I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 617: The panic of the strong

It was the second time that the light of Shenqing made Xiaoyuan react. He stood above the void and looked down at the world. The next moment she held her head in pain.

Three seconds later, she lost all her strength, closed her eyes, and fell from the void!

Chen Mo took the flying power of the flower cloak, flew into the void, and hugged Xiao Yuan that fell in his arms.

"One day, all my Chenmo will be returned to you today!"

Chen Mo glanced at the people below, and then their figures disappeared in place, including Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou standing in the Wind God Sect at the same time!

The power of empty magic stone!

When Xiaoyuan broke the 10,000-meter giant sword that imprisoned him, he could already use the empty magic stone!

This scene happened so quickly and unimaginably.

Around, quiet down!

The strong men on the ground stood up full of blood, meditated quickly, and recovered from their injuries!

After a long time, they opened their eyes.

"Everyone, are you satisfied now?"

The pope glanced angrily at all those who supported Chen Mo before.

"Pope, what do you mean?"

"The evildoers are all evildoers, and that Chenmo is Shura. The little girl beside him is a legendary calamity with the power of calamity. Two existences that will eventually harm the mainland are now together. You just saw it. The power between the raised hands of the Lady of Calamity is no longer something we can resist. If the two of them join hands in the future, can anyone survive in the mainland? Can someone stop them?"

The pope asked coldly.

"Yes, if that happens, all of you will be the chief culprit in the mainland!"

The seriously injured Venerable Apocalypse stood up with his chest, pointed at Tang Tianhao, and Lingjian Pavilion and others said angrily.

"Listen to the deity, at that time, he directly killed that Chen Mo, and what else?"

The pope said coldly.

"Huh! Who knows that the girl is the daughter of disaster? And, if Chen Mo was really killed at that time, does the Pope think that girl will let everyone present? You, we are all going to die!"

Venerable Holy Sword said coldly.

"Huh! That girl is the daughter of disaster. It is obvious that her burst of power can't last for long. You can kill it as soon as her power disappears. Now it's fine. The greatest hazards of the two continents are now gone, even the dust Before Mo Lin left, he let go of his harsh words. Who will fight against the consequences?"

Then the Pope looked at the Emperor Sheng Yao.

"Your Excellency, you have the law of space, why don't you use the law of space to block the space? If you block the space, the dust and the daughter of the disaster can't escape even if they want to escape. The power of the empty magic stone cannot break through the law. Power! You want to shield Chenmo, don't you? You should seal off the space when you come here, and you are most responsible for the matter today!"

The Empress Saint Yao looked at the pope.

For some reason, Chen Mo ran out and she felt happy for him, even if he was Shura in the future, there was even a disaster girl beside him! But in her opinion, they are all right! There is really nothing wrong!

"Have the Pope ever thought that if it weren't for you and the beheading of the emperor, the daughter of calamity wouldn't have erupted? Have you ever thought that you actually created the eruption of the daughter of calamity and caused The current situation? Before that, when was that girl not a simple, cute and kind girl? She broke out to protect Chenmo! Didn't you see that Chenmo finally released two magical powers in a row and will run away Controlled by the daughter of disaster, otherwise, we will all die in her hands. If we insist on saying that, in the end, even Chenmo rescued you, how come the Pope?"

Then the Empress Shengyao continued: "As for Chenmo's escape, the deity has never released the space blockade. The deity feels that it is not important, and who knows that there is an empty magic stone in his hand? Since the Pope said so, then Why didn’t the Pope remind the deity to release the space blockade at first?"

Empty magic stone, of course she knew that Chen Mo had it, and she even gave it to Chen Mo! She would normally block the space as soon as she came over, because the power of the law could not break through even the empty magic stone, let alone any other space power, so the normal her space blockade was released, and the other party would not. There is any possibility of escape!

But she deliberately did not release the space blockade, because she knew that Chen Mo had an empty magic stone in her hands, and she wanted Chen Mo to escape!

Shura, although terrible! But she always felt that Chen Mo was not a killer. She always felt that there must be a way to prevent Shura from becoming Shura. There is really no such absolute thing. She wanted to give Chen Mo a chance, but didn't want to see a heaven. The Wizard of Zong has fallen!

Rather than blaming Chen Mo, she really feels that these strong men should be more to blame!

What about Shura? Has he done anything bad? No!

Then why not open one eye and close one eye? Why can't you give him more time? Why can't you do it on him as a last resort?

Because of their eagerness, it led to the birth of the daughter of disaster! But she was born for protection, because Chen Mo would die if she did not appear!

Everything has a causal cycle. Without the former, there would be no latter!

"Huh! Anyway, everyone is wrong today! Lord Moon God, look at what you should do now!"

The Pope looked at the muffled Moon God.

"Cough cough cough--"

At this time, the embarrassed Immortal Emperor was covered with blood, clutching his chest and stood up, his eyes full of stern!

"How is it good? The two biggest threats have now escaped. The two of them threaten the mainland. Whether it is Shura or the daughter of disaster, it is now in an unformed period. In a short time, they will definitely not be able to release this again. Wait for the power, but if you drag it down, wait until they are completely strong and release that power at will, and the world will become purgatory."

"Emperor Yixian means..."

"According to the emperor's order~www.readwn.com~ everyone in Tianlin Continent, all the big clans, all the big clans, all the strong, the whole continent wants Chenmo! The mainland enters the first-level alert state, it is bound to be caught in a short time Live them and kill them!"

After speaking, he looked at the Moon God.

"My Lord Moon God, is it feasible?"

"It's better to consider this matter in the long term."

Hearing the words of the Moon God, the immortal emperor said angrily: "Long-term planning? Long-term planning again? If you just started directly, there will be no worries now!"

"As the female emperor said, if Chenmo was killed just now, the daughter of calamity must slaughter everyone!"

"That's just because we don't know that there is a daughter of disaster! If we know it, can't it be killed instantly with Chen Mo before it breaks out?" Immortal Emperor said angrily.

(End of this chapter)


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