I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 609: 1 sword beyond the world

In the next instant, Chen Mo raised his hand towards the void and opened his palm.


Above the void, a huge whirlpool appeared, and then the sword of calamity that had been magnified hundreds of millions of times slowly descended as if it had pierced the sky!

Everyone's pupils shrink!

This scene was really shocking.

"Too...too strong!"

"This is the most shocking picture I have seen since playing virtual online games!"

"This may only appear in science fiction movies! What kind of terrifying power will be next?"


"Little Momo..."

Xiao Ruhan looked up at this scene and frowned.

She didn't know what Chen Mo was in now, she could only hope that it was all right.

In the next moment, Chen Mo held the light and shadow of the 10,000-meter giant sword in both hands, stood on the void, and slowly raised it.

The flame demon swallowed, watching this scene in despair!

His first reaction was to run, but... he found himself unable to move.

He was desperate, he regretted it, why did he come? Why are you looking for him?

And the overwhelming force that slowly lifted up made him feel the threat of death that he had never had before.

With this sword, he might die...

Do not! Is bound to die!


In the next instant, the Balrog knelt on the ground.

"Let me go! Please let me go!"

The Flame Demon said hoarsely.

Everyone's eyes widened.

This is the Balrog! This is the demon god, the flame demon hall demon god, one of the ten great demon temples! He... actually knelt there begging for mercy!

This Chen Mo... is against the sky! !


"One of the ten big bosses that our player will eventually face, kneel...kneeling there and begging Chenmo for mercy..."

"Chen Mo, it's a god!"


Suddenly they realized that if this sword was cut down, they might die!

"Don't run, you can't run away!"


At this moment, Chen Mo, the 10,000-meter giant sword was already raised above his head, and the black thunder was entwined in the sky, and the visual impact shook everyone's heart.


There was a sound in Chen Mo's throat.


In the next instant, he slashed a shocking sword at the position of the flame demon!

"no no!!"

The flame demon watched the sword slash down but could do nothing!

"Do not!!"

The flame demon roared hoarse, and then his voice was covered by a sword that shook the world.


Heaven and earth cut everything with one sword!

As a sound that shook the world fell, the surrounding area became quiet.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

"Ding... your level is increased to 70."

"Ding... your level is lowered by five."

"Ding...for unknown reasons, Shura Illusory God has become beyond the time limit, and your level is reduced by five."

"Ding... your level is lowered by five."


The world seems to be flattened.

The dust dissipated completely, and a huge sky appeared where the sword was cut, as if it had cut an originally flat map in half! The flame demon had already been wiped out.

There used to be a lot of players watching the show around, but now they basically have nothing to do with them. They were all killed by the shock of that terrifying force. Maybe only some people far away survived, but the Fengshen Sect was fine. ! In the subconscious, Chen Mo controlled the direction and didn't hurt Feng Shenzong a bit.

Chen Mo panted, his figure suddenly fell from above the void.

In the game, the player’s normal pain is very small. The feeling of hunger, tiredness, etc. can almost be ignored, but Chen Mo is really tired, very tired, and all of his strength was emptied for a while, and he felt deeply before. When his consciousness was swallowed, but fortunately it did not completely disappear, he was still able to control himself, as if he was dizzy after drinking, but not to the level of drunkenness! Feeling slightly drunk.

But after that, Chen Mo really lost his strength and fell down.


Xiao Ruhan jumped and hugged Chen Mo before landing steadily.

"Xiao Momo, Xiao Momo."

Xiao Ruhan shook Chen Mo, Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes, not wanting to move, but with his strong willpower, he was slowly recovering!

He is a player! It's really weird for players to have such situations in the game.

"It's okay."

Chen Mo slowly stood up with Xiao Ruhan's support.

"Big brother……"

"Brother Chenmo!"

"Master Chenmo!"


Others also ran over. The girls subconsciously wanted to hug Chen Mo, but seeing Chen Mo's weakness, they didn't dare to touch them.

"Is the flame demon dead?"

"Under that kind of power, I am afraid that even an eight-spotted iron armor elephant of the same level will be seriously injured. The flame demon has naturally fallen."

Wei Wunian came over and said.

It was really shocking. Originally I felt very bad and unhappy, but seeing Chen Mo's power, he accepted it.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded.

In the distance, Qing Qiu frowned when watching this scene.

"He actually possesses Shura's power."

Qingqiu was extremely shocked! How can she complete the task with such power?

But it seems that he is only released this time, right? At least it is difficult to release in a short period of time, but it may be a good opportunity for her.

At this time, the light in front of him flickered, and Long Xu and others also appeared in place! They looked at the huge moat and showed shocked expressions.

Here, what have you just experienced?

There was a very burly man standing beside them.

The man walked over and bowed respectfully to Chen Mo and the others.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry, just now I don't know why I was controlled, so I waited for you to shoot, please forgive me."

Obviously he is the human body of the eight-spot iron-clad elephant, and now he is naturally back to normal, and he is full of guilt for what he did.

"It's okay, it's not from the predecessor's intention, then it's okay."

Chen Mo raised his hands hard and gave a fist.

Really, I can't lift my hands a bit!

"I'm sorry for the trouble you have caused, but the Star Forest is also badly injured. I need to go back and rehabilitate it. If I need my help in the future, please come to the Star Forest to find me at any time, in order to make up for my fault. Swordsmanship, you are here! Goodbye everyone!"

He then gave them a punch, and then the figure galloped towards the sky~www.readwn.com~boy, what's the matter? "

Hua Sheng then walked over and looked at Chen Mo.

Next to Chen Mo, the three girls were very consistent, although they did not hug him, but they all gently tugged at the corner of Chen Mo's clothes.

Chen Mo shook his head: "It's a little weak."

"It seems that the moat was cut out by a sword."

Flower Saint looked at the huge moat, he thought he couldn't do it anyway, it was too big, too deep, too long.

"It's okay." Chen Mo shook his head.

"No, the trouble has just begun." Xiao Ruhan sighed as he looked at the distance.

(End of this chapter)


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