I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 625: Exposed again?

I have to say that what Qin Heyu said is right and right, and Chen Mo really dare not jump out now!

Indeed, in Chen Mo's current cognition, no one knows his true identity, which is Chen Mo = Gongzi Mo = Chen Mo! Oh yes, of course, Allure! In his opinion, only she knew.

The facts are almost the same. Under normal circumstances, Qin Heyu would not know it! However, there is Zhang Tianjie beside him! But others don’t know!

Once Chen Mo jumps out now, what are the consequences?

Everyone knows him, even if they don’t believe it, there are always people who will believe it. The people who once lost his eyes know his appearance, and now they know Chen Mo = Gong Zi Mo = Chen Mo, then he will be Pull it out in an instant! And he does not have any ability to fight against those people in reality now, at least he has to wait for his vision to recover, which is the law of life!

"When will you get rid of him?"

Zhang Tianjie looked at Qin Heyu and asked.

"Don't worry, don't worry, he still has one last use. Now because of Chen Mo's shocking things during this period, he is spreading that his strength surpasses Gongzimo, or that he has been with Gongzimo. They are tied together, and his last outburst is to let you defeat him personally and let Gongzimo step on him to become a true god. At that time, the Tianmo Temple will be unstoppable!"

Qin Heyu's eyes flashed with ambition and ambition.

"I can't beat it."

Zhang Tianjie said.

"There is always a way to be able to fight, rest assured, gather my power and the entire Tianmo Temple, there is always a way, if the strength is not good, then use the props! Tianlin has many powerful props! Then Chenmo could have one before. People do whatever they want in the Lingjian Pavilion. I'm afraid they use invincible items that last an hour or long. Those NPCs are all shameless. Can our players not understand? No matter what method is used, just defeat him. Now, the player contest that will not take long is our chance, and it is also your chance to prove that you are the real son Mo! In this world, there is no reason, what the eyes see is reason!" Qin Heyu said lightly.



Of course, Chen Mo, who was on his way, also heard the system prompt.

Chen Mo secretly clenched his fists!

In fact, he expected it, he knew that there would be such a day, but when such a day came, his heart was very heavy!

The ID you typed is used by others, and even used as a special way to build guilds and deceive those people's feelings! But at this time, he still has no way to do it!

At this time, Chen Mo's communicator rang, and Qingcheng called.

"Shall I check it for you?"

After Chen Mo connected, the voice of Allure came directly from the other side.

That's what Qingcheng is like. She won't make a roundabout with you, so she just asks when she calls.

"Well, see if you can help me find out who is behind Tianmo Temple."


After finishing talking, Qingcheng hung up the communicator.

Her cleverness will never be under Chen Mo. Gongzimo is fake, they all know it, but they know better that this Gongzimo must be a **** of some power! The talent behind him is the real mastermind! Of course, it does not rule out that the pretending Gongzi Mo is the mastermind, but the possibility is relatively low, and they are more inclined to the former. As for who Gongzi Mo is, there is basically no possibility of being able to find out, even the people behind it. Basically, the possibility of finding out is very small, but just try it!

Qingcheng and Chen Mo are confidants. They don’t need too much words to get along with each other, but they both understand each other. Maybe they can understand each other with a simple look, because this is the tacit understanding they have cultivated, or they It's like-minded people.

Someone pretended to be Young Master Mo. For Qingcheng, this was something that made her very angry, so she was willing to investigate this matter.

Chen Mo wanted to investigate but didn't have the capital and ability, so he was very grateful to Qingcheng for being willing to help him.

"Building a guild with the name of Gongzimo, for money, for power!"

Chen Mo secretly pondered, he could only think of this! It must be for money and power!

Who actually is? He has some doubts in his heart for so long!

Gongzimo was him, and his eyes were abolished by the Qin family and the Tian family. They knew that Gongzimo would no longer exist, because the eyes could not be cured, so they could use the ID of Gongzimo unscrupulously Come pretend! So these two big families are what Chen Mo suspects!

But whether it was or not, Chen Mo already had an irreconcilable contradiction with the two big families!

"What happened to Big Brother?"

Xiao Yuan, who was holding Chen Mo's right hand, tilted his head and looked at Chen Mo and asked.

No one can hold the left hand, after all, there is still Chunxin's dangling hand, and the other two girls are very cleverly following.

"It's okay, keep going on."

Chen Mo recovered and shook his head.


China, Imperial Capital

In the back garden of a beautiful manor, peach blossoms are blooming, flowers are blooming, and small water trickles into the pond. There are many beautiful goldfish in the pond. This is a really poetic little yard, very beautiful.

And there was a woman in a sky blue dress sitting there, holding a brush in her hand, making a beautiful ink drawing.

Mischievous bangs hung in front of her eyes, her black, untreated long hair fell behind her uncontrollably, and she shook her head unintentionally, revealing those clear and mysterious dark purple eyes and faint cold and thin lips. Slightly squeezed her delicate face with melon seeds, and her long, thick eyelashes were slightly curled up like mimosa leaves. She had a dusty temperament and nobleness on her body.

This is Ye Yuhan's unparalleled appearance that is absolutely not inferior to Tian Lin Zhonghan Jiang Xue.

Maybe there are more beauties of that level in Tianlin, and Skyblue Star will definitely have them, but not so many!


At this time, a maid walked over respectfully, holding a few pieces of paper in her hand and handing it to her.

"Well, what's the result?"

She put down the brush in her hand and took the pieces of paper and opened it, giving her beautiful eyes a slight glance.

"Sure enough, as you said, Miss, after audio comparison, the similarity between Gongzimo's voice and Chenmo's voice reached 98%."

"What about the limbs?"

"Comparison of body and body, the similarity is more than 90%!"

The woman nodded slightly: "I see, go on."


Then she stood up~www.readwn.com~ looked at the pond.

In fact, she only had this suspicion some time ago, because she liked the player Gongzi Mo very much and knew something about him. After seeing Chen Mo's battle, she felt very familiar with it somehow, so she looked for it through many networks. After comparing the audio of Gongzimo and Chenmo many years ago, it is really not difficult to find the audio of Gongzimo many years ago, but it is really difficult to find the kind of high definition and undamaged!

After a series of comparisons, there is a high chance that they are actually alone!

As for the current son Mo... he has only appeared in front of the public once. Although he killed more than a thousand players, it was very strong. She had never doubted these things before, thinking he was the real son Mo, but after watching his battle She was suspicious after the video, because although this Gongzi Mo is a master, his fighting style is a little different from the previous Gong Zi Mo! Although there is still this shadow, but it is different! Combined with the appearance of Chen Mo, only she discovered this matter!

(End of this chapter)


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