I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 605: The Balrog is coming

A roar that trembled everyone's hearts came from the horizon!


Then, as if a small meteorite hit, the ground trembled suddenly, exploded in front, and dust scattered.

Everyone vigilantly held the spirit weapon in their hands and looked ahead.

Those players who were about to leave in the first place looked at this scene dumbfounded!

"Fuck! What's the situation? Come again?"

"What's the situation with this TM? How many powerhouses has this Chenmo provoked? This TM is too strong, right?"

"My dear, is this keeping our hearts hanging today? Wave after wave, wave after wave, wave after wave, this is too..."


Those players were dumbfounded.

Venerable Apocalypse frowned in the distance.

"Demon spirit! This is demon spirit! What a terrifying demon power! I am afraid this is at the level of a demon god!"

Venerable Apocalypse said in shock.

"Compared to Master..."

"I am definitely not its opponent! Chenmo has such an enemy? Even this demon **** wants to rush into the human race to kill Chenmo, it seems that the hatred between them is so great! If those people are still there, it is possible. Can stop them, but they are not there, they all left, no one can stop him, I am afraid that he is behind the explosion of the strength of the Eight-spot Iron Armored Elephant. Today, Chenmo and Fengshen Sect are all over! OK!"

Venerable Apocalypse showed an excited expression.


"Who on earth is this power? I am afraid that it is stronger than the strength of my ancestor of the Lingjian Pavilion!"

Wei Wunian showed a frightened expression.

If they were still there, Wei Wunian and the others might not be so worried, but now all the ancestor-level Heavenly Forbidden-level powerhouses are in the midst of life and death. This breath makes them a little bit afraid.

When the flames and dust dissipated, the ground sand and stones there were burned into a red liquid, like magma. One can imagine how hot the flames are. There were eight people standing there!

"Chen Mo, you can make the deity wait so much!"

The leading man raised his head and stared at Chen Mo angrily, as if Chen Mo had greened him with the same hatred.

Chen Mo was really wondering who it was at first, who had such abilities, and who dared to show up?

Now he knows!

"It's you! Flame Demon!"

Grass mud horse!

Chen Mo cursed in his heart!

Originally, the temples of the gods and the eight-spotted iron-clad elephant were beyond Chen Mo's expectations, so why is there a flame demon now?


Upon hearing Chen Mo's words, Ye Yuhan and all of them showed shocked expressions.

They don't know each other, but they have heard of it!

The demon **** Yanmo of the ninth temple of the Flame Temple in the Monster Beast Domain! How did he come here?

This is the Balrog! In the whole continent, how many people in the entire human race can compare with them in terms of strength?

But why did the dignified flame demon come here? Why do you have enemies with Chenmo?

Few people knew about Chen Mo and Yanshen Temple, and they had never revealed it.

"Chen Mo! I didn't expect it! The deity always remembers you!"

The Flame Demon stared at Chen Mo fiercely.

Chen Mo really didn't expect, how could this TM appear?

"So these monsters in the Star Forest are you?"

Chen Mo squinted at him, naturally feeling jealous.

"No, but the enhancement of the eight-spot iron armor elephant was made by the deity."

The Flame Demon said coldly.

Chen Mo: "..."

Nima! In other words, today, four forces are dealing with him!

The temples of the gods, the Great Forest of Stars, and the unknown forces behind the Great Forest of Stars that control them, and then the Balrog!


"Now, all the strongest of your Fengshen sect have been deceived by the deity. This place is just a group of stinky fish and shrimps, including you! The deity will destroy your Fengshen sect in front of your eyes and kill everything around you. People, and then you will cut you! Let you feel what despair is!"

Flame Demon said viciously.

It turns out that the flame demon was already nearby, making the eight-spot iron armored elephant stronger, not to deal with them, but simply to deceive all of them from Long Xu!

This flame demon can be described as deliberate!

"You made the deity lose face in the entire monster race, and the deity wants you to repay it a hundred times! Uh-"

Then his hands condensed a terrifying force, directly blasting to their position of more than 100 people!

"Not good! Block it with all your strength! All the warriors with a cultivation base lower than Shengmian retreat!" Wei Wunian shouted, and then rushed towards the terrifying fireball!

Several Heaven Forbidden level powerhouses all rushed up!




Several forces collided, and the weak ones flew out directly.

But several of them were directly injured, staggering again and again, spewing blood.

"Too...too strong! Not one level at all!"

Jian Wunan said with a painful expression on his chest.

"A bunch of ants!"

The Flame Demon sneered.

The players in the distance couldn't help but swallow.

"This TM is... too fierce, right?"

"What kind of existence did the Great God Chenmo provoke! This..."

"It's over! This is over! Brothers, let's run too, I always feel that if we don't run, we might have to die!"

"Grass mud horse! Hang up! I'll finish watching when I die! It's wonderful."


"Everyone, slaughter this deity!"

The Flame Demon said lightly to the seven people behind him.


Then they rushed up!

Although Wei Wunian and others have big opinions on Chen Mo, they are now grasshoppers on a rope, and since they have decided to join the Fengshen Sect, they are also members of the Fengshen Sect, and although they have opinions, But after all, they are well-known decent sects. Although well-known decent sects also have many evil people, at least they, at least on this occasion, they are not, they will be willing to fight!

Whoosh whoosh——

Then Wei Wunian and others greeted them one after another.

Ye Yuhan, and even Han Jiangxue, Tang Panpan directly wanted to rush to help.


Chen Mo said to them.


Tang Panpan bit his red lips.

"You can't beat the strength of the seven lowest sages, retreat to Fengshen Sect!"

"I can try."

Ye Yuhan said.

"Neither can you, leave it to me."


"You all get back~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Ruhan said slightly.

Sometimes it's right to hide herself, but sometimes she has to reveal her true power. In this situation, she has to take action.

But Chen Mo didn't know! They can't take action anymore. They are guests, and it is already embarrassing to let them fight. How can they take such a big risk again?

Give it to him!

What should be hidden needs to be hidden, but if it cannot be hidden, then it cannot be hidden!

"Fairy Master, you can withdraw, don't worry, leave it to me."

Xiao Ruhan frowned, he? How could he?

"Don't worry, withdraw!"

There is no doubt in Chen Mo's tone.

(End of this chapter)

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