I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 566: Not needed

Qin Changqing sneered after seeing Chen Mo going up.

Since he still chose to go to this martial arts stage, he must step him under his feet! but not now.

Although Qin Changqing has great confidence that he can defeat Chen Mo, he can't guarantee it, because there is a saying that he has indeed done what Qin Changqing can't do, and he is still jealous! So before that, the person in front will try his skills first, or probe his hole cards.

Even if he defeats him when he plays behind, some people may think that victory is not martial. After all, people have already fought a lot, but it doesn’t matter, knowing yourself and knowing the enemy is not dead, you only need to let him rest for a while. Wind.

"Oh? This little brother wears a mask, as if he is very face-to-face, but he walked to the competition arena without hesitation, and he may have greater confidence in his own strength!"

The strong men of those big families were whispering.

"It's useless. Miss Lei Lingzong might also play this time. Even if she doesn't play, as far as the old man knows, among the four big families in Tianfeng City, I am not sure about the other ones except the Qin family. Everyone has people in every family, and the weakest has Tian Jue's strength, right? Tian Jue is basically the top in such a fight."

"I hope someone can surprise us tonight!"


"Isn't that Chenmo? Isn't that Chenmo?"

"Fuck! Not sure! Chen Mo's mask is not a popular mask, and there is no cloak, but I feel quite alike."

"It's him, didn't you just hear a female voice calling Master Chenmo to cheer? I'm afraid he was right! Fuck! Chenmo also came to participate in this competition?"


A group of players are also talking about it. Some people have secretly turned on the camera. Although they are not sure if it is Chen Mo, as long as he sacrifices his weapon, they will know. They think that if it is really him, this video will not be able to make it. What amazing things can make a fortune!

"Huh, it's really interesting. I thought I was the first one to play. I didn't expect that someone would come up to look for abuse before me." A voice came, and then a handsome man looked disdainful. On the stage!


With two people in the competition platform, the competition can begin, and cheers from the people below!

The contest between them is more like adding interest to this grand festival, just like watching the Spring Festival Gala in the New Year, a similar situation.

Then the man flicked his shirt, looking very handsome.

An old man then said: "The rules of this competition are the same as those of the normal competition platform. Also, you don't need to be reminded to start the battle. If you start the battle yourself, you can, but remember, don't release too much power. So as not to hurt the people watching nearby!"

Then Zhang Qian looked at Chen Mo and said with a sneer: "Unleashing too much power? Then it depends on whether the opponent is qualified to release it."

"Wow! Too crazy, right? Who is this? Why is there such a big tone?"

"I don't know, does not knowing him mean that he doesn't have any strength or reputation?"

"Hey, who are you, are you so hungry?"


Some players who think Chen Mo is Chen Mo are upset. They are fans of Chen Mo. Someone is actually **** in front of Chen Mo, which is really ridiculous.

Zhang Qian sneered, then glanced at the man.

"Since you asked, I will tell you this young boy, my young name is Zhang Qian, and he ranks 100th in the land list!"

He was extremely arrogant when speaking.


Some people couldn't help but marveled. The people who were amazed were the people. They didn't know much. They knew that they could be on the spiritual list anyway, and those on the earth and sky lists were super powerful young people.



Tang Panpan cursed secretly.

I don’t think I’ve seen the world before, thinking that I’m on the 100th place on the earth list. It’s true that everyone who can be on the list is sure to be very good, but for her, the fifth place on the list, what the earth list is. Rubbish? Can the people of the list be presumptuous here? Not to mention that he is the 100th place on the land list. On this day, there are several famous places in the city and above him! I'm afraid he doesn't know yet. Coming from other places, he thinks he is really invincible. He thinks that in such a big world, there are only a thousand people in the three big lists. He dare to pretend to be B if he can't meet him.

"Fight if you want, what nonsense?"

Chen Mo said! Really long-winded.

But if he defeated him, would he be the so-called 100th place on the list? Maybe it is.

The 100th place on the list, the forty-level fairy, seems to be young, only about 20 years old, in fact, it is quite powerful, but since it is not a monster, then Chen Mo need not worry about anything.


Hearing Chen Mo's words, Zhang Qian snorted and pulled out the saber from his waist.

"Is it so anxious to find defeat? Then it will make you perfect!" Zhang Qian snorted coldly, and then exploded with momentum.

Chen Mo remained unchanged.

"Where is your spirit weapon?"

Zhang Qian was also taken aback when he saw that he hadn't sacrificed his weapon.

"No need!"

Everyone: "..."

"Who is this young man? Facing the 100th genius in the rankings, he doesn't even need to sacrifice his spiritual weapon?"

"Is it also a stronger genius? Otherwise, there would be no such confidence."

"I'm afraid it is, but I don't know who it is!"



However, in Tang Panpan's eyes, Chen Mo was so handsome at the moment.


The corner of Tang Tianhao's mouth turned slightly to look at Chen Mo on the stage.

He could feel that the gap between the two people was in a big realm, and in this case he didn't even need to sacrifice his own spirit weapon?

He wanted to see where this magical boy's confidence was!

"Good... good! Good! Young Master Ben wants to see where your confidence is!"

Then Zhang Qian shouted angrily ~www.readwn.com~ rushed directly to Chen Mo.

Infinite jump!

Chen Mo teleported directly behind him.

Three kicks exploded in Nine days, and a powerful kick made him too late to react. In the next instant, that Zhang Qian was kicked out of the competition stage by Chen Mo.

Everyone: "..."

This may be taken for granted in the eyes of some people, but in the eyes of most people, it is incredible! One hundred on the ground list was kicked out? No, why did he get caught? It stands to reason that it is difficult to get a hit!


That Zhang Qian stood up, pointed at Chen Mo and said angrily: "The young master is not ready! It's just that you got your hands dirty!"

"If you fall off the competition stage, it is your personal reason. You have been eliminated. The winner is this little brother. He is now the champion. Anyone who wants to challenge can play at any time!" said the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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