xiao gritted his teeth.

"Yes, Miss Liu is right, but the eight hundred and four crosses, I don't believe it! I believe that everyone in this room can't believe it! Right!"

"Yes, eight hundred and four crosses improvise, unless you say that you did it in advance, but who of us literati can write these poems?"

"Yes, Master Mo Chen will give us an explanation!"


Although Grandpa Huangfu was shocked, he actually felt it was too shocking! If it's just a few sentences, a dozen sentences are fine, but there are too many! It's amazing!

"So you are still questioning whether this was written by someone else?"

Chen Mo asked with a smile.

"Do not rule out this possibility!"

Chen Mo then said: "I'm sorry, this song of Long Hatred was indeed improvised by me just now. If you really need any proof..."

Anyway, Chen Mo's B has also been installed, and it doesn't matter if he installs another one, although he is indeed a little blushing when he says this.

"How to prove!?"

Chen Mo then paced slowly.

"Beijing has a beautiful lady..."


"Peerless and independent!"

Two steps!

"One look at Qingrencheng, and then Qingren country."

Three steps!


Everyone took a breath, and made a poem in three steps?

And it's another verse that has passed down the ages! And it is also in line with the poems of the third round of assessment, not other themes!

Liu Qingyan's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Not enough?"

Chen Mo hooked the corner of his mouth and continued to pace.

"Yun thinks about clothes, and the spring breeze hits the threshold of Revlon.

If it weren't for Qunyushantou, see ~www.readwn.com~ will meet at Yaotai. "

Everyone: "..."

"Okay, it's a cloud of thoughtful clothes!"

Duke Huangfu clapped excitedly.

"Is it enough? If it's not enough!" Chen Mo glanced at the ugly-faced Sun Xiao, and continued: "A generation of allure is chasing waves, Wu Gongkong recalls your family. I look like Mo smiled at the neighboring daughter of the east. Huansha."

Everyone: "..."

"If it's not enough!"

Chen Mo continued to chant: "There is no beauty in the ages, and you are a beautiful woman with a pleasing look; the country is full of beauty, and the world is shocked!"

"Jiaojiao is like the moon covered by light clouds, and fluttering like snow in the wind."

Chen Mo then glanced at that Sun Xiao and asked faintly: "So, is that enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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