I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 577: Temples of Sadness

Zhao Yingmeng was lying there, unable to see who was who, and could only see the dark crowd.

"Brother Chenmo, here comes!"

Zhao Yingmeng said excitedly.

"No hurry, wait for them to get closer."


Zhao Yingmeng is very excited. This kind of excitement is the kind of feeling of doing bad things, but it is also very refreshing. There is also a feeling because he is curious about how Chen Mo is going to deal with these hundreds of thousands of players? Is it to be bombarded with countless kinds of big moves like Zhang Qian?

But it's not right, because Chen Mo said that he would not show up today to make them feel desperate. That's not the case. But if not, what else can be done?

After a while, they got closer, and Chen Mo then said to Long Xiaojuu.

Long Xiao and Chen Mo had the same mind and understood what Chen Mo meant, and then a flame condensed in her right hand.


In the next instant, she slapped the mountain in front of them with a slap.


The huge mountain peaks, countless snow pouring down.

At this time, Zhao Yingmeng finally understood what Chen Mo meant.


So witty.

You don't need to come out yourself, you don't need to do it, just make a huge avalanche. No matter how many people are below you, the avalanche will swallow them all. It's hard to say how much you can survive. Anyway, it's definitely more simple and rude than doing it.

The people below suddenly felt the ground trembling, and they all showed horrified expressions.

"What's the matter? Did the beast of Shenhuang appear?"

"Everyone, be careful!"

"Avalanche! Avalanche! Avalanche ahead!"


They suddenly found that the snow in front of them blocked their sight, and rushed towards them with an unstoppable force!


Qin Tianyun couldn't help but cursed when he saw this scene.

This TM's luck is too bad, right? Can you still encounter an avalanche? He was already worried enough about the threat of the beast of Shenhuang, and then he encountered an avalanche! Grass mud horse!

Although he is very strong, how can he be strong? No matter how strong can you stop an avalanche?

"Quick! Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

Qin Tianyun shouted!

But how can ordinary players survive an avalanche?

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of people were overwhelmed.

"Wow wow wow! Cool! Cool!"

Zhao Yingmeng leaned over and saw this scene and couldn't help but cried out!

Is this too exciting?

Chen Mo was also very happy.

As time passed slowly, some people withstood the damage of the avalanche, and their residual blood crawled out. In the end, 400,000 people lost 300,000! Those with thick blood survived.


So far, Qin Tianyun didn't know that he was actually overcast, and thought it was because of his bad luck that he encountered an avalanche.

"President, we have suffered heavy losses!"

"I know!"

Qin Tianyun darkened his face, then said: "Everyone beats blood, keep going!"

"President, do we have to move forward? How about we wait for the support troops behind."

A hall master of the temple of gods said.

"No need! Hundreds of thousands of people are enough. Let the support troops speed up. Let's fight first! This matter cannot be delayed. Once it is delayed, unknown things may happen! Hurry up!"


Lou Xiaoqian had only two drops of blood left. Fortunately, she had a skill that could resist 30% of the damage, otherwise she would die.

At this moment, a fireball blasted over.


A few tens of meters, there are probably hundreds of people, it will be melted instantly!

"Be careful! There is an attack!"

The hall master shouted.

Qin Tianyun raised his head and looked at the direction of the fireball.


Isn't this an ice field? It stands to reason that the monsters here are all ice monsters, why do they still have fire attributes?

"Follow me! According to the strength of this skill, it is estimated that it is our mission goal!"

Qin Tianyun yelled, then sacrificed his weapons and galloped toward the mountain where Chen Mo and the others were.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Lou Xiaoqian also started the live broadcast!

"Hello everyone, that's right, it's me again, your favorite war correspondent Lou Xiaoqian, today Xiaoqian is in an ice-covered snowfield, and today I want to broadcast live to you from the top ten pinnacle masters of the Temples of Heaven and Earth. 】Lead the team to complete the task and kill the beast of Shenhuang, presumably everyone has never seen a scene of fighting with the beast of Shenhuang! Yes, today Xiaoqian is going to take everyone to see and experience, but just experienced it directly In the avalanche, the 400,000 members of the Temple of Gods instantly lost more than 300,000, and they suffered heavy losses and even fireball attacks! Anyway, they must be very beautiful. Everyone has a small gift. Thank you!"

After speaking, she ran with the large group while explaining.

"Good job."

Chen Mo rubbed Long Xiaorou's head.


Long Xiaorou was particularly happy to be praised, her eyes narrowed into a crescent and sued, she was so cute.

That's right, the fireball was a scorching sky star released by Long Xiaorou. Anyway, you can't see them, you can attack it casually, which will cause them to think it was a monster attack.

"Brother Chenmo, they are rushing up!"


They walked up on their own, and today it is bound to leave them a shadow that will be unforgettable for a lifetime and can leave trauma.

Then Chen Mo and the others slipped away from behind, the Snow Sculpture had already flown away, and he was temporarily unnecessary.

When Qin Tianyun and the others climbed up, they didn't see any monsters at all, and they didn't even attack them in the middle.

"It's a cunning monster!"

Qin Tianyun gritted his teeth and said angrily.

He even felt that the avalanche just now was not bad luck, it might really be caused by the monster seeing their arrival.

Then he looked forward, another plain in front of him,

And ahead is a huge snow mountain, another place where avalanches are likely to occur.

"Go! Detour!"

He would rather take a detour than have such a big loss, after all, he knew that the IQ of the beast of Shenhuang was already very high.

On the other side, Chen Mo and the others are indeed hiding behind another snow mountain.

"Brother Chenmo, they didn't come here, it's a pity, otherwise they could create another avalanche and kill them, hehe."

Zhao Yingmeng smiled with a dark belly.

"It doesn't matter, Shuishui, go to their direction and prepare in advance."


Shui Shui also showed that kind of smirk.

"Wait, take this."

Chen Mo gave her a little empty magic stone~www.readwn.com~ and Shuishui trot all the way down the snowy mountain.

"Brother Chenmo, why let Shuishui go?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked expectantly.

"Just follow it and see."


Then they followed quietly, hiding in one place.


With a flash of light on Shui Shui's body, she turned into a super cute and cute little white tiger, almost fused with the snow. , And then she pounced and grabbed the snow with her small claws and got in. There was still snow in the sky, and it was covered for a while, completely invisible, waiting for Qin Tianyun and the others to arrive.

"I'm coming!"

After a while, they saw the crowd approaching vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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