I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 591: Fengshen sect disaster

The first thing Chen Mo did after he went online was of course to pay attention to the matter of the temples.

In Chen Mo's view, even that Qin Tianyun and Shi Lezhi would never do such a shameful act, that is, leading a team to attack Fengshen Sect.

There are not many members of the Fengshen Sect. This is no secret. Everyone knows that there are strong people in the Fengshen Sect! Everyone knows better that with the strength of the current players, even if there are only a few strong NPCs, it is impossible for them to capture the sect, unless the basic strength of the subsequent players is greatly improved, at least two turns Only possible.

It is actually very easy to know the actions of the temples, and all the actions of such a big guild are in the eyes of countless players.

Sure enough, a large number of players in the various temples were rushing in the direction of Fengshenzong from various places.

In fact, this incident was discovered by many players late last night, and it was posted on the Internet at the same time, and it has been ranked first in the homepage hot search, but Chen Mo didn't know it yet.

"Brother Chenmo Brother Chenmo!"

Chen Mo wandered around Fengshenzong, Zhao Yingmeng ran over in a hurry.

I drank some wine last night and slept a little late. Originally, she might even slept until noon. She habitually opened her eyes and looked at the phone for 30 to 40 seconds, such as to see the buttoned news. Yes, did anyone look for her, and then suddenly saw the first place in the hot search list, "The Temple of the Gods is Suspected of Raising Soldiers to Attack the Fengshen Sect".

Then she clicked on it and took a closer look. There were photos of various large-scale gatherings of players. In the middle of the night, they were rushing to the direction of Fengshenzong from all directions. Although the distance is still very long, the players have just combined with Chen Mo. After the temple had destroyed such information, plus all rushing to the direction of the Fengshen Sect, it was natural to think that it was indeed an act of the Fengshen Sect.

Then Zhao Yingmeng couldn't sleep anymore, because the Fengshen Sect had a lot of people and there were too few players. If she didn't go online and told Chen Mo, what if he wouldn't know the news? So she immediately went online to tell Chen Mo the news without being sleepy.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo looked at Zhao Yingmeng.

"Brother Chenmo, I saw the post. Some people say that the Temple of the Gods has gathered a lot of players, and they are rushing to Fengshen Sect from all directions."

Zhao Yingmeng said anxiously.

Although Fengshenzong does have masters, according to incomplete statistics, the players gathered in the temples of the gods this time may exceed eight million, and they are obviously going to be desperate.

"Hmm...I see." Chen Mo nodded, looking into the distance from a high place.

"Brother Chenmo, aren't you panicking at all?"

"If it's just the temple of the gods, I don't panic, but it always feels more than that simple."

Chen Mo felt a bad feeling in his heart.

The main reason is that Qin Tianyun is not a fool. He knows everything he knows. With tens of millions of players, how can you fight the strong of the Wind God Sect? At least now there are dozens of Fengshen Sect and the spirit sword pavilion powerhouse here, even if the super power comes to attack, you have to weigh it, right? Players are almost impossible at this stage, so Chen Mo thinks there must be an NPC factor! Otherwise he dare not! But if it is an NPC...

He does have a lot of enemies, and even the enemies of the sect, but it is impossible for them to launch a fierce attack on the Fengshen Sect at this point in time. What is it?

Chen Mo couldn't think about it.

If there were any objections before, then two hours later, this objection was basically dispelled, because a lot of forces have gathered around 20 to 30 kilometers away from the Fengshen Sect, seeming to surround the entire Fengshen Sect. It was the same, but there was no action. The troops from farther away continued to gather.

"What's the situation? The temples of the gods have begun to deal with Fengshenzong?"

"Have the head move? Even if the temples have gathered ten times the strength of ten million, how about one hundred million? Although Chenmo's Wind Temple does not have many players, there are not many members, but there are strong ones. It may be nothing before, but I I heard that the Super Sect Spirit Sword Pavilion has been merged into the Fengshen Sect. Although only dozens of powerful people have been merged, the rest of the Spirit Sword Pavilion have developed their own, but what does it mean that the Spirit Sword Pavilion and the Fengshen Sect have joined forces? The temple has to deal with a super sect on the mainland, do you think it is possible?"

"Obviously it is impossible, but Qin Tianyun is not a fool, is he really **** to death by Chen Mo?"

"Go to the good show first, leave everything else alone, gather outside the Fengshen Sect and wait for a while and you will know everything!"


This news immediately swept all players, because this is already a rare event among players. It is the most sensational thing among players so far. Chen Mo targeted the temples of the gods twice before. The destruction of the temples is not a sensation now, because before it was a new player who was unknown, at most it was done by a little-known player. It will only cause a sensation later, because he has done it impossible. Things.

But now is different. Now it is an existence that has attracted much attention to target another existence that is not at the same level in the eyes of the public!

And now Chen Mo is also very concerned, this incident is by far the most concerned incident.

"Brain congestion, idiot! Is this Qin Tianyun?"

After Tian Feiheng heard the news, he couldn't believe it one second before, because he didn't believe that Qin Tianyun would do such a thing. If it were Qin Heyu, he would think it was normal to do such a thing, but Qin Tianyun...not normal. .

"Even so, Qin Tianyun would definitely not be so irrational. It's not that he doesn't know how many NPC powerhouses there are in the Fengshen Sect where Chen Mo is located. Those NPC powerhouses are beyond our current players' ability to fight. Where Chen Mo's confidence lies."

"Wang" stood beside him with arms folded and said faintly~www.readwn.com~ Brother, what do you mean..."

"Qin Tianyun must have something to follow."

"Then I want to see whether it is a generation of veterans who continue the legend with the sword of heaven and earth, or whether the rookie Chenmo creates the legend!"


On the other side, Venerable Apocalypse and Qin Changqing of the Apocalypse Palace are standing in a huge forest. In addition to them, there are some powerhouses in the Apocalypse Palace behind them. This incident against Chen Mo is a matter for the entire Apocalypse Palace, not just the apocalypse. Venerable alone!

"Master, there is news from the front that there are a lot of people gathered not far from the Wind God Sect. Do you think it is the Wind God Sect..."

Qin Changqing bowed.

"Impossible, no one knows that we are going to take action against Fengshenzong. How can they know to defend?" Venerable Tianqi shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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