I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 607: The sensation caused by Shura

Chen Mo broke out with a force that made everyone feel heartbroken! A black stream of light entangled around him! Chen Mo's eyes glowed with blood.


In the next instant, a few hundred meters around Chen Mo's body burst instantly, and a monstrous black light rushed to the sky.


The sky, which was originally a clear sky, just because of this black light rushing into the sky, the whole sky turned into chaos, darkness...flashing with lightning, everyone around felt the violent wind, the sudden gust of wind, they could not stand at all. It was like a sudden thunderstorm, but it was much more fierce than a thunderstorm.

Those who don't understand don't understand, but those who understand feel that Chen Mo's breath is from the heart's fear.

That breath makes people subconsciously jealous, afraid, and all the despair, inferiority, fear, and trembling in the heart are coming out of this power!

"This... what power is this?"

Everyone looked at Chen Mo shudderingly.

"This...is this the final hole card of the Great God Chen Mo?"

"It's terrible? Why do I want to surrender, no, more than that, why is my heart beating faster and afraid?"

"It's shocking! But... can you beat it?"


Can it be played?

They may not know how stupid their thoughts are now. It is not a question of whether they can survive, but... how long the Balrog can last!

[Phantom God Change-Shura]: User: Shura (Dust Mo), effect: After release, Shura can become a prosperous state, gaining all its powers and skills, lasting one minute, and reducing the level by 5 after the end. No consumption, lifetime use times: 1/1.

That's right, what Chen Mo released was naturally the phantom change, and it was Shura's phantom change.

Now Chen Mo has two abilities of illusion change, one is Shura and the other is love saint. Chen Mo doesn't know who is stronger, but he only knows that Shura is an absolute killer, at least the attack ability is definitely the strongest!

Now Chen Mo is very angry, very angry, otherwise he would not release Shura's phantom change directly, can anyone ride on his head and do whatever he wants? One after another endlessly, right? Chen Mo just didn't think about any bells and whistles, the price or anything! Too lazy to think about it! Just kill it!


Seeing the power released by Chen Mo and Venerable Apocalypse in the distance, Qin Changqing showed an expression of disbelief!

"What kind of power is this? Why is it so killing?"

Venerable Apocalypse is sweating all over! He even thought that if Chen Mo went to his Apocalypse Palace to release this power, he felt that the huge Apocalypse Palace could not stop it!

how can that be?

Even if you say that he has a very special ability, why can he explode such a terrifying pressure?

"Love Saint?"

Qin Changqing also said with fear.

Originally, Chen Mo was not worth mentioning in his eyes. If it weren’t for normal that he couldn’t face him, he thought he would have killed Chen Mo a long time ago, but now he doesn’t dare to think like that anymore, thinking it’s a terrible sight in the distance. He is afraid of the power! It's the fear from the heart.

"No! This is definitely not the love saint! The love saint’s power is not like this. This killing power is the best that the deity has seen in his life. Except for one kind of power, the deity can’t think of any other power that can burst out the tremors of all things. Killing!"

"What power!"



"This little Momo..."

Xiao Ruhan was also surprised by the power released by Chen Mo!

He knew that Chen Mo had Shura's power. He had never thought that he could explode with power that might be comparable to that of Shura's heyday. Why did she think so? She was afraid of this coercion! She has almost no power of fear in the entire continent, perhaps stronger than her, but she is not afraid! But only with this power, she would be jealous from the heart!

But what she is worried about now is not this, but...

Once his Shura's power is exposed, the chain effect and cost are simply too great!

If she knew he was going to explode the power of Shura, she would rather expose herself! But now it is too late!

There is another point. The most terrifying thing about Shura is his power, and there is another terrible place, that is, it will make people lose their minds and become Shura. If he does not release, Xiao Ruhan may not be too worried, but he releases today. With this strength of Shura power, Xiao Ruhan was very afraid of one thing, and that was the impact on his mind!

His advantage lies in the fact that he clearly has the power of Shura but not Shura, but what if he becomes Shura?

very dangerous.



In the Moon God Palace, the Moon God couldn't help standing up seeing Chen Mo's burst of power!

It was enough to show how uneasy she was to see this power!

Even the demon clan, even the top ten demon temples will not let her look so beautiful, she is afraid of, the only power that the world is afraid of is Shura!

She knows the horror of Shura too well, that is not something human can resist. Even if she is, she may be able to fight Shura for tens of thousands of rounds, but Shura must win!

This is not the point, an out of control Shura is terrible! It is a threat to the entire continent!

"It turns out that he inherited Shura's power. It turns out that he is that person, Xiao Ruhan, did you know it early on!"

She frowned, staring at the mirror image closely.

"No, this power is obviously the power of Shura's heyday. If something goes wrong, I am afraid the world will become purgatory!"

Then her figure disappeared in place.

There are not many things that allow her to take action, but Shura is definitely one of them!


On the island of Shengyao Tiancheng, the emperor of Shengyao frowned her eyebrows, her slender jade hands slightly fortune-telling.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Jun Tian in front of him also saw the frowning Dai Mei of Empress Saint Yao and asked quickly.

There are definitely not many things in this world that can show her such sadness!

"Sura is born!"

The Empress Saint Yao said with complicated eyes.


"The full strength of Shura, I'm afraid this Shura has been hidden for a long, long time, wait!"

She suddenly thought of something!


He was the only one who passed through that experience after her~www.readwn.com~ She asked him, he said that he hadn’t seen Shura, but now that Shura appeared, she suddenly thought of Chen street.

And that location...

Isn't it the location of the Fengshen Sect he built?

not good! It really is him!

He actually got Shura's power!

"Go open the gate of Jiuzhou! Go to Fengshen Sect!"

The Empress Saint Yao quickly said.


Jun Tian also quickly walked away.

Empress Shengyao stood up, her eyes were complicated.

"I hope you don't become a real Shura, my deity... I don't want to kill you." Empress Sheng Yao muttered to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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