I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 614: Immortal Emperor

These five forces are more entangled!

On the one hand, I hope that there is no such hidden danger on the mainland. On the other hand, I actually feel that it is really not good for so many powerful people to target a junior.

The remaining five powers, they weighed again and again, and finally the three powers entered the left. As the Tianjian Mountain, which is connected with Weiyang Palace and Misty Peak, also chose to stand on the side of Chen Mo, and the other one, many people Unexpectedly, that would be Xianzong, and Xianzong finally chose to stand on Chen Mo's side!


In fact, the idea of ​​Xianzong is very simple, they are facing each other with Moon God Palace! That's it! And it doesn't matter if they stand on Chen Mo's side, because it is 8 to 7 in the end! The left side of the team is nine to six, and you lose no matter what! Simply insisted on the confrontation with the Moon God Palace.

What makes it very, very difficult for many people to accept is that the fifteen forces supporting Chenmo are only one less than those who oppose it! Many people thought it was a one-sided situation! But the end result still let those people breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's clear now, eight to seven, should you be able to do it?"

The pope said coldly.


Xiao Ruhan clenched his powder fist.

She couldn't just let Xiao Momo be killed.

The three little loli behind Chen Mo looked at those who opposed Chen Mo and wanted to kill him with angry eyes.

Anyone who wants to kill his big brother is a bad guy!


The Moon God nodded slightly and looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's eyes met her.

"Because Shura's power is too terrifying, so I can only choose on the spot, do it on the spot, I hope you don't blame me for waiting!"

"You are going to kill me, can't you let me blame you? It's really interesting!"

Chen Mo said coldly.


Luna nodded slightly.


Then there was a force of heaven lingering in her palms.

"and many more!"

At this time, that Long Xu stood up!

"Your Excellency Moon God, the old man thinks you have forgotten something!"

The power between the Moon God's palms disappeared.

"Your Excellency, please speak."

She said lightly.

"What Shura is threatening is the entire continent, but why is the final decision left to the fifteen forces of your human race? Don't my monster race have the right to participate?"

Moon God nodded slightly when he heard Long Xu's words.

"It was the deity's negligence! The monster race should indeed be qualified."

At that moment, Moon God breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

She chose to get rid of Chen Mo because of her identity. In fact, she didn’t want to get rid of him more in her heart. But 8 to 7 gave her a reason to get rid of Chen Mo, but now it is 8 to 8 again. She did not get rid of Chen Mo.

"Since your Lord Moon God said so, I, the Sheng Yang clan, will vote on behalf of the Yao clan for the time being!"

Then Long Xu stood to the left!

All of a sudden, the situation on the field changed rapidly, eight to eight, and it was even!

This TM is too exciting.


The momentary changes on the court made it difficult for those who opposed Chen Mo to accept it, and those who supported Chen Mo showed surprise expressions.

"Then how is this good?"

An old man asked.

This is already the case, can it be changed?

I can't!

It must be difficult to kill him today! Because this is not something that one or two parties who want to kill Chen Mo can decide, they can't act hard, because the strong ones who support Chen Mo are not weak at all!


"Everyone of Xianzong, is this your choice? Xianzong, as an existence at the same level as the Moon God Palace, is one of the two most solid forces guarding the continent, but what you choose now is the biggest one that supports a continent. Threat, do you think this is the right choice?"

The pope's gaze looked at the people of Xianzong with an overwhelming momentum.

Yes, his words stand directly from the perspective of the mainland, making it difficult for Xianzong to choose!

"I know everyone in Xianzong thinks that Chenmo will die no matter it's 8:7 or 9:6, but now this situation is all because of Xianzong's choice. You can think about it again. right!"

The pope is aggressive!

"Huh! What? Can't it be changed after the choice?" Xiao Ruhan stared at the pope coldly.

"Why not? This is a matter of life and death in the world. Naturally, you have to weigh the pros and cons of the choice, and the people of Xianzong just chose not to kill Chenmo. They are more from his point of view. Both left and right lose. Don't want him. It's too ugly to lose, isn't it?"

What kind of grievances does this pope have with him? Why have you been targeting him everywhere?

This is what Chen Mo puzzled!

Everyone from that Xianzong glanced at everyone.

"Let me wait to discuss!"

After a while, the footsteps that represented the Xianzong powerhouse began to move to the left.


A voice suddenly came, and then a handsome man appeared in front of everyone.

Juntian also.

"Little Lord……"

Everyone in Xianzong was taken aback when seeing him.

"I think, as a decent sect, no matter what the intention is, since you have made a choice and then change, I am afraid that you will be laughed at by the world!" Jun Tian also said slightly while looking at the people in Xianzong.

It doesn't matter what he chooses, he only knows that Sheng Yao, whom he admires, has chosen to support Chen Mo, so he hopes to do his best! He is a member of Xianzong, no, he used to be, but he hopes that he can have a little influence on Xianzong.

Upon hearing Jun Tianyi's words, the representative of Xianzong stopped! Choose to continue to stand with Chen Mo.

Seeing this scene, everyone who supported Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, the mutation happened again.

On the horizon, a gleam of golden light lifted the clouds to see the sun, and then a figure emitting golden light stood above the void.

"Xianzong, choose to support the left!"

There was a majestic voice from the Void.

Everyone looked up at him.


"I have seen Lord Immortal Emperor!"

"See Lord Xiandi!"



Jun Tian also looked at that figure~www.readwn.com~ secretly clenched his fists.

"Jun Tian also has nothing to do with our Xianzong. His decision is not effective. Xianzong, as one of the solid forces guarding the mainland, naturally upholds the first in the mainland. Shura must be eradicated from this world, otherwise there will be endless troubles. You and others who support Chenmo, the purpose of the super sect’s establishment, the mainland is the first priority, and personal emotions second. In this regard, I am afraid that you have violated the purpose of establishing the sect? Now you are still complacent about being able to protect Chenmo , You, are you worthy to be the master of a sect? It's ridiculous!

Then he continued: "Xianzong has to choose to change his choice no matter what, all consequences and all public opinion shall be borne by the emperor himself!"


The representative of the Immortal Emperor bowed respectfully, and then stepped to the left.

Nine to seven!

This is a choice that cannot be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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