I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 595: 6 people fight 0 million

really! really!

In this way, their temples rushed over again, and the Fengshen Sect would perish!

"Everyone, charge with me, kill Chenmo and destroy Fengshen Sect! Charge!"

Qin Tianyun shouted angrily!




"Now, Fengshen Sect is over!"

"It must be over! Look, although there are several very powerful experts in the monster beast battle, there are simply too many monsters! They are strong, but they are not invincible!"

"This TM, add up to hundreds of god-huang-level powerhouses, and there are existences above god-huang. This momentum, the battle scene of this powerhouse, is simply too exaggerated!"

"Fortunately, Chen Mo and the others are smart and moved the battlefield forward. If they guard the Fengshen Sect, the martial arts they release can easily destroy the weak Fengshen Sect!"

"Wait! Who will deal with the tens of millions of members of the temple?"


They suddenly realized this! All the NPCs are dealing with millions of monsters, and the temples of the gods are empty!

"No, someone!"

They looked at the other side of the battlefield, where five people stood!

Chen Mo, Zhao Yingmeng, Chu Naihe, Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou!

"They... Wouldn't they just plan these five people to guard tens of thousands of people?"

"It is possible! After all, Chen Mo once managed to kill five million monsters by himself!"

"But... in fact, in some respects, the players at this stage are much better than the monsters of the guard mission of the same number. The skills of the players are more and more powerful than those of the monsters, and the temples, it must be Come prepared, all kinds of professional players, it's hard to get involved."

"I'm afraid, it's really difficult! Five people to deal with ten million? Crazy?"

"Unless...unless Chen Mo can really create a legend! This is Chen Mo's battle for the Conferred God!"


"Brother Chenmo..."

Zhao Yingmeng looked at the crowds of players rushing over with some fear.

"Just do your best!"

For Lingjian Pavilion and Flower Saint, it is very, very difficult to deal with so many monsters. Chen Mo really doesn't want them to be distracted and attack the players here! So I can only give it to myself!

"Just kill! With so many people, they usually do one skill per skill, but now I can do ten per skill, isn't it beautiful?"

Chu Naihe said with a smile.

"Shui Shui, Xiao Rou, it's up to you."


Yes, Chen Mo's trump card is not himself, but them!

In a battle of this scale, they are actually the strongest. Today, perhaps the Fengshen Sect is a test for Chen Mo, but it will also be a nightmare for the players in the Temple of Gods!


Chen Mo sacrificed the sword of calamity and looked at the black crowds of the temples that were getting closer.

At this moment, a huge black streamer from the horizon rushed past and directly into the crowd.


The ground trembled suddenly, and then the hundreds of meters area was instantly emptied! A figure is standing there!

"It's the big sister! It's the big sister!"

Zhao Yingmeng couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the figure.

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly.

I didn't even tell her, I didn't expect her to come too.

Then Allure flashed in the crowd, massacred!

"let's go!"

Chen Mo gave a low cry and rushed over!


Zhao Yingmeng and Chu Naihe rushed into the crowd that might be **** to other players along with Chen Mo.

In an instant, the battle began!

"Who is the one who suddenly attacked the temple of the gods?"

"I've seen it. It's a member of the Fengshen Sect. It's very powerful, but I don't know who it is, and the ID is not clear. It is the player who is doing missions with Chenmo and the others, and the system always prompts the player to hide the ID, but One thing for sure is that she is extremely strong, and she is a very heavenly assassin player!"

"Could it be Qingcheng? I found that many of her fighting skills are similar to Qingcheng, and she has been hiding her ID, which means that once her ID is exposed, everyone will know."

"No, it's unlikely. How could Qingcheng join Chenmo's guild? How could it be closer to other male players?"

"Well, yes, Qiang is really strong, but it can't be Allure. As for why some of her actions and fighting styles are similar to Allure, it's actually easy to explain, because Allure is the textbook for all assassin players, and many are even strong. Assassin players of, they all learn from Allure, so sometimes every move has a shadow of Allure, which is normal."

"But it's useless. One more than five people means six people, and the opposite is Qin Tianyun leading the team. Even if they are players of the same level, they are equivalent to naturally missing one. Ten million members. How to fight?"


Then in the next scene, everyone stopped talking, because...

After Chen Mo rushed in, there was nothing fancy, but all kinds of stolen big tricks and bombardment!

In the eyes of all players, the tens of millions of members of the Temples of Gods would break through Chen Mo's blockade with an unstoppable force, and instantly level the Fengshenzong. However, Chen Mo made a variety of shocking moves and instantly killed the large-scale players of the Temples. , And then countless players in the rear filled up again, but just after filling up in front of Chen Mo, they were all killed in seconds!

"Isn't this the scene of Chen Mo fighting five million monsters alone? Suppressed with absolute big tricks."

"Fuck! I don't know why, where did Chenmo come from so many big tricks? Or does he really have so many big tricks? But... Doesn't Nima consume blue?"

Chen Mo: Yes, it really doesn't consume blue.

"But... Although it seems that Chenmo's big move is extremely against the sky, don't forget, this one can kill thousands of people, or tens of thousands, but there are still millions of people behind. How many big tricks?"

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ and Chenmo did it with a very powerful magic weapon before, right?"


That's right, after Chen Mo rushed in, everyone's attention was all on him, but one thing I have to say is that the other people are still very eye-catching. They even released a power that can be as good as Chen Mo. But Chen Mo released too much, and all the highlights were taken away by Chen Mo!

Even so, more people still find it difficult for Fengshenzong to pass this level.

"Death Lotus!"

Zhao Yingmeng also exploded once again. The terrifying dagger exploded like a lotus flower, which instantly emptied the blood of everyone around him. It was sharp, fast, and not fancy.

And Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou in the rear haven't taken any action yet, because they are waiting! If the three Chen Mo are the first line of defense, then they are the second line.

(There is one more chapter, it will be posted later, everyone will read it during the day)

(End of this chapter)

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