I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 585: Lack of money

Chen Mo then looked at Ye Yuhan who was sitting with Ye Qingqing and talking.

"Well, then I will talk to her first." Chen Mo then walked to Ye Yuhan.

Ye Yuhan stood up when Chen Mo came, knowing that Chen Mo was looking for her.

"Master Chenmo."

Ye Yuhan owed a little to Chen Mo.

Tang Panpan's little mouth pursed.

Just the feeling of being jealous.

Although she is indeed very beautiful, she feels that she is still far behind Ye Yuhan, who is the number one in the top ranking list. There is a gap in strength, and her appearance has its own merits, but she is very beautiful, very fairy, and has a very special temperament. , This is something she can't envy, she thinks boys should like such women.

"Let's talk aside." Chen Mo said.


Then the two went aside.

"I don't know what is going on, Mr. Chen Mo called Yuhan?"

Ye Yuhan asked.

Chen Mo then took out the parchment scroll he had obtained from the Love Saint Ruins.

Seeing this parchment scroll, Ye Yuhan also brightened his eyes.

Very familiar and familiar, could it be...

"Could this scroll of parchment be..."

Chen Mo nodded, "It should be the same half as the one you sold at the auction house before, so I want to try it."

Ye Yuhan then took out the other half of the parchment roll. When both parchment rolls were taken out, Chen Mo could feel a sense of traction, that is, the parchment roll in his hand was moving toward the other half.

The two people then released their hands, the parchment roll was suspended in the air and did not fall, and then slowly moved to each other!

"Sure enough!"

Ye Yuhan also showed a surprised expression.

She auctioned the parchment scroll just to try her luck, and she didn't report much expectation, but she didn't expect that in such a short time, Chen Mo actually found the other half!

The two parchment scrolls were combined into one, a simple light flickered slightly, and then the parchment scroll slowly landed. Chen Mo walked over and stretched out his hand, and the complete parchment scroll fell into his hand!

Sure enough, when the two parchment rolls were combined into one, the original pattern on it changed drastically! It's not the same as the previous two and a half maps at all, it's changed!

Ye Yuhan also came over and carefully looked at the pattern on the parchment scroll.

"Do you know where this is?"

Chen Mo asked.


Ye Yuhan frowned and said, "Somewhat familiar." Then she pointed to one of the places and said, "This is the Wuwang Mountain Range. The point marked on the map is about 3,000 kilometers south of the Wuwang Mountain Range. Here It should be... the land of the dead!"

"The land of the dead?"

Ye Yuhan nodded: "Well, it's a place belonging to the Netherworld. Its domain is several million kilometers in radius. It is very large. It is a forbidden place for our human race. It is full of undead creatures. It is very dangerous."

"So the law is there!"

"No...not necessarily, this may be a staged map."


Chen Mo looked at Ye Yuhan suspiciously.

Ye Yuhan is very knowledgeable, and Chen Mo is a stinky younger brother compared to her.

"It means that after you reach the land of the dead, you find something in it, and this thing will unlock the next face of the map, that is, the next place, step by step until the final place."

Chen Mo: "..."

"This is too complicated, right?"

"This map has such a sealing power. I can feel that the reason for this method is to find a real destined person. The destined person finds the parchment scroll, but in the end there may be no life, only Those who are truly destined are the ones who are truly destined."

Ye Yuhan said slightly.

"Then we find time to go?"

"Okay, but if you get the law, Yuhan hopes Master Chen Mo can take it away."

Chen Mo: "..."

"Don't you want it at all?"

Ye Yuhan shook his head; "The law is important, but it is not necessary."

Chen Mo knew that she actually wanted to repay the favor.

"You also said that all of this depends on fate. If you really get it, the law will ultimately choose whoever you want to depend on fate."

Ye Yuhan nodded slightly.

"Are you free these days?"

"Yes, the mainland has been in harmony recently. Master also asked me to accompany Qingqing and Xiaoyu more, and call me if there is anything."

"Then...you say a time, let's go together!"

"Speak up, Master Chen Mo, you can speak coldly."


Ye Yuhan nodded; "Okay."

"Then tomorrow afternoon, you have fun with Qingqing and Xiaoyu today and tomorrow."


"Master Chenmo."

At this time Yun Qi just came over.

"Girl Yuhan, let's do her own thing first." Chen Mo gave Ye Yuhan a fist and then looked at Yunqi, and said, "What's the matter with girl Yunqi?"

Yun Qi looked around, and then said: "Master Chenmo, the construction of the Fengshen Sect is about to be completed. Whether it is to recruit disciples or the future development, Yun Qi has formulated a series of plans, but..."

"but what?"

Yun Qi said awkwardly: "The Fengshenzong is very short of funds."

Chen Mo: "..."

This is not surprising, but Yun Qi almost forgot about it without reminding Chen Mo.

All the money that Chen Mo made from beginning to end is actually barely able to build the Fengshen Sect until now, but the development of the Fengshen Sect still requires a series of things that are still a huge expense, and they must Have a long-term deposit...

This is a huge embarrassment.

"Well, how much is probably needed?"

"If Mr. Chenmo wants to develop normally and does not worry about funding in a short time, he may need 100 million Amethyst Coins."

Chen Mo: "..."

"so many?"

Yun Qi nodded; "Well~www.readwn.com~ Because the sect has just developed, even if the construction is completed, the distance to a complete sect is only half completed. At the same time, reserve funds are needed. If the reserve funds are not counted, 50 million amethyst coins should probably be fine."

Chen Mo sighed wildly in his heart.

One hundred million amethyst coins is one hundred billion! To be honest, one hundred billion is not a big asset for some big families. Such big families don’t know how many trillions. After all, they could even use tens of billions to buy a piece of equipment from Chen Mo. Explain that they do have money!

But for Chen Mo, how can this be done?


It doesn’t seem to work. Even for super powers, 100 million Amethyst Coins, or 50 million Amethyst Coins are a very large number. They definitely have them, but they can’t get it out because it will affect some of the daily development of the sect. , Those sects who are rich are rich, but they are more of the background! It's the kind of thing that doesn't come out.

Moreover, the most showy thing is that Chen Mo wants the kind that does not need to be paid back, this is the most comfortable!

(End of this chapter)

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