I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 589: Give you another chance

Zhao Yingmeng was also very surprised!

When she heard Tian Feiheng's words, she thought Chen Mo was really going to blame, but...Immunity means death!

What kind of fairy player is this?

"Then...if you can't talk about it, just forget it."


A small figure next to Chen Mo rushed towards Feiheng that day, Shui Shui instantly killed him, and even Tian Feiheng was too lazy to resist, because he knew his resistance was useless!

The resurrected Tian Feiheng shouted in the guild channel with a dark face: "Everyone rushed into the guild for me, trapped Chenmo in it, and grind him to death! You must grind him to death for me! Vow to defend the second floor and On the third floor, don't let Chenmo go up! Keep the union plaque!"

After speaking, Tian Feiheng quickly ran towards the guild base again.

On the other side, Chen Mo and the others were in the house. There were very noisy voices outside. Obviously, there were no idea how many people had already surrounded the outside, and they just waited for Chen Mo to go out, but they did not dare to come in, which also showed their hearts. panic.

"Brother Chenmo, we are now..."

Zhao Yingmeng asked curiously.

"Just kill it, Xiao Rou, just blow me up!"


Long Xiaorou then gathered a terrifying flame with both hands.

[Scorching Stars]: Jump into the void, and be immune to all damage during this period, chant for five seconds, and then form a terrifying flame power. After five seconds, the flames will blast down to the ground, within 100% of the range All units deal a devastating blow, the damage is 10* magic attack power, and the building is devastating. At the same time, if the target's HP is less than 20% and the target's level and grade are below its own, the target will be killed. Mana consumption: 20000, cooling time: one day.

That's right, the scorching sky star has a very terrifying effect, which is to cause a devastating blow to the building!


The terrifying hot sky star directly blasted out!

A dense crowd gathered outside. They were ready to fight with their weapons. Then suddenly they saw the door of that room. The walls melted in an instant, and then they saw a terrifying flame, but all of them were too late to react and were all melted in an instant.


Then Chen Mo took them out.

Feiheng had just left the city that day when he suddenly received a message from a member.

"What? The gate on the second floor is destroyed? They have already gone to the second floor?"

Tian Feiheng looked like a ghost.

How long is this?

"Trash! How do you keep it!"

Tianfeiheng swears!

"Master, Chen Mo won't give a chance at all. A skill blasts over, and we are all seconds off. The entire first floor is already in a mess, and it's all destroyed!"


Tianfeiheng yelled angrily and then speeded up!

At this moment, Chen Mo's various ultimatums were casually released. Thousands of defensive players in front of him were instantly annihilated, and they continued to retreat. How could they have the capital to fight against them?

"I thought I could help, but I didn't expect it would be another day as a bastard."

Zhao Yingmeng murmured.

Soon they broke through the second floor and came to the third floor.

There were more than 10,000 people standing in front of them, each of them holding weapons and looking at Chen Mo and them with fear, guarding the third door behind him!

If this gate were broken, the guild plaque would be exposed in front of Chen Mo.

In the rear, a steady stream of players from the Prosperous Dynasty rushed in from outside, but they were all blocked by Long Xiaorou’s sea of ​​fire. No matter what they were anxious, they would not be able to rush over in a short time. Then the sea of ​​flames could not rush in. , Rushing in, you will be killed in seconds.

Looking at the thousands of people in front of him, Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly.

Fortunately, I stole 30 utmost tricks at the moment, otherwise these people would be really hard to solve Chen Mo, but with these utmost tricks, players can solve much better than monsters!


A bolt of thunder fell directly from the sky, blasting through the guild of the Prosperous Dynasty, and landed in the crowd.

In an instant, the crowd collapsed!

After a minute, the crowd was all resolved!

"I will leave it to you later."

Chen Mo said to Zhao Yingmeng and the others.

The sea of ​​fire is over, they should naturally rush in.


Zhao Yingmeng nodded, and then interacted with Shui Shui, and Long Xiaorou stood on the third floor.

Chen Mo came to the third floor gate.

"Asura killing intent, seven emotions-anger!"

The power directly increased, Chen Mo held the sword of disaster in his hand, and the attack fell on the gate like a storm.

Two minutes later...


The third floor door shattered directly, and there were hundreds of people standing inside. They looked at Chen Mo in horror.


Why is this huge guild, how many people just broke in?

"Crescent Moon Unlimited Links!"

Brush and brush——

Soon the inside was emptied by Chen Mo.

From the rear, Zhao Yingmeng and the others were able to block the rushing crowd at will.

If it is in all directions, then there will be difficulties, but it is just blocking one direction and rushing up. With their abilities, it couldn't be easier. There are many people behind, but the space is limited. You can't always come up very many people in an instant.

Chen Mo walked to the guild plaque of the Prosperous Dynasty, and then cut it up with a sword, cracking it a little bit.

Brush and brush——

Then the attacks of strong wind and rain continued to fall on it, and in the end a thousand blood was left on the guild plaque. If the last thousand blood is gone, then the Shengshi Dynasty will be dissolved.

Then Chen Mo sat there, and the three of Zhao Yingmeng returned.

Immediately afterwards, a dense crowd of Shengshi Dynasty rushed in. When they saw the plaque of the Remnant Blood Guild in Chen Mo's hand, they suddenly panicked like old dogs!

"Don't move! Don't move!"

A leader of the team hurriedly yelled to the members behind him.

"That's right."

Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.

Ma! It feels so good to do bad things.

"Chen Mo, what are you going to do? If you have something to say, don't destroy the guild plaque."

"What are you doing? I said, doing business, it's just that the young master of your family doesn't trust my character. I have brought all the goods. I will pay for it in the future. I am angry with distrust of my character. The key." Chen Mo said.

Behind him ~www.readwn.com~ Tian Feiheng walked over quickly, and he also happened to hear Chen Mo's words.

Don't trust your character?

Fart NMLG!

Is this a character issue? You want Lao Tzu 50 billion for a piece of gold! You TM!

"Back? Do you want to talk about cooperation now?"

Chen Mo touched the corner of the guild plaque he was holding.

Zhao Yingmeng smiled.

Too bad, really too bad!

Tianfeiheng gritted his teeth! This is the threat of Chiguoguo!

But there is no way, really no way! The loss in the seven days of the dissolution of the Prosperous Dynasty was far more than that of 50 billion! He has already contacted his elder brother, it can only be so! There is no other way!

(End of this chapter)

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